

Attached: unite the right 2.png (1102x793, 984K)

Doubt it. More likely is that people didn't want to show up to an event that they knew there would be "counter-protesters" at, because no matter what those asshats done, the nationalists would be blamed. I mean.. why would any sane, rational person think anything good would come of it? Antifa runs around beating the hell out of people, breaking people's property, etc... but the media ignores it. A white nationalist defends themselves and the media portrays them as literally satan.

The right is winning. Why do they need a circle jerk in public where glow in the darks can make black propaganda to use during midterms?

I mean there was the dude that mowed through a crowd of people and killed a girl. Kinda tarnished the whole movement.

It's over

>not knowing this was an FBI honeypot
The police had 8K bodycams

Thousands fell for it.

I don’t know about you, but I work fifty hours a week. I’ve got no motivation to fly across the country to the most expensive city on the eastern seaboard to parade around after dressing up in riot gear to get thousands of pictures taken of me.
You’ve made fifty threads about this. Get a fucking job.

>willingly going to Unite the Feds after the media bombardment that happened last time
You'd have to be retarded to go there just to LARP for a few hours then get your life ruined by some shithead antifa doxxer

Did antifa and BLM show up and riot anyway? That's all that matters.

It's well known that people the left role playing as "white supremacists" are responsible for most of the alt right press events.

You mean the guy that was being chased around by a crowd carrying bats and aiming rifles at his head?
Get learned you dumb faggot.

I've noticed the doxxings antifa was threatening haven't eventuated.

Was it because they found most of the rally people were cops? Just like the guy with the freshly unfurled nazi flag at the first rally.

"Appear weak when you are weak" - Rick Spencil, the Art of War

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Spencer disavowed UTR2, one of the reasons it was so irrelevant. It was a mistake by Kessler to organize it another time like it was ever intended to be a yearly thing on the same place.

Every time the right is called white nationalists you know it's a jewish psyop. Every. Fucking. Time.


Name an alt. right personality that is not a Zionist.

>It was a mistake by Kessler to organize it another time
Honestly it was more successful than the first, a bunch of antifa got themselves onto fed lists

Steven "white power" Crowder

these rallies only work when people live there. only niggers and wannabe politicians live in the DC metro

Nah I think Kessler's just an idiot and people were smart enough to realize it was a bad idea.

I mean, whenever I see these I immediately assume the Jewish supremacists organised them and have the fake news enemy of the American people mainstream media spin 100 stories on it.

Is there a single major figure who didn't disavow it or at the very least signal against it?

The location was insane. Why a leftist stronghold - UNLESS THE WHOLE THING WAS TO DOX LEFTIST AGITATORS?

White advocate Jared Taylor.

Honest question, what's the point of rallies anymore?

You aren't going to convince anyone you are right by waving a sign around.
Nobody ever says, "Well I used to be a leftist, but then I saw a fat woman waving a 'HILLARY LIED PEOPLE DIED' sign and now I'm Alt Right."
You will piss off normies who disagree with you, or who believe lies about you.
Someone always acts like a retard and the news covers them nonstop.

Redpilling people on the internet and convincing them to vote as a coalition is way more effective anyway.

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this, we all laugh and make fun of sjw's for doing rallies irl and making fools of themselves so why are we deciding to do it ourselves? the best actions are within groups of trusted members that has no publicity until after its done. like generation identity. holding rallies where nothing is achieved other then doxing yourselves is a net negative.

GI is pretty legit. They have military-style training camps and lots of Aryan women for the guys as well. But it seems like bit of a cult so idk..

Antifa was caught on film marching around chanting "No border. No wall. No USA at all.". They were filmed attacking police and reporters.
The right cast out table scraps and the left delivered their souls.

>that pic
>"white people"

At what point is the media going to realize that the alt-right and the right wing are nothing but a smokescreen for beaners and half-breeds use to troll people?

Why? Mowing down commies in a car is a good thing.

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And yet no one gives a shit how many people are harmed by leftists.
Most of our mass shooters are leftist.
There have been murders during BLM events.
Antifa is literally an international terrorist organization that's assaulted thousands of people and seeks to end freedom of speech, assembly, association, press, thought, or anything that runs counter to their nonsense ideology.

If some was murdered at a Pride parade by a bull dyke or a tranny tomorrow, it would not be seen as reflective or emblematic of them as a whole.

If anything, the violent behavior of leftists is lauded by most of them and ignored or mischaracterized to shift the blame by the MSM. And given little consideration at large.

The organizer of UTR 2 was a lefty (who was involved in the Occupy movement). This was how we all knew it was a false flag. (((They))) wanted us there so that there'd be a street battle that the (((media))) could blame on "right wing extremists." Instead nobody but a bunch of larping faggots showed up, so Antifa chimped out and started attacking police and reporters.
So, in a way, UTR 2 was a failure from the (((establishment))) perspective, because nothing happened to serve the narrative that the media wanted to perpetuate. Instead, we have gangs of communist terrorists committing crimes and chanting treasonous garbage like "No ICE, no wall, no USA at all."
This entire debacle was a victory for the right. Anybody who says otherwise is full of shit.

>almost no one shows up to obvious trap
>deranged leftists show up and act like deranged leftists all day
>all the news footage is of deranged leftists attacking police and generally acting deranged
>main street America further turned off by deranged leftists
>this obvious victory is somehow actually a loss because reasons

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>commies actually took the bait

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>Honeypot filled with neckbeard larpists and FBI bait failed while the opposing side threatens to doxx any face they see
It truly does make one ponder the situation that's being given..

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If you don't own the media? Nothing. If you can 24/7 shit propaganda, there's a chance you can have a small demonstration that will have hige visual impact.

Vox Day.

Nick Fuentes

>ITT: right wing faggots justify not showing up to support their movement

I laugh at all of you cowards. Can't even go out and express your views because you're too scared of being doxxed as a nazi or put into some gubment database. KEK

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UTR2 was a massive victory for the right and we didn't even have to show up. Git gud, faggot.

>8K bodycams
For real?

How is a guy being cornered by a crowd a murderer, yet a guy who hit another guy with a bikelock in the head with full intent to kill let free?

Kys nigger faggot punk ass bitch

yeah, they were improved versions of the BAAPS(?) cameras the Marines used in Iraq and Afghanistan for biometric id markers

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i think you already know the answer to that


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Pretty much this.
>be winning
>because nationalists ARE winning
>go to "Unite the Right" honeypot
>get beat up by Antifa and blamed for it and arrested OR
>get photographed and lose job OR
Nope. People got smart for once.

>be winning
>don't go to gay ass honeypot
>Antifa attacks cops and journalists

Show of force. Looking attractive and powerful makes impressionable people follow. The lemmings eat this shit up.

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jew psyop fails so they pretend it's not what everyone knew it already was.

88D chess. It makes the Right look insignificant, while the rabid Left are out for blood, making them look deranged.

we wait till after 2020 for that type of shit

>> white

Commies ≠ people