Bernie Sanders > Donald Trump.
Prove me wrong.
Bernie Sanders > Donald Trump.
Prove me wrong.
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He looks like he could use another house.
Who will match me?
Bernie is a kike.
Trump arguably isnt.
QED faggot
Just gonna leave this faggy thread on in the background to see if it gets any replies
Shit on economics and very unreliable on immigration.
They were both being actively sabotaged by their own parties but only Trump actually pulled out a win much less survived primaries.
Also Bernie cucked for Hillary and she still lost, he's a destroyed man.
He always feels the "burn" because he is always trying to think!
Bernie Sanders is standard European style social democrat. It's funny to see Americans reactions.
Hillary Clinton > Bernie Sanders > Donald Trump.
Prove me wrong.
I can reply that it would be in our Russian intrests if Corbyn and Sanders would win in both of your respected countries