>Ruby Rose will play Batwoman, an openly lesbian superhero, for the CW.
>”The Bat is out of the bag and I am beyond thrilled and honored. I’m also an emotional wreck.. because this is a childhood dream. This is something I would have died to have seen on TV when I was a young member of the LGBT community who never felt represented on tv and felt alone and different.
Thank you everyone. Thank you god.”
Diversity YES!
Batwoman was always a lesbo, this time at least nothing is lost
>be DC & WB
>pick a hot lesbo to play a lesbo character
>libtards chimps out anyway since she is not "gay enough" or "Jewish"
Can't please them, might as well eradicate.
I know, sorry. I saw it shared elsewhere and cbf to archive
>The absolute state of things
So she got the role, not for her acting merits, but because of her sexuality?
Literally no one is "chimping out" over this. OP tried to start a thread where people would rage over "fag superheroes" but since the character has been gay since the 80s no one cares.
No one will watch
garbage casting, bitch isn't even a real redhead, the lack of ginger representation is really disturbing and anyone that disagrees is a fucking hypocrite. might as well be blackface.
Eh, its' a irrelevant character so who cares.
>just because you're a woman who eats pussy and dresses like Justin Bieber it doesn't make you a lesbian
She can play whomever she wants just as long as she crawls up on my dick and asks nicely. ;D
I don't mind lesbians because they make my penis hard
>Thank you god
I doubt he had much to do with affirming and endorsing your degeneracy, lady.
This and the tranny thing is so fucking hilarious. Blacks are getting redpilled, hollywood males are getting redpilled, now even the lgbtitties are getting redpilled.
Trump will get a 87% approval rating on 2020
This pleases my dick tbqh, I wanted to fuck the shit out of this girl in John Wick 2
No, you retard, OP's dumbass post is old news. Purveyors of oppression Olympics came down on the actress because she's bi instead of hard gay like the character. She was chased off her social media by rabid intersectionalists who bitched about her not being authentically representative of the character's oppressed identities
Proof God is fake. IMO.
Is there a name for the sexual fetish of a man wanting to have sex with lesbians? inb4 gay.
>Lesbian actress is playing a canonical lesbian in the latest capeshit
And I should care why exactly?
It's called being male.
Leftists are actually butthurt about her casting cause they claim she isn't gay enough
it's literally just 'liking girls with short hair'
>I’m also an emotional wreck
Imagine my shock
>But she's cute
Imagine my cock
She was hot as fuck in John Wick 2 so I don't care
Nah, I mean specifically lesbians. I suspect it's a power thing.
She's perfect for the character.
Lesbians aren't real
Will this ever die off? I've been asking myself this since Spider-Man 2 or 3 came out over a decade ago. What do people see in this shit?
I was a nerdy little kid, then grew out of it as an adult. I thought this was supposed to be the normal progression of things. Now all the normies who dismissed this kind of crap when I was a kid suddenly love it and quote from pop culture constantly like people in the 1800's used to quote the fucking bible
Fucking Gingers. You know how you spell Ginger?
You spell it with an N, an I, Two Gs, an E and an R.
Just not in that order.
unironically this
I remember some DC movie where batwoman come out of a clup drunk and high as fuck. Instead of sticking to the main street that's brightly lit and populated she chose to go down an alley. She saw two thugs there and instead of turnign back she thinks "I'm not going to let MEN intimidate me" and continues walking wit ha scowl. Well long story short they overpowered her and were going to rape her when Batman came and saved her ass. He offered his hand to help her up and she was scowling at him with more resentment than the rapists and he just said "You're welcome" and left.
And the left is hitting hard on her because she isn't jewish nor trve lesbian as the character in the comics.
Well, everything sucks these days.
Why are they mad? Because she's not black?
Statistics on gays and marriage:
Science on gays as parents:
The benefits of gay marriage:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Does conversion therapy work:
HIV information:
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
Is being gay a mental illness?
She's "genderfluid bisexual" instead of proper lesbian and not jewish like the character is.
it's just yids kvetching
Source on that?
your links are broken
The CW capeshit shows are cancer. They insert as many niggers and faggots as they can into them, and fill them with propaganda so children become indoctrinated.
jews on twatter kvetching.
I saw about 2 dozen of them bullying ruby until she baleeted her twatter.
CBA to pull up that drama faggotry for you, find it yourself.
This, I'm done with superheroes movies now, used to be good but nigger panther was the thing that made me realize its a joke
Aren't these people tired with all the false flagging?
>Historic casting
You can use your (((science))) as much as you want. But I will follow the bible rather than any of you disgusting sodomites. Even if Islam takes over you disgusting people will get the rope.
Its getting annoying as fuck.
"Historic Casting" is a good name for it all.
It's historic every fucking hour now apparently.
nah..diversity would be if a fat straight mongoloid neckbeard male played her, according to the mobs current definition of diversity
They actually cast this role perfectly
batwoman's hair is a wig in comics