Why do Blacks insist Egypt was Ounce Ruled by Africans?

Why do Blacks insist Egypt was Ounce Ruled by Africans?

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technically it was ruled by Africans
just not by niggers

Can you please explain how a country in Africa wasn't ruled by Africans?

Stealing their culture because they have none

Because its in africa so if its in africa it was obviously niggers in their head
Cant expect much form them

So they did have Black rulers at one point?

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they counter argument is that Egyptians where white Europeans.

so that they can LARP that they've actually done something in history

Ok, idiot. Africa is a continent, with many countries. Listen here moron, different countries have different cultures, customs, people, etc. You're a real smart guy, huh?

They did have nubian pharaohs at one point for a VERY short time, but that still has zero relation to the west african bantus that were brought to the west, which those people descend from