Pic related, also can someone archive the link below or teach me how to?
Pic related, also can someone archive the link below or teach me how to?
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>Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Even my wife gets this
woman have suffraged enough
More like men shouldn't be allowed to endanger people's lives by passing policies that directly affect women and minorities in a negative way. Think about how mad it makes you that these women want to have control over every aspect of your life, then find it in yourself to have sympathy for them for having to live in a world were we still control most of every aspect of their lives. It's time to wake up and start treating each other like human beings before we become the animals that we act like.
I don’t sympathize for inferior mental capacity. Instead, I take control of the situation and lead toward a solution.
That’s what a man does. He leads and solves. Capitulating to emotional women with billions less brain cells and less synaptic pathways is suicide and is why the west is failing.
Women belong at home. Not in the work place. Not in the voting booths. They make babies at home and serve their husband. They don’t open their mouth in disrespect and they definitely don’t get involved in decisions thhat effect society
Watch the video then tell me they are voting on well thought out logic and not emotions.
Pic related is what you get with the (((liberation of women)))
What a fucking fag. This shit won’t get you laid buddy.
>before we become the animals that we act like
We already do. We use contraception. We abort our children into demographic oblivion.
We support sodomy on a global scale.
What the hell are you talking about, we behave more animalistic than animals.
Daily reminder 52% of white women voted for Trump
Back to r*ddit, you fucking faggot whiteknight.
Daily reminder that the French fucked the world via classical liberalism and emancipated the Jew throughout Europe
Return to your spiritual patrimony, First daughter of the Church
Why haven't they just given up on the gun issue yet, they have zero chance of winning on it till whites are a super minority
paste link here
It doesn't work with videos though
They put up a “conservative woman” who agreed that we should ban all scary assault rifles. “I mean why would anyone need one, lol right?!?!?!”
Good to know, thanks friend.
I don't see a problem here
I’m not saying it’s not nice to look at but ultimately the empowerment of women is degenerating society.
I would argue that men's refusal to move forward is the real problem.
Not because they're retarded feels over realz tho. Because its creates divide in the family. It should be 1 vote per husband and wife.
>move forward
That's the problem with retarded progressives, they think they move forward while falling from a cliff.
At least were moving. Better than regressive republicans who want to climb back up the cliff so we can jump off a second time.
Moving forward for you people is trans rights and pedos being accepted as normal people. Traditional women are a rare breed, now all we have are IG thots and false #MeToo accusations.
>also can someone archive the link below or teach me how to?
summer is almost over
It's always the wives that do, and the unwedded that "don't".
When the unwedded engage in politics they get access to all sorts of gouvernment programmes designed to lure their votes.
When they are married to a man, they don't need those programmes so they neglect their political rights and if the programmes start costing them resources they'd rather spend on their kids, they want them revoked.
And when they have no political rights, there's no need for the programmes. Instead, they need to get married.
Trouble is those unwedded don't want to get married because they have been and continue to be deceived from childbirth until their death.
They have been led to believe that they'll be worth more when they ignore their value.
It's easy, user. Archive.is is the best imo. Nice numbers, too.
>At least were moving
Imagine being so stupid that any movement is preserved as good.
>republicans who want to climb back up the cliff
You don't even understand what that mountain supposed to represent in that allegory.
Hooktube for videos
"Traditional women" in this case means slaves to their husbands though, how is THAT moving forward?! And of course they're a rare breed, what kind of sane woman would actually desire to be a slave?
You're just upset because you can't play games while bouncing your tits for a living, and you're an asshole for undermining the real struggles of women who are rape victims by talking shit about #metoo.
Nobody should be allowed to vote
the people are to cucked in general
How did we go from a cliff to a mountain now? Republicans cant even keep their stories straight, what lie are you going to tell me next?
those are married older women.
>most attractive one is a conservative stay at home mom.
like pottery senpai.
Also ' being called a racist, xenophobe, bigot, is the worst thing you can be called.' we have a lot of work to do memeing these blonde women into shitlordism.
Men shouldn't decide policy for everyone else? Like we did for the entirety of history prior to the last century(give or take) which resulted in modern civilization and everything you know and love?