What do you think about italy?

What do you think about italy?

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Subhumans. The absolute hive of degeneracy that must be purged from the earth.

The pizzas must bake in the ovens for their treachery.

Best ally aside from Germany

They're white.

Based and redpilled


Best country and best people in the world

Hi Junker

This, my mother is Italian.

>Best ally aside from Germany
For the immigrant situation? Do you know that we have received more immigrants than all of you Europeans? moreover 50% are illegal immigrants ..

For the immigrant situation? Do you know that we have received more immigrants than all of you Europeans? moreover 50% are illegal immigrants ..

ma sei italiano.. ho chiesto agli stranieri ovviamente.


They need to shoot more niggers

E che te frega dell'opinione degli stranieri? Tanto nn capiscono mai un belino dell'Italia e degli Italiani


Per vedere cosa ne pensano del nostro paese. Era ovvio che qualche europeista parlasse degli immigrati lol.

For immigrants?

Una faccia una racca.

Una faccia una razza* however lmao

Well fuck me I tried.

Back to or even worse

Invece Jow Forums è meglio lol

best bitches

worst bridges

Not bad

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old info, Romanians are now 1,2 millions, nogs have at least doubled.

Napoli absolutely needs to be purged from the earth. Neapolitans are a bunch of ignorant thieves, gangsters, and scammers. Subhumans that need to drown in a sea of hot lava as soon as possible. The Vesuvio will never explode too soon.

Fun fact: in the Italian sign language the gesture for "Napoli" is the same as "stealing". Enough said.

>Italian sign language for Napoli

You are an idiot.

Also sage

If we want to survive we need to increase the births.

450,000 births in 2017, 15% made by foreigners.

The demographic problem is the real deal, economy is already gone.
When the collapse will occur I want to be between nationals, not between ferals africans.

Napolitans have many evident defects, but some good qualities (they have many chilren and traditionalists) also the upper class of naples, what once was the nobility. Is rather an intriguing and culturally valuable.

Stay triggered, terrone. Go back to your garbage dump.


I don't trust you and I don't like you.

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I love Italy!

Any good quality would never redeem that godforsaken place and the feral animals that inhabit it.

C'è anche POL.


Ma sei italiano che cazzo.


Next time try to ask the same question inside a more interesting and political thread. Also, lurk more. Also, sage.

This is now a terroni hating thread.

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lots of them in germany, becoming even more. most are southerners, having a hard time to differentiate them from shitskin rapefugees.
many are based, but by no means all of them.
and many know (and tell) how fucked up their country is and how it's essentially their own fault. worst thing is, they're doing the same here, to lesser extent of course, but they still try.
they are obnoxiously vocal.
i like their family bondings tho.

Pensavo che qualche europeista parlasse dell'immigrazione. Infatti è successo, lmao.

How is having many children a good thing? You faggot savages realize the population can't grow forever, right?

>most are southerners, having a hard time to differentiate them from shitskin rapefugees.

Jeez, I wonder why...

For pensions. For a free healthcare. We're not like you.

The european race is dying out and you ask me how having a country with 2,1 children per woman is a good thing?

We are coming for you fucking moron.
Your europe union is in the death row.

Not enough. Attali called the fifth columns here in Italy and they stop Foa from becoming RAI president. MSM is very shitty and retired person are still brainwashed by them. We need to break up the media cartel to redpill everybody.

bridge collapse in italy

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Is having more Neapolitan thugs in your country going to help?

not white

t. amerifatt

A dog that barks can rarely bite. Face it. You Italian dogs days are numbered. You can barely pick up a salami let alone a sword.

Your Empire is over and quite frankly...

Ours is just beginning. You will never set foot in the stars. Jupiter and The Old Gods are long forgotten.

This solar system...

This universe is ours.


Il migliore paese del mondo

I don't think about Italy. I only think about sex. Doesn't everyone?

i think about money

Some of the most obnoxious posters on Jow Forums. Always ready to shit-talk but can't take people doing it back to them. They simultaneously pretend that Italians are nordic gods but also that ancient Romans were dark-looking like modern Italians, they seem to love to have it both ways.

>They simultaneously pretend that Italians are nordic gods
no, i can take the light from the sun

>but also that ancient Romans were dark-looking like modern Italians
yes, otherwise they would have got skin cancer

Best country in the world it gives you a home feeling you wint get anywhere else

highest iqs in jewrope

America must be nuked to save the white race

How do we solve the n*fri problem, Jow Forums?

I have been there, one day you will wake up next to a good looking spoilt bimbo and wondering: what am I do with my life, is this the best a man can wish for? Then you will want more: house, safeness, family, children, stability.

Basically you will want to become a man, a functional individual, this or you will ends up as an ethernal teenagers just like the society wants.

Fuck off slavshit

>1st World Country

No one defends nafris, only leftcucks and nafris themselves. Which one are you?

>they are obnoxiously vocal
this so much, I havent heard anyone shilling positive lies about anything related to their country than italians, the second place goes to greeks, and then spain/portugal. Its a med thing to appear based even tho everything is shit i guess.

more positive lies*

Bad at building bridges

In august my only thoughts are do i go for another swim or another beer

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I will try to move there in 2024

Remove their citizenship.
Make agreements with their native country, 10 000 euros per immigrant returned home.

You have to act quickly because:

they have the most BASED politician ever

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I'll ate her kebab, if you catch my drift.

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In italy right now for my holidays.
Every italians look unhappy, streets are dirty, fashion here is at least 7 years late. Its closer to India than i thought.

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>fashion is 7 years late
That was a retarded sentence

They may not be white, but they make up for it with God-Tier food.

Baseda pizza pie

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Like their bridges?

btw he won

Horrible accident. Reminds me to a movie

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Truly our greatest ally. Best country. Best food. Best women. Great culture. Wonderful countryside. Favorit holliday place.

White Pride World Wide

Fucking based. Italians saving Europe for FOURTH fucking time now (RE,renaisence, fascism,EU crisis)

Qt women.

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I don't

I like Italy. They are intelligent, strong white people, that have given the world much innovation and culture.

Everybody loves Italy, nonno mio!

shitaly, more like shit ally

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They are bad at building infrastructure. They do it for cheap so they keep getting hired though.

>implying people waste time thinking about italy.

Your founding fathers did, Americus Vespucius.