Bernie Sanders > Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders > Donald Trump.

Prove me wrong.

Attached: bernie.jpg (851x619, 40K)

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He looks like he could use another house.
Who will match me?

Bernie is a kike.
Trump arguably isnt.

QED faggot

Just gonna leave this faggy thread on in the background to see if it gets any replies

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Shit on economics and very unreliable on immigration.

They were both being actively sabotaged by their own parties but only Trump actually pulled out a win much less survived primaries.
Also Bernie cucked for Hillary and she still lost, he's a destroyed man.

He always feels the "burn" because he is always trying to think!

Bernie Sanders is standard European style social democrat. It's funny to see Americans reactions.

Hillary Clinton > Bernie Sanders > Donald Trump.

Prove me wrong.

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I can reply that it would be in our Russian intrests if Corbyn and Sanders would win in both of your respected countries

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