What should be done with them
The mentally retarded
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Look into how Iceland had almost eliminated down syndrome
give them a Jow Forums pass and lock them in a room with a pc that only has access to Jow Forums
Nothing, it's mostly a self-correcting problem if they don't breed.
They should be loved and embraced. Love shouldn't count chromosomes
spade or neutered. We shouldn't allow them to reproduce their retarded genetics.
what about the economic liability they create? Or the cultural degredation we undergo when we start to care for literal animals as if they were our own?
1. register a website for a japanese style imageboard
2. create a board for discussing politics
3. tell them they can change the world by out-edgying eachother
4. problem solved
not really Africa is proof
And yet here you are, Fritz.
if you don't feed them they're not an economic liability.
Strap suicide vests on them and send them to hang out with antifa.
Theyll fit in perfectly
Taken care of, of course.
I feel for these lost souls. Obviously, they shouldn't breed, but they shouldn't be put down either. It's not like they're dogs. If you'd kill them then you have no heart. Let their families take care of them.
Africa is not mentally retarded, its racially retarded.
coconut oil, lions mane, spirulina
We can screen for that shit now, so every family has them by choice. Make the family pay the expenses for keeping them if they want them and everything is solved, in an ethical and peaceful way.
they are useful come midterm elections. we should offer them ice cream if they vote for our side then after the election tell them that the other side threw away all the ice cream we bought for them. show them receipts for the ice cream so there is no doubt ice cream was bought. when they ask why there are separate receipts instead of 1 tell them that this was all collected days before the election through charity. the good people had bought them ice cream when they bought all their groceries. i mean they are going to the grocery store any ways may as well do it in one trip
but those evil people threw it all out. why would tyrome do it? idk why does he do anything?
I know a guy who is, not exactly retarded, but he is socially retarded. He has a bachelor's degree in engineering because he did well on exams, but during day-to-day life, he can't do anything besides
> huddle in a corner
> flap his arms
> make weird grunting whining sounds
> collapse to the floor
> nod his head or say uhhhhhhhhh
> freaks the fuck out if people talk "too loud" or the lights are "too bright"
He's a drain on society but it seems cruel to lollolol he should've been aborted
We should give them a board where they can pretend National Socialism will solve their problems and they can rant about Jews all day.
Create an ethnonationalist juche country with retards only. Pure Darwinism survival of the least retarded. I think they would surpass most African countries in only one or two generations and probably peak somewhere around Middle East levels of development in less than 50 years. They will collapse eventually with too many normie children so we would need a continuous population transfer between retards and normies.
As callous as it sounds, remove their right to reproduce. They have a right to live their life, but their genetics are damaging to us as a species. Our progeny will thank us.
Put them all in a retard camp where they're forced to make macaroni pictures
We should stop letting them post under meme flags for one thing
Move them to Sweden and make them politicians. They'll fit right in.
Give them jobs seriously. I dealt with 2 downies working at supermarket checkout and it was all smiles. They told me i could save a dollar if i bought 13 extra bottles of poweraide!
Tards are bros
Sounds like an actual sperg and not the mene-kind psychologists diagnose everyone with.
>progeny happens to be communists fighting for a tolerant retarded society
Let them join Antifa to unite the right.
>> they already started
They're harmless, leave em' be
Not like they reproduce
Downies are subhuman. I know firsthand as i have several retarded family members and have worked for an autism community center for two summers. They are a drain on society and literally make their family want to suicide. If they are not aborted in the womb they should be euthanized. They are less than human, end of discussion.
Of Course a faggot wants to molest a tard, fags do not have a low they wont go
If it doesn't work out, at least it will make for some quality reality tv shows.
>down syndrome supernatural Hulk strength
Send em to America to be with the rest
>imagine it... being an african country, and comparing your living standards against a country of literal retards.
I would just love it for the chance of settling the "IQ vs Race" debate.
>I know firsthand as i have several retarded family members
Don't breed.
Ive seen retards kill people. They are also allowed to vote somehow and are used by the blacks to vote for their side.
Source- my retarded cousin was bussed to a voting location in 2008 and voted for "grandpa" as the nigger "helped" him push the button. Its disgusting
We usually just send em to Manchester
We already let the leafs on this board, I don't see why we should change that.
Many people hve retarded children. They not as uncommon as you might think. Theyre usually hidden in a basement and never leave the house though. Americans view them as a curse from god.
for all we know this might already be happening
I feel bad for his mom and dad. They never talk about it, but I get the feeling that they've given up on him.
Alot of Them Can't reproduce they are sterile :-)
Not a god damn thing you big government loving stateist fucking kike
This. My god, that would be so awesome.
Thing with spergs is that they constantly diagnose people who may be a bit angsty and introverted, but those people still change easily and lots of them only became thatover time.
Actual spergs sound exactly like what you outlined, shit motor functions, extreme focus and repetition on a single subject and being extremely responsive.
Abortion and gene therapy.
I fucked a DS girl. She had a nicest pussy and hairy. I did cum a lot inside her, and surprisingly she didn’t get pregnant. My mom run a clinic specifically for DS. Totally worth it if you don’t want anyone to find out.
Just do forced abortion or punishments.
People with down syndrome are all sterile.
What about over here, where big government loving statist kikes tax me to pay for the upkeep of peoples tard kids?
If they're useful put them to work. If they can't feed/cloth themselves and require an able bodied keeper to keep them alive then they should have the plug pulled. That person is wasting their life keeping the potato around when they would be more beneficial doing, literally, anything else with their life. They could be a hobo doing drugs and it would be a more beneficial use of time than caring for a retard.
Relocate to Canada where nobody can tell the difference.
They are kept alive and fed long enough that they do breed. They fuck like crazy and then are too dumb to raise their kids.
Uncle is trisomic. Incredibly nice guy. Adore baseball even if we are canadian ( thats proof for the trisomy). He worked in a simple job making paint mixer sticks, but hes getting old.They are most often infertile anyway so no long term harm
>my retarded cousin has a job and pays taxes
>niggers cant even keep the same job for a month
>always show up late
i used to think they needed to be gassed but honestly im not so sure anymore
Yes I’m aware, it scared hell out of me at first then i researched about DS throughly.
No. Start with J.
My mom runs a clinic which i meant independent program at local community college, there is LOT of people with DS.
Kicked into the pit. They are drains on society and add no value beyond allowing people to believe themselves to be good people for "taking care of" (i.e. putting up with) them.
first things first, get them out of the oval office
Recycle them.
As long as they're spayed or neutered I couldn't care if you keep your pets.
JF? Is that you?
>their problems
no, it's for the children
Never change...fucking kek
Q: Are adults with Down Syndrome sterile?
A: Women with DS are fertile. Men with DS have traditionally been considered sterile; however, there have been two documented cases of adult men with DS fathering children.
Educate yourself and stop fucking retards.
I don’t know OP what should be done with you?
>hai guize lets single out the weakest, most insignificant 'problem' we can find and make a thread about it
>lets also ignore the fact most of us here would be considered clinically retarded
leave them be, a warrior fights for good causes, not picking on the disabled
Dude, Hillary lost
Dude my ex was a nurse sith retards. She said they are hung like Clydesdale horses...thats Gods cruel joke.. You combine that with their Hypersexual behavior because a whisp of air on their benis makes them erect...Than you add degenerate women who fuck dogs and children, you think they wont fuck a 9 inch dick mental child? This is a timebomb waiting to happen... I wonder how many r3tards mothers are nurses??? Makes me wonder if they only still exist as a thing because some slut nurse yook them to the broom closet, than tricked some poor cuck into thinking he had bad genetics lol... google the stays, I gaurentee im onto something here
Kill them and their mothers if they had them over the age of 30 or is a christcuck that knew her baby we retarded but chose to not abort
Wow 2 case thats insane people with DS are bulls they are gonna get all the gurls pregnant.
I have never fucked any one with DS or other such things.
I dont believe you...
Why don’t you ask them yourself user?
>>Jow Forums
Yeah, what should be done with us,?
If all the mentally retarded people in this world were euthanized Jow Forums would then be totally empty.
>A: Women with DS are fertile
Taken care of.
Doctors should tell their parents if their child is to be born "mentally retarded" and abort it.
By law.
There was a guy in high school who was mentally retarded. Hes probably the nicest most civil and hard working person I know.
Honestly we could learn a thing or two from the tards.
Can't you fucking leave that woman alone?
Wow mayne have you got any downies preggy since you all know?
Why don't you fucking ask one of them
Send to Israel
H won The People by a solid margin of 2.8 mil votes !
Well it depends, is Autism grounds for gassing if so i'd be fucked two ways from sunday.
I am as well, but just think of us like your care assistants.
send them to israel and africa as bio weapons
killed at or before birth
>Implying those are legit voters
Where can I get a job putting the names on tombstones for the blue ballot collection user?
Genetic screenings of fetuses. Aborted when detected.
Depends, are you the type of aut that after a few hours a consensus would conclude to slap the shit out of you or are you the chill play games and tell me about 12th century literature type of aut.
Nothing. You don't seem so bad OP.
>nurse sith retards
Well you have the video games part of me down, and I do like history. I'd be willing to learn.
>are you autistic or not autistic