SO - this shooter got Manslaughter for defending himself. Is Florida now cucked as fuck with gun laws? What a disgrace...

SO - this shooter got Manslaughter for defending himself. Is Florida now cucked as fuck with gun laws? What a disgrace. Red tide ruining our environment irreparably and now this. Fuck Rick Scott

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>get pushed over
>need a gun to defend yourself
ahahahah white people are fucking bitches lmao

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Florida is the nigger of the US. There are no actual laws down there and people just do whatever until someone is half sober enough to bring gibberish charges.

>chicago, California and Jew york is better
take your meds

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wasn't he like disabled and needed to park there

All should be orbitally bombarded.
>mfw FL haitians

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no. was illegally parked

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It was an elderly man faggot.

>got Manslaughter
He was charged by the State Attorney's office. Charges can still be dropped, and no chance he'll be convicted at trial.
>Florida now cucked as fuck with gun laws
Florida has fine gun laws, blame the faggot SAO for giving into public pressure.

>get food
>need to defend yourself
far more pathetic desu

>age recently moved from 18 to 21 for no reason
>fine gun laws

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Remember, if you're in this situation, start shooting immediately. There's a two second hesitance where the nig is backing away and that's enough for a cucked jury to hang you out to dry, even if the dead man is the type of person to break laws and pick fights with the people who call him on it.

is there anymore to this story besides what the mans wife is saying, from what i saw shes saying he became wild and aggresive yelling at her about parking in handicap spot, then hubby came out to 'defend her', one shot later met is creator.jpg

so is it more likely SHE went apeshit on him for politely telling her she shouldnt be parked there as a poor obese potato may need that spot. then hubby came out and saw her unleasing her inner ape on the caucasion, and decided he needed to look more alpha than his wife, in front of his son? so he does the run and shove, gets capped and dies in his sons arms.

anyway im off track, is there any other info on the story?

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Well, he did let the filthy nigger keep its hands in its pockets, this one was kind of deserved. He must have been the new guy.

Whenever you see a nigger pull up its pants, put hands in pockets, or avoid eye contact, you know the nigger is about to try something, even if its just a suckerpunch. Niggers are NOT humans.

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Fair play to the guard for doing his job but i'm not sure leaning out head first while being shot at is the best idea.

the case will not go anywhere at all. its just liberals trying to make noise to try to later do away with stand your ground, that's all. he is going to go free

It's all about getting the first shot off, the nigger wasn't expecting any resistance, he thought he'd just knuckle drag in there and hol up his fawty fi and dem wyte folx would gibs him dat cash nigga

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It is literally Trayvon's fault
Niggers ruin everything

>get told to obey the rules
>assault the person
Why niggers are so dumb?

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well the white guy should at least have tried to fight with his hands before resorting to a gun, he was clearly a coward

Fuck that, you don't duel a feral dog

Break the NAP get a cap, nigger.

>bump into some one
>gets mag dumped

I would call it freedom

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When I started reading the news article for it, I could tell it was already some cucked story when the writer started to try and pull at the heart strings, when they mention he was a father of three and his girlfriend had just became a nursing assistant, and how she was holding presser on his wound, and they was just there to grab some snacks. Even the headline for the article makes it seem like the guy shot him for just parking in a handicap spot. The reality of things they parked in a handicap spot, then some guy confronted the gf in the car and her bf felt the need to slam the guy, just because he was telling you that it was wrong to park in a handicapped spot when you are not handicapped. The guy who got shot was most likely your run of the mill nog who acted before thinking which cost his life. He waz a good boi, he dindu nuffin to no one, he waz gonna go to college in da fall. Same bull shit different nog.

Literally just pointing the gun would’ve been enough to make him back the fuck off. Then, if he reached for a gun himself or came at the man again go ahead and shoot. Getting pushed and immediately shooting is just a child-tier temper tantrum. Dumbasses like this are the ones who are going to get guns banned, fucking over the rest of us who may end up in a situation where we actually need to defend ourselves.

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Everyone knows what it means when a nigger starts yanking his pants. The jury wont fall for jew prosecutors.

can someone post the original vid?

because subtle signs are clear as fucking day in a shitty quality security camera video..

The ape was chimping out before hand inside the store, screaming at the clerk about something.
Niggers are a plague.

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"No White People" would have been much more simple.... niggers...

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Being charged you dumb nigger it hasn't finished court yet

And yet everyone here seems to be picking up subtle hints that “THE NIGNOG ABOUT TO SHOOT”. Funny how that works..

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>white males

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Lol fuck the felonious greasy beaner and all, but what a pussy that kid was. At least fight back and get your ass beat

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>Cuck who doesn’t know the law

Brandishing a weapon is illegal, it shows you never feared for your life
Shooting immedietly shows you believed your life was in danger and were completely justified to defend yourself

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He's going to jail. The guy was backing up and the shooter's previous incidents will show a pattern of behavior indicating that he was baiting people into an incident so he could kill them

HERES THE VIDEO - finally found the webm

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That's because of the red tide situation in the gulf. Obviously portent if the red tide to come in November btw

it'll be another zimmerman case. he'll be acquitted. they are only pressing charges now because of political pressure.

I love when maga tards gets btfo because they always are fucking weaklings, manlets, mutts, chinlets like in this webm and on pol

I love how Germans like to import rapist cause they hate their kids

>man on ground reaches to his hip
>nog instant realises its a gun
>goes backwards turns body away


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Moron. Never show someone a gun. Anyone needs to be shown a gun needs at LEAST one bullet and personally, I wouldn’t stop until there was no twitching. Anyone that needs to be shown a gun has already decided to die.

I love it when niggers get before for chimping out. I guess we are sort of alike.

thank you

no one ever posts the vid in these threads.

im no expert, but I counted a full 4 seconds between the man getting up from being pushed and him firing. during the 4 seconds, the basketball american made no further attempt to attack and appeared as though he disengaged.

again, i am no expert, but it does seem as though the boomer was in the wrong here.

i am open to debate.

It’s not illegal when it’s actual self-defense. As in you fear you’re in danger which is clearly the case, as he was pushed to the ground. The argument that it’s okay to shoot him but not okay to simply point the gun at him is retarded. He pulled the gun, the man began to back off, clearly realizing he fucked up and doesn’t not wan to be shot. Gets shot anyways. It simply wasn’t necessary. I’m not saying this guy is racist or anything, just not a responsible gun owner.

He was backing off. Fine, don’t wait to see a gun, I get that. But there was no reach or threatening gesture of any kind after the gun was drawn.

more coal burning

Is this a nigger flag?

shot guy couldve been reaching for his own gun with same body language

The toll was payed

he didn't defend himself, the other guy was walking away and he just pushed him over which is not ok but not a reason to shoot

It's not a cuck story, it's a deliberate and insidious propaganda article designed to demonize the victim and glorify the bully .

You are an idiot.

That Biggs could have pulled his own gun. And besides which, it's a blessing on society that that thug was put down.

The guy was clearly moving in to attack him further before he pulled the gun. And besides which, you should never play by the rules when your enemies do not.

the video.. look at it fags

The nigger pushed him and he pulled out his gun but the nigger wasn't going beat him on the ground, you can see the nigger back off a little before getting shot. Im glad the nigger died but the guy deserves to go to jail, you can't just shoot someone because you are mad they pushed you

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no need for rude talk.

i dont disagree with you, but from my perspective it appears as though the shooter's life was not in any apparent danger by the time he shot.

Simple rules of gunplay. Also, and more important, knife play. You never show anyone a weapon until it is too late. By the time they see the weapon they should be dying.

Pushing is an attack. It is assault. People have died from simply being pushed. If you don't want to get shot, don't attack people with potentially deadly force.

Technically it is “battery”. Once you make physical contact it ain’t assault anymore.

I was saying exactly this when the video came out, which led to getting shit on by people that think I was condoning the nigger's actions. If he had pulled the gun and immediately started firing, there would be absolutely nothing to stick him with. Instead, it looks as if he was not in immediate danger and instead went through all of the possible actions in his head and landed on the wrong one.

>Assault is a lesser included offense of battery, meaning that assault merges into battery and that a defendant may be punished for one but not both crimes.

It's kinda both.

>he was a father of three
That's really sad. The fact that he's already reproduced.

It isn't your duty, you can't be the judge jury and executioner in a public space. If you are being physically assaulted you can call the cops, only when your life is clearly in danger you can execute the person, this old fuck clearly doesn't have the judgment and should be in jail or at least take his right to own a gun. If you could shoot someone everytime you feel slightly threatened being stuck in traffic would be like being in the old wild west


>hmm, lets surprise push an armed, angry old wh*te guy onto his ass on the curb and hope he makes a rational decision regarding my life

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He backed off after the guy started reaching for the gun.


>21 for no reason

This looks staged.

>He backed off after the guy started reaching for the gun.
Thats murder, if they are running away from you and you shoot them its murder

>hmm, I should totally jump out of the bushes and smash this armed hispanic mans head on the pavement and hope he makes a careful reasoned decision regarding my life

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Fuck you. Fuck your Hillary voting family members.

Fucking pussy assed bitch.

Wrong. The nanosecond the nigger laid hands on him this was a slam dunk case.

You sound edgy as fuck, but I get your point. However, do you really think he would be that well-trained with a weapon or even smart enough to use that logic? Especially with a gun already in his face.

Is this what passes as a lefty meme?

My father said if you take it out and point it you'd better fire cause if you don't you may be the one getting fired at.

I can’t tell if you’re trying to argue with me, but just to clarify that is the point I was trying to make.

>It isn't your duty, you can't be the judge jury and executioner in a public space.

According to Florida state law, yes you can.

>If you are being physically assaulted you can call the cops
"Oh dear, excuse me Tyrone, do you mind while I phone the locally constabulary regarding the battery you have committed? I do feel my life is in danger and would appreciate the opportunity to rectify the situation... No, I'd rather you not bash my skull into the pavement for the next 10 minutes while we wait for constable to arrive."

>Only when your life is clearly in danger you can execute the person
He was attacked in a potentially life-threatening way.

>If you could shoot someone everytime you feel slightly threatened being stuck in traffic would be like being in the old wild west
He was not "slightly threatened." He was ATTACKED. If an attempt on your life is made, you should have every right to eliminate that threat.

Look, here's logic you simply can't refute:

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