Romanian police beat Israelis

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-08-14 08-57-05.png (811x867, 949K)

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Well he shouldn't have killed Jesus

ahahah yeah, like those russian tourists who took over crimea

>israel tourists
>no reason
pick neither

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Sounds like a reason to me


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Anyone know if they yelled deus vult first?

pic related

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What would (((tourists))) be doing in the area?

Based gypsies

(((no reason)))

He dinndo nothing! Police brutality!

>In Romania you can get imprisoned for "physical or verbal manifestations of antisemitism(perception of Jewish people expressed as hatred, targeting Jews or non-Jews, their properties, or those of Jewish organizations/institutions), or membership of antisemitic organizations" punishable with prison for 3 months to 3 years for showing/owning/making/selling/spreading antisemitic symbols(flags, insignia, uniforms, slogans), 1 to 5 years for making/spreading antisemitic materials(images, text, audio-video), and 3 to 10 years for initiating/joining/supporting in any way antisemitic organizations.

Fuck I love being American.

I love Romanians.

I only aquire a flag when said user has proven his nation worthy.

I now have acquired your flag Singapore. well done.

>OY VEY We're just tourists! We didn't know this riot was going on! Why do you persecute us so?!?!



Stop acquiring nations you fucking imperialist


Based & redpilled but take back your fucking gypsies please

Never seen a cop even lift a finger without a damn reason
Also saged this shit thread

>implying the police have Jewdar
Now the kikes are going to be screaming about "6 million Jews viciously beaten on vacation by antisemites" and demanding reparations.
Fucking BASED

The spirit of the legionnaires are with them.

why were the (((tourists))) protesting
thats not a vacation activity

they were in a taxi, just passing by. They were not protesters

Best news I've read all day, based Romanians BTFO kikes.

Who the FUCK goes to Romania for a vacation?

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ho ho, kikes send their agents to disrupt europe, get taken down by cops "its the gas chambers all over again!"