*drops the mic*

*drops the mic*

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>transniggers are pokemon
Okay, when do we start keeping them in balls and fighting with them?

I accept that pokemon aren't real, why can't they accept that they aren't really women?

But Pokemon only has two genders

And I certainly don't need to change pronouns after each evolution

But Pokemon are infinitely more important than trannies

pokemon don't exist
a male who skinned his penis is not a female

blah blah blah ooga booga shiiieeettt where da white women at

One change is fictional, and the other is from a children's cartoon.

>children's cartoon
It's from a video game you fucking pleb

It's not fictional, my man. Plenty of research to support transgenderism being a real psychological phenomenon. Some brains are naturally wired to be the opposite gender. Like yours, for example.

Awesome, so when does the trans gladiator gym get erected and can I get first pass on streaming rights?

>Pokémon evolves
>Her sex remains the same
Only the basedest will bite.

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Tranny hurt itself in it’s cofusion.

Tijuana cock fight takes on a whole new meaning.

Charmander can become a charmeleon but it can never chop it’s dick off and become a squirtle.

If I nickname my pikachu "Faggot" and it evolves into a Raichu, its name is still "Faggot"


I will start remembering their pronouns if they agree to fight for bloodsport.

"OMG, my Michaela is evolving into Michealangelina and has gained a new gender and has learned 3 new types of sexuality, so that makes xir a nonconfirmist asexual homo mollusks"

Making unending references to childrens things like Pokemon and Harry Potter when talking about real life makes people sound like fucking retards.

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We live in the age of retards bud. I've noticed this since I was 5.


Doesn't mean anything, there are plently of men and women that have a typically male or female brain that are straight and identify with their sex.

I would unironically call them by whatever retardation they want if I can cage them and use them in a personal coliseum, but aren't trans technically devolving? If they were dudes and now "females", they surely are not progressing

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>trans people are pokemon
sounds about right

I’m a trans woman and I agree.

A magickarp named charizard doesn't make it a charizard.

thanks for your input, mr delusional

I would say it's more similar to Digimon with their slide evolutions.

That’s ms delusional to you.

But gender is just a social construct so that cannot possibly be true.

Yes, which makes the existence of transgender people existing virtually a non-issue for the continuation of our species.

Yeah but people actually like Pokemon

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I'm sorry, do you grow wings and learn how to shoot fucking lightning bolts when you transition?
If you do then fuck it, I guess I'm trans now.

and only males and females can engage in intercourse
if you put two pokemon of the same gender in the day care, they wont even have any interest in each other

Transexuals aren't evolving they're regressing into sexless kids.

The both can be true. Although I think the labeling is what causes confusion. In that sex is biological but gender, or rather sexual norms are social constructs.

nope, mr.

>if you put two pokemon of the same gender in the day care, they wont even have any interest in each other

But, that's not to imply that they have sex either. No one knows what happens when Pokemon breed. Eggs just seemingly come into existence when two opposite sex Pokemon get along with one another.

can we also catch traps and make them fight each other to death???

that would be the shit

this nigger doesn't have energy for punctuation and he's gonna lecture me about having the energy to label the mentally ill with their hundred different genders and pronouns?

Only if I get to start capturing trap boys and making them fight for my amusement, legally.

мoля, нe зaблyждaвaйтe

I fucking love this Juden

So trannies are just playing a sick game?

never changed my pokemans names


why don't you just open a gay fetish porn studio and make your dream a reality?

what a wonderful daddy

The internet gives every imbecile an incredibly powerful platform

The difference is a Nidoqueen don't force you to call it a she under threat of getting legally and socially nuked. Transfags do

Also, there are only 2 genders in Pokemon, xir.

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>even the juden knows

I always thought pokemon was shit and I think trannies are shit

what in the actual fuck am I looking at in that pic

A lvl 5 squirtle that goes into surgery with nurse joy and has fake fluffy ears attached is not wartortle it's still a fucking squirtle

God. Can't you juden read?


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a living meme


more comparable to someone chinging their name from Tommy to Tom to Thomas but ok. I'll just release my tranny back into the wild

Pokemon evolution is not a social construct

Yes, dressing up as a woman is very similar to Pokemon evolution. Thank you nigger.

>Cosmetic surgery counts as evolution

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I don't give a fuck about pokemon because it's retarded.
For the same reason I don't give a fuck about faggots either.

But charmander doesn't go "squirtle, squirtle"

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No, seriously, what is this?

It looks like a condom filled with strawberry milkshake

A charmander doesn't call itself a squirtle.

Fuck degenerate tranny pieces of shit. Cutting your dick off doesn’t get rid of your Y chromosome.

I agree we should use trans as gladiator slaves.

Shut up transnigger


so we should have the same regard for trans folks as we do for non existent animals in a children's game?

charmanders don't randomly decide to be bulbasaurs due to mental illness.

And race is skin deep kek

it's like a snorlax deciding it's actually a clefairy. it still has the stats and move set of a snorlax no matter how much it pretends otherwise.

izza genius

But my Bulbasaur was still nicknamed Chef Salad when he evolved to an Ivysaur.
He was also still a male.

kikes already do that




i did not understand the nog

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Would unironically love watching tranny fights

>dumb nog thinks name changes are more than a name change

>151 genders

Gotta gas 'em all but pokemon XX and XY

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>he doesn't name his pokemon

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Monsters I can confine and enslave and later make them fight each other for my amusement?