There are probably a multitude of benefits to the idea, but I've seen, many times here, communes related to the idea of communism, but there is no reason why a commune has to be a bunch of hippy liberal dipshits singing kumbaya. If this interests you at all, leave an opinion quickly before this thread is deleted, because I'm sure it will be shortly.
Ethno-commune, opinions?
Why ethno-commune instead of IQ-based commune?
fuck off niggerlover
We have communes here, trust me, you don't want it.
Why are you not wishing for states anylonger?
Makes the most sense considering you live in the United STATES.
Not an argument.
Not gonna happen we have 4-5 generations of blacks living off welfare and handouts. Now immigrants want some too. We should be more worried about the inbound race tax that will inevitably happen.
I prefer my own people.
The idea, for me at least, is to start small.
Because the importance of IQ is vastly overstaded.
An example is Hawking.
>I prefer my own people.
You prefer dumb white people to 140 IQ black people?
I know the real reason you don't want it to be IQ based: you wouldn't get in.
Stephen Hawking has never publicly stated his IQ, but he's incredibly smart.
>You prefer dumb white people to 140 IQ black people?
Actually, yes, I do.
>I know the real reason you don't want it to be IQ based: you wouldn't get in.
I would if I started it, haha.
The commune could replicate pre-1965 white neighborhoods. We could have a chance to become stronger, and raise kids in way that would benefit the race over time. That's my idea of it, anyway.
Guess I should have asked about this a few months ago, before the board went blue again.
If it's voluntary go on
Of course it would be voluntary. No mandates, no contracts, no forced buttsex. There'd be no point otherwise. There would be guidelines of course, but my idea would be a place where white folks could live as we see fit, without fear of repercussion, such as being fired for wrong think, or being shot for being white. Truly, a place of our own, with a mind for expansion. I don't know how I'd get there, but that's the dream anyway.
Start in the American Redoubt. You'll probably have the most luck there.
Let the chinks in and we have a deal. And stop screaming for attention, if your thread isn't interesting enough, it isn't.
Because than noone would work but everyone would keep blabbing high falutant shit all day.
People with 140 IQ often can't tie shoelaces.
Also: niggers with 140 IQs. Do you also want unicorns and wizards?
Regression to the mean.
There are legal ways to do this. Buy a piece of land and only allow whites who are loyal to the ethnostate idea to build a home on it. Keep buying property until you take over the town. Alternatively, if you wholly own a home and are willing to carry the home loan yourself, you are not bound to fair housing laws. Buy a house outright, sell it to an ethnostate friendly white, and use his down payment to put a down payment on your next home. Use income generated from the first home to purchase a third home, sell the second. Repeat forever. It doesn't take a lot of money to start. We just need to pick a low cost of living area and commit to it.