What exactly does the left hope to gain by destroying western society?

What exactly does the left hope to gain by destroying western society?

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>the left hope to gain

They want to be in charge of the wreckage.

They want an all-powerful global government to pay them universal basic income.

Everyone to be as poor/hopeless/mentally defeated as they are and it's sad if they weren't being assisted by Satan and therefore a legit threat.

The destruction of the oppressive class.
Once all white people are dead the niggers will have access to all their magic and become 200 IQ übermensch.

this desu. The left hopes to remove all the wite pipu so the blacks are finally free and able to build pyramids to travel through space to colonize the galaxy.

unfiltered retardation

Most of them just want facebook likes.

they have no plan, no idea of what comes after what they do. they leap from subject to subject infesting and destroying without forsight. take immigration, they don't understand the implications of taking millions of unskilled military fighting aged men into Europe, all they think of is that poor child on the news and how we need to save them. Or any form of ethno nationalism, multiculturalism is good and diversity is our strength. why? yep no real answer their either.

they don't actually know what they are doing they just do it.

In general it's a revolt against meritocracy. There's no goal aside from destruction.

yeah they want to rule over the coming mud race, and like whip em and stuff i guess


There's no long term thought put into what they're doing. Most of them are useful idiots that love virtue signaling

This, essentially.

People here must understand how the left-wing moral ideology functions. Right-wingers are defined by their acceptance and/or promotion of hierarchies, most normally found today in meritocratic hierarchies, as opposed to aristocratic hierarchies. The left is defined by their opposition towards hierarchies, because their ideological system is founded on the belief that all inequalities are actually injustices. The opposition towards hereditary aristocracy is perfectly acceptable, because there is no assurance that a man who inherits his power will be as wise with it as one who earns his power. The opposition towards meritocratic hierarchy, though, is unacceptable. Rather than correcting injustices, dismantling hierarchies of merit and empowering the incompetent because of the ill-founded belief in universal human inequality serves only to dismantle and destroy civilization. Civilization can only exist through the leadership of aristocrats - not necessarily aristocrats of birth, but aristocrats of character (a sense of time and place, an appreciation for the past and the future, the willingness to accept individual responsibilities for the collective good, a well-developed taste and cultural attitude). Of course, these people assume a high position on the social hierarchy, so the left despises them and their morals, preferring equality and its related moral system of self-destruction as opposed to meritocracy and its related system of aristocratic individualism. The left believes that their actions are securing liberty, equality, and solidarity for the future, by dismantling the various hierarchies and exclusionary collectives that exist in the modern world (meritocracy, the nations, the sexes, religions, moral systems, etc.) but their shortsightedness has blinded them to the fact that these things are necessary for the continuation of civilization itself.

Power for kikes

The satisfaction gained from virtue signalling, because they're such nice people and totally not nasty and spiteful at all. They're completely closed minded, unable to see the bigger picture in any situation, and project all of their nastiness onto their arch nemesis: the evil Nazi racist conservatives.

They don't want what's good for the world at all. They just want whatever makes them feel good.

More importantly, what does the right have to gain from supporting Israel?

short term resources which they will engorge themselves upon and burn through

you mean jews? they get to live. if they don't destroy us, they will not survive the age of information for their constant fucking treason.

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Themselves. They are suicidal and they do not care that destroying the US will affect them (non armed, minorities, subvention-dependant "intellectual" idiots) the most.

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