White Hatred From Verified Twitter Users

Why does Twitter tolerant widespread hatred directed towards whites when they censor any other type of hate?

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And none of them banned.

Nigger programming app gonna nigger

Because you have not risen up and put a stop to it. Next question.

Why did Zazzle reject these products?

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Imagine being so fragile over your stupid race being constructively criticized


Fuck yourself and go drink mayonnaise, white people thinking that they can be victims of "racism" (the definition of racism specifically talks about hatred of non-whites) only makes people dislike them more

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Because white privilege. Y'all would hate blacks even more than you do now if they held societal privileges on the level of whites.

>constructively criticized
Nice bait.
>(the definition of racism specifically talks about hatred of non-whites
According to the modern, politically motivated redefining of the term of course. The term "racism" has been in common usage since the early 20th century, and according to that definition you're wrong.

Animals are held to a lower standard.

Weak bait memeflagger

White privilege is nonsense. Proponents of the concept focus on the difference between whites and blacks and hispanics while ignoring the wealth and educational gaps between Asians and whites as the latter completely debunks the notion that whites prevent the advancement of other races via institutional racism.

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You gotta work on your bait-jitsu son, this didn't even rustle a single jimmy.

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This is big stuff here. Thank you user. Big tech has been coordinating the complete cenosrship of all of the left wing racial animosity towards white people. This right here is a powerful demostration of the true hatred exhibited from the left wing. These people are celebrities, journalists, actors, comedians... and they all have one thing in common (no its not that they are all Democrats) THEY HATE WHITE PEOPLE! oh, and most are Jewish...

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Katie solove Work numbers pic is related.

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White people... Hating white people.
Fucking Retards

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left has no values, they only do what they are told and get scared by any ideas that conflict with what they have been told

>White people

They are Jews you fucking boomer...

>go drink mayonnaise
Quality bait.

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blue checkmark = blue jude star

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>ah bloo bloo

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who owns twitter?

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fuck... I hate white people now..

it is constructive criticism to hate a race
heres your (you)

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>wahhh people say they hate us
>i should be the only group allowed to hate!
oh fragile fragile Jow Forums...

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lmfao kill yourself

>They are Jews you fucking boomer...

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They claim to people of color, but conveniently are white.

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>wahh it sucks when it happens to us!

Please start spreading this, it's long term project, will start a general soon

I'm shilling this at the moment, hoping to pick up some momentum
We have a working title of
Whites Against Racism
This mights seem counter intuitive but it's actually a way for white people to collectivise in a morally unambiguous way, 2 main aims at present
>an end to anti white racism, ie a level playing field
>an end to diversity quotas and a return to a real meritocracy
A lot of the benefits from this project will be the spin off and debate
Any ideas welcomed
Will start a W.A.R general next week
get on board faggots

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>you're "fragile" if you're bothered by hypocrisy

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On the BBC website it used to explain that ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE RACISTS ... because (((mumbo jumbo))).
They edited it when people started pointing it out on social media.

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>nobody likes his crying thread

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what a nigger.

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Yeah this is bullshit. I got kicked off Twitter just for defending myself!

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Jews and their pets hates whites.
And they have the power in tech.


It's all so tiresome.

wtf I love communism now


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and remember (((they))) mean the treat (((they))) are making for genociding the whites

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We put a stop to a few niggers on the twat yesterday. It needs to happen more often. RWTDS when?


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Off topic but I'll respond anyway.

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>this mad nobody cares about his stormfag propaganda

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Why does the thread topic bother you so much?

>Tablet Mag
>Times of Israel
>Jewish Currents
>implying any of the above is "stormfag propaganda"

>bother me
>not just me occasionally posting an image to trigger a fag desperately trying to keep his crappy thread afloat

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"W.A.R." is fucking stupid...

This is left wing aggression and we are simply shedding a light onto it. The hashtag is #VerifiedHate not "WAR"

>Fuck yourself and go drink mayonnaise
The only people that do that are the Japanese you racist.

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>This mean tweet about black people proves Nazis are real

they don't. all those people got banned I just got banned for calling somebody a white supremacist. Twitter is pro white

You don't think Nazis are real?... Like do you think they're a bedtime story or something?

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>The hashtag is #VerifiedHate not "WAR"
Correct. Stick with #VerifiedHate. They're taking notice.

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lol you are a fucking retard

See the double standard here? One of these is real and only one of these would constitute a ban from social media, firing for job and isolation from social life.

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>it's not racism, it's racism by another name
Hair-splitting anime avatar-using retard. Look at this shitposting history of yours:
Tired of getting your shit deleted yet? Not larping with the commie or European flag, huh?


New Jow Forums slogan

Asians on Reddit cry about white privilege too. Only it's about sexual power which whites are supposedly robbing them of.

>Asians on Reddit cry about white privilege too.

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Nice try an (always contrarian) cap. This is obviously intended on PROVING without a doubt the double standard in regards to censorship on the internet. Why is it always the ancaps who need it spelled out for them?



It’s amazing how easy it is to find anti-white racism on any social media platform. It’s not surprising tho. The jews, their pets and their hypocrisy knows no bounds. If Racism is racism, then it’s racism. The idea that racism cannot exist against any white race is not logical.


Trying this hard.