*drops the mic*
*drops the mic*
>transniggers are pokemon
Okay, when do we start keeping them in balls and fighting with them?
I accept that pokemon aren't real, why can't they accept that they aren't really women?
But Pokemon only has two genders
And I certainly don't need to change pronouns after each evolution
But Pokemon are infinitely more important than trannies
pokemon don't exist
a male who skinned his penis is not a female
blah blah blah ooga booga shiiieeettt where da white women at
One change is fictional, and the other is from a children's cartoon.
>children's cartoon
It's from a video game you fucking pleb
It's not fictional, my man. Plenty of research to support transgenderism being a real psychological phenomenon. Some brains are naturally wired to be the opposite gender. Like yours, for example.