>inb4 back to /x/ faggot
This is really big you nigger tier retard, if the worlds government/s(or the Illuminati what ever) are actually in full contact with these beings,and these beings are real. It could shift the power dynamic of the entire world.
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Yeah if it’s true aliens are fighting over earth. Some to enslave, some to uplift.

more and more I feel myself being tapped into some kind of larger conscience. These experiences cannot be coincidences. I eagerly await the end.

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most greys are artificial life forms/robots
don't know much about Nordics but they probably helped the US during the Apollo missions

did you know russia has been telling iran that the united states government is run by tall. white aliens?

Vril. Elohim. They're our creators and they're just like us.

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I've looked into these fringe cult groups, and for the most part. They're a mixed bag of shit, filled with only but a nugget of truth.

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You're Jewish.

>Artificial life forms
Any references to back that assertion up?

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mostly from abductee and witness testimonies
take it with a bucket of salt though since there's no real evidence
watch megawatts1066 and project camelot on youtube for witness interviews

>You're Jewish
>t.nigger mixed Hispanic mongoloid
These cults have elements of truth mixed in with their teachings, but for the most part. They're "knowledge"/"way of life" is a mechanism of control, used to elicit slaves to spread thy ass cheeks.

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If there is a war and the sides of good and evil are so clear why wouldn't our protectors reveal themselves?

the whole point of esoterics is to obscure the truth from plebs like you.

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There are no ayys. Any crazy shit flying around is expiremental aircraft. And people who claim to have seen an ayy or to have been abducted, are schizos, chronic sleep paralysis victims, fame whores, or idiots.

>Obscure truth

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this is the desired response, yes.

i just today read about the absolute mad lad Gary Mckinnon
if what he says is true, it will be hard to tell extra terrestrial ufos from our own when the 'invasion' happens

>Gary Mckinnon
Here's a better source for AYY knowledge:

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Some more AYY knowledge:

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You have any source on the documents dsicussing president Eisenhowers interactions with AYYS?

Link to a video explaining what I'm talking about if you don't understand

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ufos are real, but they're only unidentified to the public. To take a futher step and say that the cause is aliens is an obvious psyop. But if you saw tucker Carlson talk about it on fox then who am I to tell you otherwise?

>ufos are real
Yeah I've been sifting through documents on the illuminati, and got side tracked looking into AYYS. Don't know if they're real, but there's a lot of speculation going on online which might allude to the fact they're real. Any sources on your assertion?

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I saw one a few km out from where I live. Green orb that danced in the sky for a few seconds before moving up and away at a ridiculous speed. Im not trying to tell you to take that as proof, thats just why Ive come to accept that maybe people arent lying when they see shit in the sky.
The leap to an ayylmao source is something that has been propogated in media and entertainment for years and really takes a leap to absurdity as far as explinations go. The explanation itself serves to discredit the observable phenomena.

>he doesn’t know about the dude that got raped by a female ayy

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