Russian trolls better fucking watch themselves

Russian trolls better fucking watch themselves

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Other urls found in this thread:

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daily reminder

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>lurking troll on the internet makes you a hero now
This world is satire lol

Wtf is that camera angle.

Trying to hide his tiny head and glass “chin.”

makes him arms look like they're not noodle tier and also upwards facing camera angles like that create the illusion of authority and power

Because the ethnic hatred of Russians goes back centuries with the Jews.

Attached: 1493353035584.jpg (5874x1596, 4M)

He's a big guy lol

>he's a big guy
For you

Consequences will never be the same.

CNN is such a fucking joke

I'm confused, what are Russian trolls? These people are insane

I thought it said Indian dad

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That’s the “I can’t even bench two plates but from this angle I look like a beast” shot

Too bad I don't have twatter account, I want to ask him if he shaves his head to stop guys like me pulling the back of his hair while he is getting ass fucked from behind.

so old democratic jews, makes sense

I live in Indiana. I'll beat this faggot's ass. Come at me, cyka blyat!

Attached: russianbot.jpg (750x908, 137K)

Little do you realize he gets off on getting his ass beaten.

>after tucking his wife's son in, this indiana dad spends hours harassing anyone critical of the CIA and accusing anti-war activists of being KGB agents

remember that vast conspiracies blanketing ethnic minorities as a collective menace is reactionary and wrong (except when democrats do it)

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Those problem glasses undermine every attempt he makes at showing masculinity.

Q predicted this

I've been a Russian troll ever since I was seduced by Anna Chapman.

I do it for free.

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Cuckservative cocksucking liberal queers need to start being fucking FLAYED. This country is a putrid clown show, about 100 million people in it need to be killed.

Is that a Sonenrad tattoo?

It’s my guess that they’re people that deny (((collusion))) and post offensive memes on twitter. Because only a Russian troll would do that.

You would think with such a dangerous reputation, a father would be smart enough to avoid “hunting Russian trolls”.

Maybe there’s a way Jow Forums can fuck with him and he could be duped into thinking it’s Russians and stir up hysteria in his family at the dinner table.

does it have a name?

Does the left realize that every time they try to look tough, we just laugh at them more?

He's using the classic "dick pic" angle to make himself look bigger. Almost certainly a chode.

wtf.. this is not the onion

he's not a leftist, he's a former trump supporter who suddenly realized he can't let drumpf get his hands on the nuclear codes. aka a nevertrump cuckservative - think rick wilson

What would my fellow Russian trolls do in fucking Indiana?

>Russian trolls
Is it so hard to wash the dam dishes, and this carpet is fucking filthy! When was the last time you dusted?

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>he's a former trump supporter who suddenly realized he can't let drumpf get his hands on the nuclear codes. aka a nevertrump cuckservative - think rick wilson
So a leftist

>goes hunting for Russian trolls
>can’t find any
>write shitty article
>still no Russian trolls

someone post another pic

Bake pizzas in Indianapolis. Dominos is fucking overrun with Russian jews. No meme.

better buy some curtains and a dog

Manlet simulator

reading that screenshot just gave me tits from all the soi content

isnt the point of the trolls to take up peoples time liek this and cause a disturbance? isnt he playijng right into the hand of the russians? they are so going to hack our election. i can hear them firing up kali linux right now and throing on an episode of hackerman robot man and tipping thier fedoras while squatting over thier thinkpads.

I know how we can find him.

>Find this app: LandGlide

I don’t want to pay $9.99 a month, but you get a free trial, mine expired.

Lookup the Bloomington, IN area and search for “Josh/Joshua Russell”

You’ll likely find multiple people with the same name, you can compare the addresses you find with the house you see pictured in the article. If/once you find the info, pose as a Russian troll and share everything you find with him.

At least he lifts but i think he might have a mental defiency

normies have no concept of the fine art of trolling beyond "they said a thing I don't like". so they think "if i correct them publicly, that will show them!".

Attached: trolls.gif (962x417, 14K)

Also, he said in the video he’s a systems analyst for Indiana university.

>this retard hunts imaginary boogeymen
Shall we give him a free helmet for his efforts?

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confirmed manlet

>hunting Russian troll
Let's just hope he never find Jow Forums.
Am I right my fellow Russian troll bot?

Any boomers here who remember when the word troll just started becoming popular and Jow Forums was a sekret le troll club?

still a more respectable job than a janny

From Indiana, lol. Also looks like some fag we used to make fun of in school

Regular conservatives.
Leftists think anyone who supports the president is trying to destroy America and must be a Russian.

I'm gonna report you to him you Russian troll

Troll existed long before Jow Forums, it was coined in early 90's internet forums.

Attached: Trollface.jpg (493x700, 314K)

well at least he's stupid enough to doxx himself
anyone up for ordering Domino's?

I said started becoming popular

And why i should fear thos fag?

That is right
Russia did not want them and now they want a Venda
How the rich Russian lives.

Some russian troll should post the location of his kid's school. These people need to know the power of true autism.

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troll was always popular, or are you talking about "epic fail guy"

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Because you didn’t want them .
And you have harassed them
Now it’s a Venda
Russian vs Russian


>Maybe there’s a way Jow Forums can fuck with him and he could be duped into thinking it’s Russians and stir up hysteria in his family at the dinner table.
Wouldn't work. CNN decided we were all Russian bots months ago. Because of course the only people who wouldn't want the destruction of the United States are Russians...or something like that, I'm not really sure on their reasoning.

This is where he works, he's literally a low-level IT guy that probably makes 35k a year showing teachers how to turn their laptop on

>Russian troll hunter
>Doesn't speak Russian

What did CNN and this faggot mean by this?

>Russell's interest in troll hunting started in the waning weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign, when he started investigating some of the most slanderous lies circulating online about Hillary Clinton. He'd been leaning toward voting for Donald Trump, but realized he could not find any evidence supporting some of the most outlandish allegations against Clinton circulating on Twitter.
>"I had been consuming alt-right news for three or four years without knowing," he says. "Someone had been lying to me."

Normies actually believe this garbage.

CNN in 2016: Why Trump's talk of a rigged vote is so dangerous
CNN in 2018 Russia rigged the vote!!!!!!

i guarantee he was paid to say that

Q is a Russian troll also a Jew.

What complete faggotry!

>using your tucked hands to forcibly push your biceps up to look more impressive
This guy's a total cocksucking fag.

It wasnt a fucking mainstream word used by everybody on the internet. Or maybe you're just underage and dont remember

someone better tell that faggot in Indiana so he can hunt him down then

>Those eyes
They're so small! Its almost cute!

You are Russian working in Italy and are Muslim.
Russia has told the fbi of these Russian Muslims and didn’t act.
Now Wagner Group has employed some of these people.
Don’t take it personal
You are Russian troll on Jow Forums all day her.

I think I just cringed so hard I slipped a disc. Thanks dickhead

A America Russian Jew
The most deadliest


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>Anna Chapman.
She is a host of that new age lite_alex_jones shit tv show by the way. You know that shows - Only we know THE TRUTH© and shit. Such "great" carrier for EEEEVIL mastermind lol

Yes troll who has contracts on them .
You speak brosky ?

>everyone is a russian troll
2/10 low energy

The internet wasn't "mainstream" until the iPhone. Now I don't know about snowland, but in the American side of the internet we called people trolls back in the usenet days. it came from the fishing technique of dragging bait behind a boat to get a fish to bite, so posting bait in a forum to get someone to respond was called trolling.

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Please brush up on your bull shit

He's pretty chad for someone who likes to larp. He must roll barbarian

Not everyone
Russian people are good just bad peoples influence the government

should mess with him and give him some insider information on russia

Like what Moscow is mad at how the rich control Putin.

I thought trolls were from Denmark. Anyways, risky business fighting them trolls, watch out for the teeth and claws.

russia was investigated, they only spent about 100k and had two floats in opposing political rallies
now if you want real Russian collusion you should be asking about the Steele Dossier

Were you go ?
You write from emotions
Please speak

If Russians actually hear about this guy he's fucked because he doxxed himself, would be kinda funny

>Anna Chapman
Still would bang. Also whats with your spies dying their hair red. Is that left over from the KGB manual when we used to be mostly white?

You are a true boomer I rember when we didnt even have internet on the house was comfy or no camera phones so everything you did didnt get recorded. What are you like 50 years old?

Russian thinking is not to make trump president
Keep reading news
Copy paste
U one

>One of the Russian-bought Facebook ads that the social media network is handing over to Congress backed Green Party candidate Jill Stein. "Choose peace and vote for Jill Stein," the ad read.
those evil bastards

well, at least I found one reference to one of these 'fake accounts'. blacktivist. that's one, any others yet? there must be dozens to have such an effect on the minds of this country

if thats a real photo, and he knows about usenet, you're probably right
i'm honestly surprised he didn't bring up newsgroups

KGB is old Soviet
New Russia
If we are going talk let’s at least know who we are dealing with.