How does it make you feel that a 28 year old would go about her life being a successful politician...

How does it make you feel that a 28 year old would go about her life being a successful politician, activist and the media's darling spotlight star without ever seeing any of your pathetic cringe posts and le ebin may mays and photoshops? You waste your precious hours day in and day out to no avail but she continues to conquere great feats and achievements at a young age, all of which none of you could achieve even when you're 70.

All of that bitching, moaning whinning and yelping and she'd never hear/see any of it, she'll just work hard and reach the office being a class act while most of you will live grow old and pathetic on a camodian cunny posting forum. Sad!

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Fuck. I’ll get it one day.

Do you think her girlcock still works after all those years on hormones? I hope it does.

The leafposter returns.

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Hi Alexadria...

Cute. Now go look at yourself in the mirror, take in the failure that is your existence.

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Higher they rise, harder harder they fall. Not so bad here on the ground floor.

literally who?

Stop posting these threads. Sage.

Imagine how much old kike cock she had to suck to get to where she is. She's bought and paid, and idiots will buy her genuinty.

Bruh you better focus on your own party trying to shut down Ocasio-Cortez, it's establishment dems and neocohens like kike shapiro who don't want to divide the democrat party. She'll be a great figure to scare more whites from the left

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Yeah, she's going to be super successful. I don't see Pelosi letting her have any committee assignments after knocking off her number two and dragging the public conversation so far to the left that it hurts their perception with moderates.

>"We do not want the image of being a bunch of weird losers who march around like assholes while completely outnumbered and get mocked by the entire planet," he added, although many would affirm that his complaint came too late.

Kek even the Nazi's call you pathetic weird losers. Its even in the fucking headlines LOL

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How much of Germany is Nazi now?

everyone lurks on Jow Forums and literally nobody admits it

>Being a politician in this sick country is an achievement.

What's your point? The same could be said for some politician you hate and yet here you are posting away?

If anything Its sadder for you since you are doing exactly that but on a board you don't even like.

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we dont care cuz its funny to see faggoty whiteknights like you whine about how somebody you dont even know personally is doing "way better" than your political enemies. ahahah keep whining, faggot.

dont even bother replying because i know, like the shill you are, you're gonna say shit like "stupid fucking muzcuck" since you're being paid to go against the non-existent values you have.

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I don't give a fuck. One day we'll all be dead, and it won't even matter. Well, maybe not for you, because you'll go straight memeflag hell with the rest of the memeflagging faggots.

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>Not so bad here on the ground floor.

...said the insect, feeding off scraps, commenting on a soaring phoenix. Atleast you know your place, pest.

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post more images of the bitch you orbit, cuck. tell me that i'm "gaining nothing". do it, you faggot. it's your fucking job to keep posting her.