Dominant alpha roman nose

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Other urls found in this thread:

the mediterranean super human philosopher and thinker

Attached: julius-evola.jpg (363x501, 22K)


I know, god bless the Cro-Magnon man.

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This is now a Teuton appreciation thread

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This one reminds me of those aristocratic sadistic fucks who often says "My father"

lol you funny monkey, also why are there multiple threads on noses?

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How do Italians and Greeks and Spaniards feel when they see hue monkeys waving the Med Pride flag?

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My nose and chin look exactly like that. Can I have a prize?

Attached: 5B91C581-C7B3-4EEF-B25D-FD1C9120EF8C.jpg (676x966, 142K)

Only if you produce at least 3 children.

None of the above look like pic related. What is your point?

We beat them up.

Attached: tumblr_n4mca6ZJq51rl2xsfo1_1280.jpg (565x1023, 126K)

oink oink


There is no such thing as Mediterranean.

Attached: Fasces_(PSF).png (305x612, 71K)

Witness me, brother.

>says while posting a fascist pic

>None of the above look like pic related. What is your point?

Attached: dddd.jpg (658x307, 57K)

I’d rather resemble a pig than an ape. Genetic retrogression is a sin against nature. All non-Teutons should be restricted to reservations.

Rat-nose, is that you?

They look Jewish.

Are you fucking blind? The shapes of those two images are completely different!

Julius Evola looks like a kike but not the first one.

Nordic pride

Attached: images.jpg (183x275, 8K)

I'm Rh neg with italian heritage

Brazil has also the biggest Rh negative population in the world. There's a lot royal whites here. But larpers as yourself with positive blood keep mispreading lies about other europeans and label them as non-whites.

Hey look at those cherries! Let’s pick some!

Go easy on him, man.. Imagjne if you had to be born a Med, seeing Nordic Aryans and knowing that you will never be one.. You’d lash out at them in autistic rage too..

They will never look in the mirror and see genetic perfection..

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Attached: 7.jpg (415x473, 31K)

>Clearly an Asian face.
Jealousy is hard to hide, buddy.

True superiority in size and curvature

Attached: Adrien+Brody+Tribeca+Film+Colleen+Camp+Host+EdYDY_g8esOl.jpg (594x456, 56K)

>Converts don't exist


Wew, age is hitting him hard.
And I thought he was ugly before.

Guys in pic related are not even Italian lol.

I’m pretty sure if you ask them they’d say something different.

They can say what they want, it's the same as a turkroach claiming to be German.

They look usa citizens in fact.

What ever helps you sleep at night, Marco

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It's funny because I'm from Sicily and don't look like the "Southerns" in pic related xD

>They look *like* USA citizens, fact

Whiter than you, Alberto

Attached: 5133F815-FC5E-42AC-9EDD-CB05299FFD37.jpg (460x345, 44K)

>with that high face index and low nasal angle
>pakis in charge of physical anthropology

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No he is right, there are alot of niggers in the USA, so it wouldn't be rare for them to be jus Italian obsessed afro americans.

He does look unreduced CM to me
Kahn is just a hun.

unreduced CMs are rare, but at least it's actually close
CMs would probably looks somewhat asiatic at first sight

Attached: oliver-kahn-fc-bayern-munchen_1m4kdp0kff5h21dmrde4yb94hc.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

>turkrape baby getting it wrong
>thinking my pic isn't the true Cro-Mag
I will always be Whiter than you, no matter you will always have non-White blood in your veins. Not my fault.

As the amerimbro, said, get the children out there and when we start winning we will chuck you are a mansion so you can larp as Lucius Malfoy and have your kids call you "Father".

So basically high-tier European then? Nice.

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Kahn is a product of steppe niggers quite literally

>I will always be Whiter than you
nobody cares, Italic > white
at least try to get some basic physical anthropology right you poor rotschild cattle

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Yeah, alpha until you have a daughter. She'll have to live with this kind of horror show of a side profile.

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>tfw no wicked witch gf


Nothing wrong with your nose, it's a noble trait.
Would breed.

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that twink is probably mesocephalic, pic related is more like it

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Depigmented '''italics'''' are better
Maltese knights are my favourite, by the way post italics that are not busts.

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> implyin

Attached: swine.jpg (969x565, 57K)

Italics includes all iron age peoples of Italy and their descendants, particularly indo-european speaking ones, some depigmented certainly, some less and more akin to pre bronze age Europe

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Is that skull mesocephalic or dolichocephalic?

Attached: skull shape profile.png (358x277, 4K)

can't know for sure without front pic, since the index is based on skull width as well
If I had to guess, meso

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Hai sangue normanno?

My first pic is Cro-Magnon but is Halstatt Nordid variant you stupid non-White. You can hide behind muh "italic" but you haven't been relevant since you were White, what a surprise, right?

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Something about it makes it look rly good on women, dunno why

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>My first pic is Cro-Magnon
>but is Halstatt Nordid variant

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Probabile, dalla parte materna la maggior parte sono biondi con occhi azzurri/verdi.

Hows life in Sicily? I reckon it is extremely comfy, if there was one place in Italy I could visit then that would be it

Seems ok

Aryan AF, Ruggero

It is comfy, especially in countrysides, friendly people, interesting tourist attractions, tasty food; you name it. Not much of a chance to get a future here tho, which is why I'm thnking about going North. Washing dishes for some 20€ a week is not something that will build me that future.

T-That means I won the genetic lottery and can join the SS?

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I guess its like in the movie "Cinema Paradiso"

>no argument in return
>britmutt meme
So you know I am fucking right. CM isn't one fucking phenotype you dense cunt. Finding one untouched is so difficult I offer you to find one. Go find some more memes as well and when you look in the mirror know you will never be a trve Italian. You don't have the right stock for it. Just hold onto it for now until we return.

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With the difference that Toto is finally dead, serves that mafia piece of shit right.


>no argument in return
you never made an argument in the first place you poor subhuman, saying "cromagnon of nordid variety" is like saying negroid of sinid variety, it's pure nonsense
a nordid by definition is a pure aurignacoid, the metric opposite of cromagnon

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Not bad, but greek nose is true master race though

Is dis u bby girl?

subversive russian kike. that guy was dressed up in a variety of religious garb if you look it up on google. fuck you.

That's a Turk, btw.

We iz beatiful and progressive species and shiiiiet.

My argument is what you just described, you stupid non-White. So why can't you debate it, you thick fuck?

>it's pure nonsense
I'll sleep lightly knowing a eurospic is upset about something he knows nothing about.

>my argument is complete misuse of physical anthrpology definitions

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wew my nose is exactly like that

Redpill me about my phenotype Jow Forums, I am honestly curious

Trolling and memeing aside please

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not sure about phenotype, but I can tell ur nose is not roman since it lacks that little lump at the top of the nose bridge

you are the typical iberian, all my portuguese friends look like that


Average Iberian. Did you really have to post your face for that? Faggot

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