>Mexican """""culture"""""
Mexican """""culture"""""
It's TRUE they like to do this, even in weddings. It's a Hispanic thing in general. My kid didn't go through that weird shit.
lol did they torture him afterwards?
Those aren't Mexican tho...
El pablo is going to become a notorious drug dealer in the future because of this now....
>Mexican culture
Maybe he can travel to your country and get shot in a restaurant
>Brazilian """""culture"""""
>harassment is culture
>Brazilian """""culture"""""
Nice meme
This remake of City of God looks pretty lame
american """"""culture""""""
You have no idea
>what culture
shit hole country
nuke them ASAP
WTF . Are you kidding with the absolute hazing of a 6 year old.
Lesson = get used to it kid you where born a spic and everything that looks nice is a shattered illusion.
This is pretty sad desu
Not mexican, but definitely assholes.
Like many of us here at Jow Forums.
That explains why all beaners are so dumb, their family assaults by literally hitting their head repeatedly them on a yearly basis.
it looks like she's taking a shit.
Why is Jow Forums so retarded?
This video isnt even from North America
Ya, my first thought was "that kid looks Indian"
why does every nigger race abuse their kids in some way that scars them for life
jews circumsize
spics do this shit
nigs nig
asians put so much pressure on their kids until they snap and knife a bunch of people
abos cut up their sons penises to make sideways vaginas
indians dunk their babies in piles of shit
no wonder none of them have empathy
Do they have a backup cake that they actually eat?
sauce on Abos?
Can you be more humiliated at this age? I bet HuffPo will defend this.
We do something similar for weddings. A man will be tied up by his friends and put in a car trailer and paraded around the village in a convoy of cars and people will come out and throw eggs and flour on him, it's called a ducking. Kids used to give a ducking to their friends on the birthday but that's pretty much died out as it fucking retarded.
ill have to look it up i cant remember where i read it but abos are probably the worst child abusers of all time as a race. straight demonic shit.
they would cut slits through the boys dicks and fuck the dicks through the hole... also they would cut a hole at the base of the dick into the urethra and stick something in there to keep it open as it healed. because the hole was bigger than the urethra going out the top of the dick, it was a crude birth control mechanism (when they busted a nut, unless they blocked the hole with their finger, the sperm would always shoot out this hole instead of out the end of the dick).
i just remember a lot of genital mutilation on boys and girls alike
>they didnt murder and mutilate him
Hey, it's an improvement
He will grow up and chainsaw every one who did it and their family, friends and neigbours
As usual in mexico
wtf I love mexicans now
ok yeah thats the one
they did a bunch of other shit too
Aren't they like almost extinct? Abos, I mean?
The whole ritual is a metaphor for it.
e.g "Be a good boy Pedro or the cartel will do this to you"
Poor kid, he just wanted some cake and then they threw eggs and his cake all over him
To be fair it's a good way to teach kids that life doesn't always go the way we want.
We can't always have our cake and eat it in peace.
Still, you shouldn't act like sub-humans about that
Treating kids like they are less worth and act like fucking apes towards them will make them into what you wanted to prevent
Holy shit no wonder they end up chopping up people.
Juanito begun to hate...
At least come up with something actually accurate you fucking nigger
>Treating kids like they are less worth and act like fucking apes
>what you wanted to prevent
Bro, those people are innately different from us. Some types of birds have yellow wings and others bathe in puddles of shit.
but the media and academia keeps telling me that we are all the same
Some parts are the same and some are different. People in your family have a brain structure nearly identical to your own whereas people who have been mutating in vastly different environments for the last 8 thousand years will have divergent characteristics. The subtle difference between racism and preference for oneself is being teased out by the media who pound us with these ideas despite our inherent proclivity for those similar to ourselves. Cloying narratives of foreigners falling in love despite differences is the best they have but people are getting tired of them as the social capital of our nations decline because of disruption to community formation by alien people.