Why is it suddenly popular for U.S. citizens to hate their country? Like its looked down upon to be patriotic for your country, or hell, even encouraged to disrespect and shame the U.S. like its the spawn of satan.
Why is it suddenly popular for U.S. citizens to hate their country...
literally always been this way you retard. Fuck the government and fuck their taxes and fuck the banks
The left wrecked it. In a sense, the left have become the new conservatives. That's why you see them tirelessly working to defend their welfare state, the immigration status quo, and hurling insults like unamerican and calling right-wingers traitors, when a generation ago they were on the receiving end of such accusations.
Chinese influence subverting the press and social media
I love America but hate (((America)))
There's always been groups who hate America, I think since around the 60's
> this
because liberal cucks have turned the US into an empire
for us to overthrow the kikes the american cuckpire has to fall
>the U.S. like its the spawn of satan.