His name was Richard Russell....
His name was Richard Russell
Adrian Morgan
Landon Roberts
James James
Hail the Skyking!
Aiden Barnes
>Hey guys lets turn into a suicide cult
John Lewis
Cameron Lee
>Jow Forums isn't a suicide cult
Gabriel Hernandez
t. reddit queer
Ryder Walker
will you fags quit wetting your panties over this fag? It's fucking embarrassing. I'll bet reddit isn't jacking off to his story like all you fag bottoms are. It's sad.
Levi Nelson
>Honoring a man who risked it all to feel true freedom in his last moments is a cult
>Implying this is something more than just the newest feel-good Jow Forums meme
Dylan Torres
Just another psy op after dorner pissed of glow in the dark niggers
Enjoy your idolisation of a suicidal nut, retard