She belongs at home with her own Father in her own country.
You liberals have blood on your hands.
You are directly responsible for thousands of deaths and injuries of the People you encourage to become criminals at risk of life and limb to sneal across the U.S. Border.
Is this another one of the girls you were going to pimp out to the Elites?
Nah. Probably to old for you.
Sick and disgusting.
and this would NOT have happened.
>niglet kid
Who gives a shit.
Hey now, Mexicans are Human, a different species, but still Human.
They have a solid culture and tradition, they just need to do it over there.
On their side.
They should be sterilized and sent back or fitted with a tracking collar.
>They have a solid culture and tradition
yeah, right
fuck off jew
>tacos and drug cartels
>solid culture and tradition
>dead nigglet
>liberals have blood on your hands
wtf?! where do I sign up?
>devours lard-fried over spiced expired "meat" taco
>gets e coli. and some type of ass worm
>guzzles corona
Can I get a basic gestalt?
>“The mother, 13-year-old daughter and 10 year-old son had just been smuggled into the United States and immediately became overcome by bees. Responding agents utilized fire extinguishers to flush out the bees and extracted them to safety.”
Meme thread.
>invade a country
>get injured
>the country you invaded forces its taxpayers to pay for your care
fuck this shit
Their spices are fucking gross
>They have a solid culture and tradition
Yes we have a solid culture of laziness and tradition on blaming others
90% of the people here are lazy pieces of shit that feel entitled to make a living because "muh country with most worked hours per week"
90% can't even make a line to board the bus
90% can't be bothered to not litter our own streets
90% will ALWAYS blame the government for their problems (yes, they will justify felony because "ITS THE GOVERNMENT'S FAULT IM POOR")
90% will rather be employed than look for ways of staring a company
90% will rather sell locally than go through the hassle of exporting
90% will NOT pay their taxes
90% will NOT look into their local governments and complain with the right people when stuff doesn't work right instead of screeching like autisic ingenous mongrels
90% will blame their problems on you if you do better than them
Solid culture indeed
Liberals will be sheltered by the media blackout. Liberals can't think for themselves, they take sides with MSM minders (aka pundits/"experts") who immediately tell people how they should feel after a news story.
>insects respecting borders
Based bees, they have much to teach us!
>Mexicans are Human
opinion discarded
remember the alamo and remember goliad
brick the spic
I work at a very large state-run university hospital. Majority of our inpatients are minorities of questionable immigration status that can't speak English, homeless addicts, and disabled folks from the entire US. We occasionally get kids in Burn and Acute Care - they're not long-term patients fortunately.
Our OBGY/Newborn unit has more illegals than locals. ACCU, ICU's, and most of Medical Rehab has a lot of illegals and homeless addicts than disabled and locals. And the worst part is taxpayers always pay the bills for the illegals and addicts. The disabled and locals almost always have family insurance and assistance - they pay the bill from their own resources.
>Bees can protect their territory but the you can't
Really makes you think.