Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with religious people?

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with religious people?

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>Americans allowed people literally sacrificing a child in religious rituals.
>They are out on bail.

Ladies and gentlemen. I give you.

The Amerilard.

Christcucks were a mistake

>Siraj Ibn Wahaj
w r o n g

It's my God given right to kill 3 year old's those ducks t annoying

judge let them all off, "no danger to society".
i kid you not

and they let them out on bail.
i hope that Judge gets a huge backlash, but thats unlikely

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>Mudslimes sacrifice a 5 year old on American soil
>Judges let them go on bail
Wew laddie, welcome to a dead nation

Every empire must fall, our golden times are long over. It’s only downhill from this point

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hey Ahmed stop killing kids in religious rituals you fucking subhumans

Are you implying Mexicans DON'T need a exorcism?

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>dies in satanic sacrifice
>CBS finds a way to spin it and attack Christians

So... that's what the Taos Hum was all about.

These are not good religious people obviously. There are (at least) two sides in every group.

>satanic sacrifice involves fucked up shit
>muh dumb Christians

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>tfw you've been telling yourself you're overreacting but it's true; America is dead.

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It’s their culture to sacrifice children you bigot!


Any ideology that doesn't separate church & state is a political system.




And yet they get out on bail?
Something is wrong with this picture.

muzzies are subhuman

You should be target practicing a few time a month.
Looks like it's going to come in handy.
Very sad.