What proof is there that vaccines cause autism?
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Most people on this board got vaccinated.
I wish i didnt i even got vaccinated in the army they just stabbed with with needles and didnt even ask shit. Than i was sick for 6 months straight
You think they would publish any proof, or allow any meaningful research to be conducted?
This picture was taken over 10 years ago. I wonder what she looks like now.
There is none. The one study upon which the whole hysteria is built was literally so horribly done that no one, not even anti-vaxxers, dare cite it anymore. The problem is mainly one of diagnosis, not of increased rates of affliction. Kids they used to call "quiet" now get labeled "autistic" and then are medicated. The other minor contributor is that women are having kids later in life, which leads to higher rates of mental and physical issues in babies. Vaccines have been proven safe, again and again.
Even if they did, a 1 percent chance of autism is better than fucking polio.
fuck off with this slide thread shit's hitting the fan!
into the trash it goes
>Baby teeth link autism and heavy metals, NIH study suggests
I am not going to spend too much time on this one since their is an active disinformation campaign to hide real data but basically, autists have higher levels of heavy meals in their bones, vaccines "prenatal and postnatal" contain heavy metals.
However, I would stil assert that the benefits outweigh the risks.
There are parents who got their kid vaccinated and the next day their kid stopped talking.
sauce on girl?
But there is none. They also claim they dont work but cant give you a reason why polio suddenly disappeared in vaccinated countries
There was one study published by bongs in the mid 90s. Their small sample size demonstrated that getting vaccines increased your chances of becoming autistic. As far as I know these results have never been duplicated despite several attempts. Only a fool takes a pilot study as proof of anything.
Remember how measles or whatever it was started breaking out at Disney Land a few years ago? That's what happens when you're in close proximity with a bunch of 3rd worlders. Don't be a conspiratard, I beg you. Your children won't have the benefit of herd immunity to prop up your confirmation bias, and you will be putting them at risk of dying from something that no white man has died from in a century. When / if a white ethnostate comes about, maybe they won't be necessary. But right now you are literally putting your kid at risk of dying from some 3rd world disease because of your own stupidity if you don't immunize them
How about avoiding both? There's no reason to be injected with thimerosal.
Many such cases. Sad!
thimerosal is safe fag
who cares if it causes autism or not? people are meant to die of natural causes, disease exists for a reason. if youre so weak you were going to die of measles in childhood you shouldnt make it to adulthood
"Thuh spectrum" is the 21st Century's newest cottage industry. Go and read the DSM-3 or any encyclopedia article pre-1975 on autism. The diagnosis only applied to profoundly damaged children who never learned to speak or feed or dress themselves and spent all day pounding their heads against the wall of a padded cell.
Now, though? Every school district gets money from Uncle Sugar for each kid they can "diagnose" with "thuh autisms."
Is he quiet? AUTISTIC! Is he talkative? AUTISTIC! Did he learn to read at an unusually young age? AUTISTIC! Does he have trouble with reading even after the age of six or seven? AUTISTIC! Is he shy? AUTISTIC! Does he talk to everyone? AUTISTIC! Cha-ching! Here's your check from the Department of Education, Dr. Goldberg. Don't spend it all in one place, and don't worry about all those kids you just labeled as mental defectives, which will follow them all their lives. I'm sure they'll get over it. CHA-CHING!
How about the other heavy metals?
Infant mortality? I thought we were talking about THUH AUTISMS. Make up your mind. Can't you even keep your conspiracy theories straight?
Sauce on this slag. NOW
that one study and the controversy surrounding it is completely fabricated so that whenever the association between autism and vaccines, all the pro vaxxers can point to it and say, look this embarrassing trainwreck of a study is all the proof they have!
very busty and pretty girl i know this girl, and she is doing well. she will always look hot. she still smoking hot. be nice to her she is Natalia Poklonskaya tier
You lie. She's British as fuck
Who cares
Vaccines have known side effects and can cause complications that can kill and maim.
We only need to them to protect against shitholers coming into our nations.
Eliminate shitholers and eliminate the need for deadly vaccines.
really that simple.
>be me
>didn’t get vaccinated
>ended up having autism anyways
>now I have polio too
Autism is a superpower.
milk truck just arrive
Don’t use that traitorous meme.
Something causes it.
Don't you think it's a little suspicious that the powers that be, who are in the pockets of Big Pharma, spend more energy refuting the vaccines cause autism theory than they do on actually searching for the real cause of the disease?
Injected mercury, injected aluminium, neonicotinoids, fluoridation etc etc.
There's a full spectrum campaign to suppress human intelligence among the plebs. Autism is a side effect at most.
>The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended*, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines. Even in cases in which such a finding is not made, petitioners may receive compensation through a settlement.
This is why the data is inconclusive, they will still pay you if you shutup, but say theres no proof it was the vaccine that causes the damage.
>occult gf
I'd date and then convert to Catholicism
stop lying little niggerfuck
Thank you for at least being honest. Yes, vaccines will save 50/100 people in an outbreak and lessen the ability for it to spread quickly. 35/100's immunity will not work correctly or be strong enough. 10/100 will immediately have a mild reaction, and 5/100 will be permanently damaged or killed.
Unless the virus has changed .00000000001% and killes everyone anyways and you just hurt 15 people for absolutely nothing.
But what if its a form of natural population control that we've been breaking. I've been thinking about its lately, when infant/child mortality rate is 40%+ the crop of humans on the planet is much stronger then this everyone lives crap.
Hell even myself, I have asthma and bad eyesight. Without proper treatment I would die in the wild in a month, and maybe I should have.