Easy way to destroy LGBT and feminism

Trump could undue all the Jewry by simply legalizing steroids. You can literally not find a single steroid user that respects women or wants to be one.
All the emasculated men who would otherwise have become trannies would instead take testosterone to compensate for their effeminate feelings.
So much Jewry undone in no time. And it grows the economy by billions.

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>female hormones are available everywhere and even end up in our water supplies
>Male hormones are hidden from the public like some chemical compound that could be used for making bombs

The evidence that this works in the long run is dubious at best though, plenty of heavy users seem to go gay-for-pay / do “muscle worship” to fund their cycles, or turn into aytogynephile trannies Bruce Jenner style.

A lot of steroid users become trannies in middle age. Jenner is probably the most famous example.

Youbcant find too many long term roiders either as their hearts blow out in 10 years

>huwhite nation full of ascended freakazoids
it would be glorious

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I've been on testosterone for about 5 years. I'm 45 now. Best decision I've ever made. I love the way it makes me feel. I do cycle off once a year though just to let my endocrine system reboot.

you can't find a leftist boydbuilder or even worse a lefty powerlifter, kek remember when eddie hall start kind of namig the jew? strength is the ultmate redpill