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Canada, Australia, New Zealand need an Anglo only policy, if you've even got one drop of Teutonic blood your not white enoigh to come here

Anglo = Anglosaxon = Teutonic

Wrong, only one country in Germany is related to the Anglo. That's Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, this is where the Saxon in Anglo Saxon comes from. Prince Albert was a Saxon, not a German racially. Which means queen Elizabeth is 100% pure Anglo Saxon and doesn't have a single drop of German blood

>> It’s not only immigration which Fraser Anning has an issue with:

> Given that everyone knows that there are only two genders, if you can persuade and agree to advocate in support of the false claim of an infinite number of genders, then without realising it, you have surrendered your political soul.

> Today, with so many unwittingly in lockstep marching to the culture revolutionary tune, options to oppose them politically are increasingly limited.

> So that is why I joined the Katter Australia party, the only political force which seeks to return to the pre-Whitlam consensus. I want to see the defeat of cultural Marxism and their ilk and the rolling back of the subversion of Australian culture and values that they have wrought.

hahahahaha dumbshit
newfags tripped up by the filters again!

Based Katter set to take the clive/one nation supporter base

If he said this outside parliament he'd be arrested for hate speech.

Who is this supremely based man?

How are angles and saxons not germanic?

The man is right.

Two Wongs don't make a White.


Idiot; why don't you google it? Took me all of 5 seconds to

>look him up thinking he's some ON or minor party meme
>He's from the KAP
HAIL BOB "As a black fella" KATTER

Attached: bob-katter.jpg (960x625, 46K)

jesus fucking Christ... Replace "Baka" with s m h (without the spaces between).

Because they're a different race

as long as the 3 majors are last on every ballot

They have similar genetics. They're separate ethnicities, but they are related to varying degrees.

>only one country in Germany is related to the Anglo
>That's Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, this is where the Saxon in Anglo Saxon comes from.

Try think about where the Anglo came from fucking spacca. Clues in the name

Attached: anglo-saxon_map.jpg (691x465, 234K)

pommy can't even figure out how to change baka

No, they're seperate races.
You're falling for continental European propaganda, ethnicity is a synonym for race.
French, German, Slavs, Anglos all different races

Saxons also settled in Saxe(on) Coburg and Gotha

Katter makes me feel like I'm not Australian enough and im anglo (just from pozzbourne). Imagine how he makes disgusting shit skins feel?

Also, this is anti Anglo propaganda, God created the Anglo race first, Adam and Eve were Anglos. The Garden of Eden was in New Zealand.
Different races only existed when God separated all mankind and created the different languages. Thats why New Zealand was the last country in the world with human civilization, no humans lived there until Captain Cook arrived. And it's also why Jesus preached the gospel in England before he did in the Middle East

>The Garden of Eden was in New Zealand.
NZ Flora and Fauna is horrid compared to England

All animals lived in the Garden of Eden, the animals were sent out with Adam and Eve so that they could survive outside. When God spread mankind around the world, he spread the animals as well

Angles were a Germanic tribe.

I'm meaning the vegetation are shit

The fire rises

They were scandinavian

Our arboreal vegetation is cool though, it's the fauna that sucks here.

Pic related of one tree hill is almost entirely English planting only and is much better than bush

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They came from Anglia in Germany, close to Scandinavia but they were a Germanic tribe.

And turn 90 degrees to your right when taking that pic and you'd see a fantastic Kauri grove.

Also that pic made me sad as they removed the stone stairs and replaced it with some ugly as fuck platform.

Not sure Canada but Australia is Chinaman's land, traditionally it's owned by chinks.

Beware.... the yellow peril

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Go back to china you dumb chink

baka desu senpai

God bless the United States of Australia

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No they weren't
It's okay
Australia is for Anglos only

It's sad what happened to our race, that we have to include other undesirables such as the Belgians, the Swedes, the Germans or the Russians.
We need Anglo supremacy not white supremacy, continentals are animals compared to Anglos

what are ausssies gonna do about the chinks that are already in? they gonna multiply and will receive support from their mother base. Even if no more come to Australia (and they will) they will be serious fifth collumn

Why do you think this? By your standards, Arthur Wellseley the Duke of Wellington, Andrew Fischer, and Adolf Hitler were all animals.

>and will receive support from their mother base.
Rely on the perfidiousness of the Chinamen, they're as liable to eat (metaphorically and literally) one another during economic hardship as rats are.

they spoke a Germanic language but they were not racially Germanic

They will go back to their homeland, china.

Say Britons or Britoni, Anglos are not native to Britain.

Why are Angles not going to Anglia and Saxons not to Wessex. Your pic is retarded.

>they spoke a Germanic language but they were not racially Germanic
Memes aside of that making them closer to Germans than modern Germans I've never heard this before, got a source for it?

>they gonna multiply

While I don't know what chink fertility rates are in Australia, in China, USA, and Europe they're below replacement level. Not only is this the case, but with the exception of China's national fertility rate, they're inferior to Whites in this regard.

Just going by inference, it would be very odd for them to outbreed us given the general pattern.

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t. Retard

I find it really amusing that the acronym for "Sydney Morning Herald" gets filtered to baka even in what is clearly a URL.

C'mon gookmoot. I think you slant eyes were supposed to be good at programming.

in your dreams cucklord

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>Tfw fucking British criminals are going to save the white race

meant for

Attached: A-White-Australia-policy.jpg (535x727, 48K)

In addition, with zero Chinese immigration, there can only possible be no net movement of Chinese people from Australia, or net emigration of Chinese from Australia.

Provided that living conditions in China are rising, are already high in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and that Chinese fertility is below the Whites' and below replacement level, it is unlikely that they will pose a demographic threat to us.

Of course, under the current paradigm of mass Asian immigration, they pose a very real demographic threat.

Chinese master race will deport all Anglos from Australia, those who died will be dug out then deported.
European descendants may allow to stay as they represent a superior culture to shit Anglo's.
And you can't do anything about it.

>fucking British criminals
Judging what's happened to the Koalas I'd recommend an antibiotic shot afterwards if you do.

After our next war with you chinks, we're going to give independence to tibet, hong kong and taiwan. Then we'll subdivide mainland china into dozens of smaller countries. China will never be united ever again.

Haha, they litterally have Saxony, Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Try raking yourself, leaf.

Scandinavians are of germanic stock too. In fact, Southern Sweden is a good candidate for the germanic Urheimat. "German" is a very modern designation and anachronistic for 440 AD.

Reminder Australia had the highest standard of living in the ENTIRE WORLD before globalists told us that 'protectionism is bad!!! nationalism is bad!!!'


>H.B. Higgins declared that "fair and reasonable" wages for an unskilled male worker required a living wage that was sufficient for "a human being in a civilised community" to support a wife and three children in "frugal comfort", while a skilled worker should receive an additional margin for their skills, regardless of the employer's capacity to pay.

That's right, the Australian government through the courts mandated that the minimum wage would be enough to supply a man, his unemployed wife, and 3 children, with all their needs.

We had everything we needed and we squandered it on the back of '''globalisation will make things even better!!!!''

Never forget

Didn't mean to reply.

Sorry to bother your piss extraction, but do you find it odd that there are no slurs for Whites? Not even for ethnic groups within the White race do there exist effective slurs.

A negro can call me 'cracker' all day, all it does is remind me that we mass-enslaved them with virtually no resistance. In fact, the Africans cooperated with us in the effort.

Nice bait, Wang.

Weak pussy anglos talking about war, surrendered to Japs in FULL at Singapore.
For all white races, anglos are the easiest to exterminate.
As I said, you can't do anything about it, in face China wouldn't even seriously consider to occupy Australia, it's too easy to feel the accomplishment.

>Reminder Australia had the highest standard of living in the ENTIRE WORLD
No the working class had the highest standard of living for their class while with neo-libealism the upper middle and upper classes regained their former power and standing

Australia has a history of poor species management when it comes to introducing foreign fauna.
For example, we imported the cane toad to eat an insect and instead it out competed native frogs, killed native fauna with its poisonous skin and ignored the insect it was supposed to suppress.
Similarly, we have a Zhang problem, having let our chinks over multiply but our misjudged response has been the mass importation of poojeets to out compete them but the poos simply ignore the chinks and canabalise white institutions. We never learn.

Shut up you stupid fucking Hungarian scum. You are never going to be Anglo.

Remember Kokoda.

Saxons are literally still alive in Germany today. Anglo-Saxons and Saxons are the same people. Northern Germany and the Netherlands and Denmark and Britain should all be one country.

Australia is full blown social justice, they are only outdone by Sweden.

As such, this is most likely a false flag fucker.

>tfw Nazbol Bob Katter probably gave this speech the tick of approval

Germanic DNA is not that high even in England. Majority of 'anglo' gene pool is Insular Celtic. English cluster much closer to Irish and Scottish than German or Scandinavian. Phoneposting so I can't post charts unfortunately.

White doesn't mean Anglo.
Anglo is a sneaky yellow teeth prick, total soft egg pommy with stink pussy smell.
Seriously, the whole world, black, white, Asian, you name it, all want to wipe out Anglos.

fb battle going on if any anons cbf



Other genetic data disagrees and in any case celtic dna isn't celtic it's neolithic atlantid

Bahahahaha, make it sounds relevant in war history. LMAF.

>Seriously, the whole world, black, white, Asian, you name it, all want to wipe out Anglos
They have always wanted to, it's what makes them all so adorable for thinking they could.

Lol. In my culture, the colour yellow is associated with cowardice. That is your nations legacy.

After we conquer china, we will make the Dalai Lama king of tibet and recolonise Hong Kong.

And theres nothing you can do to stop us.

> In Nazi Germany, the extermination of the Jewish people in Europe and beyond was known as "the final solution to the Jewish question".
What fucking possible relevance could that have?
>checks author's history
>It's all on Jews and Israel
>Look at photo
Oh right, never forget the 6 gorillion. Fuck white people. Fill your country with brown people and sell your land to China.
My bad.

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>we will make the Dalai Lama king of tibet
For shits and giggles make him King of China, joint vassal of Japan and Vietnam.

Wrong. Beowulf was a Geat aka. Jute aka. Goth

How does that stop Angles being Germanic or change the geography of Germany?

Nobody cares about your (((culture))), you're a dying race and it's actually pretty pathetic for you to even exist to feel the torture by master race(s) in this world.
You're being looked down as a trash, employment market spit on your face, country failed to a level that the last news I heard was another attack.
It's sad for a dying race talking about culture, please, keep it up.

Come on m8, references to a “final solution” are always intended to evoke the holocaust, especially when the are followed by “to the X problem”.

It was a good speech apart from this. It’s the same mistake nationalists always make, their aims are good but they always have to tarnish them with their nazi worship.

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i bet my girlfriend has a bigger dick than you

asians love the bwc cum

What is 'Celtic' DNA then?

You know full well I mean ancient insular stock, and use Celtic as a handy term because it's strongest in the Celtic nations, even though it likely predates Celtic language.

And what study says English people are genetically more similar to Germans than Irish? Don't post any (((Oppenheimer))) bullshit that's well and truly debunked.

Damn I misread it as Fraser Anning acknowledged the Jewish question and called for a final solution. I got excited for a second.

I like Bob - says what he thinks a doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks. Not a bad bloke for a Lebo. The problem is, he's an agraraian socialist...socially conservative, but still a socialist when it comes to economic issues.
Australian Conservatives are where its at for your Senate votes, anons.

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That 30km channel saved your arse countless times. Put you in European continent for competition, see how long you can last, even north African subhumans can crush you.

Ban from owning homes, ban from public sector jobs and increase taxes on ethnics to pay for white birthrate policies.

stop policing language you paranoid freak

>Put you in European continent for competition
>Why if you consciously ignore your greatest asset that allowed global hegemony you'd be sorry!

Oh wait we did, Napoleon and all that jazz.

What relevance does it have? None. Regardless the "final solution" was to get Jews out of Europe after the Havaara Agreement didn't get them all out and Madagascar failed to materialise.
That kike is just cheaply trying to evoke Nazis to the feeble minded of a poorly chosen term in as you said, an otherwise good speech. You can't give these kikes an inch because in an instant they'll go for Holocaust guilt to get their way.

I suppose you must be in year 7 or 8 or something and haven’t had your obligatory high school history lesson about world war 2 yet. “Final solution” always evokes the holocaust for normies, even if they don’t objectively mean that, and if you want to be politically successful with the mainstream it’s not smart to make people associate you with the holocaust.