American libtard couple slaughtered by IS

>They saw the world as a warm, welcoming place where strangers would commit random acts of kindness every day.

>“You get a feeling of wanting to give back, not just to this person who has welcomed a stranger into their home, but to the wider world,” Mr Austin wrote on his blog. “You become someone who wants to welcome others into your home. You become a merchant in the gift economy. You’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place. ‘People,’ the narrative goes, ‘are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil.’ I don’t buy it.”

Meanwhile in the real world:

>They were travelling along the Pamir Highway, a Soviet-era road that stretches across 2000km near the border with Afghanistan and has spectacular views, when a carload of men who are believed to have recorded a video pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group spotted them. They sped towards the group of tourists, rammed them, jumped out and attacked the cyclists with knives. The horrendous slaying was captured on grainy footage from the attackers — who also took the lives of one Dutch and one Swiss national.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>You become someone who wants to welcome others into your home. You become a merchant in the gift economy.
indubitably juden

The tendency is always to blame the foolish shitlib for his own death, but we need to start taking hostages and "wards" from the leadership of these places when these incidents happen.

The carload of savages would probably have been shot on video the same day.

And nothing of value was lost. Make a fucking webm you faggot leaf

This is why you don't date girls who say "I love to travel".

Dream on, the entire world is collapsing into chaos as the US empire disintegrates

>You become a merchant
They are not even hiding anymore.

Too hopeful, I know. Lol you can just imagine their reaction

> "He wants Amir to go study in America on special student Visa indefinitely! They wish to make our son a captive!"
> ....
> "Finally an American we can understand and work with"

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Dream on, you retarded faggot.

Good for them.
Truly a progressive death.


so far the best comment

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>You become a merchant...
Was there ever any doubt /pol?

I'm not saying anyone deserves to die on film by third world animals but when you're traveling in a shithole like're basically asking for it especially if you're American/white.

I wonder how many people like this exist that don't know Jow Forums exists?

Lel based juden kots paws swatting the others

>You become someone who wants to welcome others into your home. You become a merchant

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Gonna do the Mongol Rally next summer, we were planning on driving on the Pamir highway. Seems like we might have to keep more inland in Tajikistan though.

Let them exist outside of here. They already know.


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why all this fuss? they died while doing what they wanted

nothing of value has been lost

Kek this. It's why Trump does so much better in diplomacy outside of the western sphere than any other president in our lifetime. He knows how to talk to them in a language they can understand

Based and redpilled

why do they ALWAYS have that crazy fucking smile?


My friend and his brother got stopped by a large group of armed men in Afghanistan in the 80s. It became apparent they were about to be raped and murdered. Just then a bunch of cars arrived with their friends. The first gang was bailed up and my friend's brother got a slingshot and shot the leader of the attackers in the eye at point blank range, killing him.
Then he lifted weights and trained Muay Thai ever since because the world is not a friendly buffet.

whites have pathological altruism

I love it when retarded westerners who think they can go to any third world shithole where the locals hate them or see them as easy prey getting robbed murdered and raped.
The only business a westerner has in a shithole country is if they're piloting an attack helicopter over it

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It really needs to be hammered into Western peoples' heads that "the world" is not friendly. These atrocities that happen in Western countries due to unchecked immigration are the norm in non-Western countries.

This was nothing but suicide, plain and simple

It's more that retards like this were indoctrinated with terminally naive globalist shitlib propaganda so they think the world is an episode of Barney the dinosaur.

why didn't he use his boomerang

Anyone got the video of their slaughter?

*white liberals



Open borders brain dead filth, these are the people who make a corpse out of Europe.
I hope they suffered and the bitch was raped

>da real heroes are the ZOG soldiers fighting for israel

absolute boomermutt post

If they wre in the same group as the Dutch guy, they were in Tadzikistan, not Afghanistan. Tadzikistan is known for strictly repressing the crazy fundamentalists, but I guess they can't anymore.

They're still all idiots for going, but the country was probably listed as 'safe' in the tourist industry.


t. psychopath

I know right? It's like they're part of a cult and have that brainwashed look.


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It is only human to want your enemies to suffer

The only business a westerner has in a shithole country is if they're piloting an attack helicopter over it

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>Dutch newspaper NRC said the pair (of Dutchfags) were travelling from Bangkok to Tehran and chose to go through Tajikistan to avoid the dangers of Afghanistan.
>to avoid the dangers of Afghanistan


Six more years. Enjoy finding the nigger tape that doesn't exist.

Téhéran , why going in such country , honnestly , even more for an America when the politic here always call for the death of America and American

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Because Dutchfags feel safe everywhere. And we usually are, except in Erdogan's Roachland. But they forgot about becoming collateral damage.

Well leftists hate borders, and apparently so do ISIS. I guess they learnt the importance of border control that day.

oh wow, thats just shitty luck then

No sympathy for idiocy.

The sad part is, the Dutch guy who died was a coworker of a friend of mine. Worked at the National Museum. He wasn't a lefty cunt. I don't know what he was thinking though.

>It's like they're part of a cult

which explains why they can't debate (because their conclusions were given to them rather than being arrived at internally) and can only chant stupid slogans in unison like a cult

That's sad. I know it doesn't mean much, but best wishes.

Perfection. Whites who grew up in non-white areas know better than to go through the world starry-eyed and optimistic and trusting. The dead Western tourists had no real life experience if they believed that shit as adults.

someone post the video

Well, my condolences then. Colossally bad decision to travel through a muslim country bordering a warzone.

>The horrendous slaying was captured on grainy footage from the attackers
So where is it? I could use a good laugh today.

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where's the video

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>can only chant stupid slogans in unison like a cult
>dumbledore warned me about evil people like you

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Right, all the SJW types either grew up in a 99% white suburb with a token black who’s dad is a doctor or know they are full of shit

It is interesting that the former Soviet muslim republics really kick the fuck out of any ISIS type bullshit. Although its bound to leak over from Afghanistan or Pakistan.

I think it's indicative of someone with a severe mental disconnect with reality, which is a common trait in the liberal ideology. It's an extreme, blinded optimism for a perfect utopia where everyone gets paid the same, nobody is excluded, all cultures are compatible, and everyone is happy.

In contrast, conservatives are usually honestly pessimistic. It's best to consider and prepare for the worst. If nothing happens, great; that doesn't mean things will always be perfect. Utopia is inherently impossible.

Conservatives have no heart; liberals have no brain.

You can't have a heart in this world, reality is ugly.

Millennial's are such a failed generation. If it were up to me the entire generation would be gassed first. Hell, I wouldn't even waste money on the gas. Just tie plastic bags over their heads.

Think I found it.

It's so progressive of them to challenge stereotypes like that.

>jumped out and attacked the cyclists with knives
Well, that proves it. Everybody hates faggots on bicycles riding in the middle of the road.

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>why do they ALWAYS have that crazy fucking smile?

Evangelical zioprot christcucks very often have the same blissed-out, brain-damaged look on their faces. They've basically figured out how to hack their brains such that the finger is always firmly pressed down on the "release dopamine" button. They're wireheads, basically. Fundamentally no different from drug addicts.


Also this.

>You become a merchant

They are hight possibility that they were socialist atheist honnestly , most Christian are conservative

Well they just tried to make the world a better place

Unfortunately only experience can teach a golden retriever to be a wolf. And sometimes not even then.

boring, you can't see shit

You type like a retard

Jew media kills more whites, shocker

That's absolutely where I stand and I agree 100%.

I don't see how more people don't realize that. The internet as streamlined reality to us.

Watching a few beheading videos from actual shithole countries can flip a perspective and god complex really fuckin quick.

>who also took the lives of one Dutch and one Swiss national
Rest in Peace

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>most Christian are conservative
true but i would say that a large number of christians are just as naive and braindead as their atheist counter-parts, particularly those who want to bring africans here and claim its their divine duty to help the less fortunate

they're also disenfranchised so its not they're fault

Start with yourself

>The horrendous slaying was captured on grainy footage from the attackers
Where's the fucking video, faggots?

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It can still be your divine duty to help niggers. You don't necessarily have to do that in your own country.

> Open link

> No grainy footage

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>You become a merchant

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>the heroes are the soldiers from the U.S.
Stopped reading there. Fuck off nigger.

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>I think it's indicative of someone with a severe mental disconnect with reality, which is a common trait in the liberal ideology. It's an extreme, blinded optimism for a perfect utopia where everyone gets paid the same, nobody is excluded, all cultures are compatible, and everyone is happy.


try not to fall into that trap bros. More so reserve it for those who deserve it, the few good people and animals


Remember these are the cunts who hate whites, hate the west, think it's all evil and everything else is all rainbows and unicorns. These are the cunts that would call you a a nazi, welcome this shit into your country so it is you who is killed or your kids.

FUCK THESE PIG SHIT TREACHEROUS CUNTS! I pray they did not get stabbed and died quickly but slowly beheaded.


They just don't make them the same anymore.

I'm starting to think they're part of a sick experiment, msm fucking with their brains to see what happens

interesting analogy, they do seem happy in their fake reality, I guess it's that ignorance is bliss shit too

>Evangelical zioprot christcucks very often have the same blissed-out, brain-damaged look on their faces. They've basically figured out how to hack their brains such that the finger is always firmly pressed down on the "release dopamine" button. They're wireheads, basically. Fundamentally no different from drug addicts.

... this is disturbingly accurate when applied to the far lefties I know...

Damn, Sven. Have a (You)

These people live in the reality of their own minds and not objective reality.

>everyone is a good person because i am one.

So self-deluded and false that its mindboggling. The world is a tough place, there are good people who do good things to others and make community bonds strengthen, but there will always be troublemakers and evil doers. Freewill allows humans to access good or bad parts of themselves.


Is leftests liberals just code for jews ?

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Based isis. Cyclist should be killed.