
>Punish aid abuse, MP demands

>Seattle plane crash – first picture of ‘suicidal’ Horizon Air ground worker Richard Russell, 29, who downed stolen jet

>Anger over plans for death by dangerous cycling laws

> Jim Davidson launches Twitter rant after 'the smallest crowd' attends show

>The Seattle airline employee who managed to steal, fly and crash a plane

>Will the unions defeat Jeremy Corbyn on anti-Semitism?

>Brexit: More than 100 constituencies that backed Leave in 2016 referendum would now vote Remain

>Jacob Rees-Mogg: Boris Johnson burka probe is 'show trial'

>Biker dies in crash with tractor on A77 in East Ayrshire

>Sports charity 'on hold' after sprinter's drugs jailing

>Omagh bomb remembrance service to be held

>Cornwall hit by 'tourist overcrowding' amid UK heatwave

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Other urls found in this thread:

YOU gay black bastard

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can user who posted 7. repost please. what did you mention.. "Castle doctrine" ? and the stand your ground laws ?

1. We demand an immediate end to all immigration to protect the majority status of the British People within The UK.

2. We demand the immediate execution of all known Islamic Extremists/Terrorists throughout The UK.

3. As part of a massive restructuring of the British Education System, Universities will be limited to teaching only the most important subjects to society: Science, Mathematics, English (History, Philosophy etc).

4. We demand all English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish & Crown Dependency male citizens upon turning 16 years of age are subject to compulsory military service. All males between the age of 18 & 23 must complete a basic military service program of six months' duration once this law has been installed as part of a broader plan to strengthen the British Armed Forces.

5. We demand immediate action regarding the conservation of our green and pleasant countryside by implementing heavier fines for pollution/litter and a ban on overbuilding in rural areas as well as a nationwide plan to clean up existing litter and a plan regarding the future and reduction of Britain's usage of non-biodegradable products.

6. We demand the immediate implication of a country wide dietary plan to strengthen the health of the British People by reducing the amount of unhealthy food produced and consumed, which will in turn cause the standard of animal welfare across Britain's farms to increase.


*cycles towards you*

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i gotta fucking fix that

im going to go ahead and sage this shite thread

Fuck off with your gay shit

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7. We demand the repeal of all gun bans, and a strengthening of self defence rights - the most fundamental right. To include stand your ground (no duty to retreat before an attacker) and castle doctrine (no need to acsertain motive of a home invader before using deadly force)

Yeah well i'm going to bump it

>right wing intellectuals

Actually a good article from Dicky Spencer

Its bascily goal-posting but in the form of an well done critical article instead of badly drawn brainlet wojaks

*walks towards you*

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*takes junior telesales position in your office*

How do we save Brit/pol/?

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is she your waifu?

Ffs. Is there anyone on here who isnt a faggot, tranny, degenerate weeb, or have catastrophic mental issues?

Fancy not supporting the EU withdrawal white paper. Apparently your rights to travel are going to be decided bilaterally across Europe which I find hard to understand, perhaps each European country will deal with the UK individually rather than the EU rules applying any more. Obviously this raises a number of questions. As in in doesn't sound possible.

And what you little bitch?

She is our waifu now. Maybe it will trigger you mongs enough to actually maintain decent threads.

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*goes to Greggs*

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First off, fuck europe. Second, itll be just like the rest of the world then.

A diaper wearing furry posts better content than you. British furry fandom has a greater impact on national affairs than right wing politics. The fucking state of you.

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kys you fucking nonce

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Daily reminder British furfags have gone on gay pride parades dressed up as dogs while your ideas haven't made it beyond the walls of your room. THE STATE OF BRITISH CONSERVATIONISM

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Go back to redit you pedophile piece of shit

>d, perhaps each European country will deal with the UK individually rather than the EU rules applying any more.
how the fuck will that work when there is suposed to be no internal borders in the schengen area

I see your point. You'll all have to keep an eye on your holiday villas then, you might end up having them confiscated or something.

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Bongs along with krauts are disgusting furfags

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fuck is this shit lads?

manjeela and her jew and pedo mate says we all love racist toffs

Since most of you are from redit

The left are eating themselves, it's hilarious lol

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stop this furry shit or i will blow the lid off the discord

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You have no counterargument because you know what I'm saying is true. I've done a number on you.

Yeah, worrying about all my holiday villas is keeping me up at night, mate.

lol I forgot you were still here. What was your argument?

>Jeremy Corbyn did not declare his controversial wreath-laying trip to Tunisia, raising the possibility that he broke Parliamentary rules.

>But an examination of Parliament’s Register of Interests shows that Corbyn never declared the trip. Parliamentary rules state that MPs must declare “any visits to destinations outside the UK where the cost is over £300 if that cost is not wholly borne by the Member or by UK public funds.”

>While it is possible that Corbyn paid for the trip himself, an entry in the Lords Register of Interests suggests it may have been paid for. A “visit to Tunisa” registered by Conservative peer Lord Sheikh matches the dates of Corbyn’s trip and Corbyn’s statement that the visit was at the “invitation of the President of Tunisia”.

>Trip paid for by Tory Lord

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Why do you watch shit like this? Philosophers for centuries have understood the differences between rural and city peoples' psychology, i honest to god wish russia would nuke all our cities right now.

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