Jow Forums only takes a pro gun stance because it is a board filled with contrarian edgelords...

Jow Forums only takes a pro gun stance because it is a board filled with contrarian edgelords. Deep down we all know that the gun culture in the US is fucking insane and needs to be seriously overhauled and MUCH stricter gun laws need to be put in place.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>not demanding god-given right to bear arms
>in a country born of rebellion against a monarch's god-given right to rule

Venezuela banned private gun ownership and now the people have nothing to protect themselves from the socialist goons who have driven the country into starvation and conflict.

Attached: venezuela guns.png (653x437, 145K)


Of course it’s insane. We love it. If you aren’t an American you will never understand. Over the last two centuries we have done a whole lot of shit that was insane right up to and including putting a fucking man on the goddam moon. We don’t give af whether you understand it.

No, we're filled with bullshit memeflag posters like you, constantly shitting up the place. Kill.yourself.


>how do you do fellow Jow Forums users
Fuck off hippie.

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Alex Jones taught up there can be no more compromise. You are cancer. You are no longer needed or welcome in the Americas.


One out of four people are intellectually and developmentally disabled (retarded).
>There are over 360,000,000 people in the United States.
>While gun ownership in the United States is around 60% of the population (idk fact check me)
>We will say around 216,000,000
>therefore there are 54,000,000 retarded people with guns

I have seen some pretty cringey shit happen at ranges and gunshows. You know damn well you have too.

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>talks about restrictin' guns
You ain't a real dixie, get that memeflag off, bitchboy

>meme flag
Sage this shit

Lmfao kill yourself pussy

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You are correct, we need to disarm the government. But the politicians will NEVER give up their gunmen. Armed thugs are the basis for their power. Dream on.

Free gun ownership is literally the only thing the rest of us envy the Amerimutts over. If you take that away, then the US will truly be utter shit through and through (no offense Mutts)

Yeah it does need to be overhauled. Some hero with the right access capabilities needs to bleach but all the gun registry servers and every anti gun politician needs to be marched out of their offices and forcibly retired with no pension or benefits.

Their homes and personal assets should seized and reassigned back into homelessness programs for American veterans.

Yeah, but you have to take your chances so the gov. won't fuck you when the soon to be majority latinos will decide that socialism has to be tried in the US again.

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Its only insane if you're opposed to the fundamental values of self determination and afraid of chaos. If you're the kind of person who values order above all its terrifying.

Thankfully, you have Europe if thats your thing.

According to your numbers, there are 144 million people who do not have guns. The retards are all in this group. Try again, low IQer.

You have my vote.

>22 rimfire AR wannabe
Fuck you faggot

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we should have all guns given out for free desu

No.. its not "insane". Only fucking leftists who have ZERO understanding of firearms think its "insane". So I politely invite you to eat a giant bowl of dicks.

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Hogg, stop it with these threads, m'kay? Dude, you got a problem; fix your problem; worry about gun control later.

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Now I need your help. It would take millions of us, but imagine what we could accomplish.

Every terrible massacre in the past 100 years was conducted by governments against unarmed populations. Every country could have a mass shooting every day for the next thousand years and not even get close to the body count created by lack of guns.

End your existence.

Gun culture is fine. Nigger culture is the problem.

>My fellow Americans
Show real flag kike, we can’t even enforce the laws we got, the fuck are we doing adding even more laws?

No energy. No points awarded. No Shareblue-sheckels.

I have an S&W 15-22 ... it's really nice.

>One out of four people are intellectually and developmentally disabled (retarded).
>Definition for intellectual disability is an IQ below 80
>80 is 2 standard deviations below mean
>95% of people fall within two standard deviations
>half of those will be 2 or more SDs below the mean
>you have confused 2.5% for 25%

Looks like we've found the retard even before we talk about what proportion of that 2.5% has an adjudication, has been hospitalized, or is unable to access the level of resources necessary to buy weapons.


we actually want guns available because jews are running a psyops to get white people to kill themselves as much as possible, thats why no matter how many mass shootings happen the jews will never allow gun control legislation to pass

Obviously. You have to be thoroughly propagandized to think our gun culture is anything other than the country's leaders encouraging division and fighting amongst ourselves so they can get away with murder. They trick the gun fanatics by decontextualizing the 2nd amendment but it clearly has no relevant application in today's world, where any citizens' revolt would be immediately quelled by superior weaponry.

>1 post by this ID

>Deep down we all know that the gun culture in the US is fucking insane and needs to be seriously overhauled and MUCH stricter gun laws need to be put in place.
Nope. We have demographic problems. That and societal decay, due to progressivism, is what causes most of the gun violence. We have solutions to these problems.

if anything, the government should provide each citizen with a firearm when they turn 18.

>always a memeflag
>always 1 post by this ID
>always a gun picture
>always anti-gun rethoric

This is what an obvious slide thread looks like.

>1 post by this ID.

How many newfags and boomers we really got here!? Because this wasn't even good bait 300 posts back of the same exact fucking subject.


>we all know
>we all

Yep, we all know. You are right about that.

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Come and take it motherfucker.

Based Nipon

>Every country could have a mass shooting every day for the next thousand years

Incredibly, it checks out ...

10 deaths/massacre x 1 massacre/day x 365 days/year x 1000 years x 200 countries = 730 milion deaths.

This could be a plausible low bound for the no. of deaths in pointless attrocities commited by governments over 1000 years.

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I support gun control.

Non whites in the US should have to jump through extreme hoops to get weapons.

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Based spaghetti nigger

why? 95% of gun violence is nigs killin' nigs
that's not white peoples fault

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if we do ever get gun control, its gonna be this basically

>memeflag to hide country
>shit talks USA

Merchant kin detected!

Suck start a shotgun OP

Ok OP I'm buying 4 more and turning my bulldozer into a tank.

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We’ll Never be yours, evildoer.
Try it.

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This is now an arsenal thread

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Oh yeah.. You need to find Jesus..
You’re totally fucking lost!

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Every one of these threads I see, another iron soldier and a box of ammo gets added to my collection. Keep that in mind when you’re planning your disinformation campaigns and psyops.

I’m pretty sure it’s hoggs meme lab

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Kill yourself, retarded kike.

This is some next level jewry

no it's a gun stats thread now

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Probably US military stationed there.

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Sage, shill and low tier bait.

I for one welcome our new school shooting overlords.

>meme flag
>1 post by this ID
Checks out.

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Can’t we all just get along?

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No it's because we like shooting guns faggot.

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Don't tread on me and we'll be fine.

I don’t get it? What’s the graph say?
My iq is 2

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working on getting a boltaction

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Not when you look at how little gun crime is committed by actually well-trained people and NRA members. People with 500 guns and those stockpiles don't commit gun-crimes.

On the surface, your only resistance to it is fear. You're scared of it because it seems fucking insane. But these people are very rational at heart and only use guns for defense. They have 600 because they believe the government can't be trusted, and, honestly, it probably can't.

>ape with an ak47
I see more than one there

the NAP has already been violated.

none taken
the constitution is what made the united states the beautiful system that it was
failure to adhere to it is what has caused things to degrade to the present
when the false government takes a step too far, though, things will become how they should be once more
the only questions are when and why
most likely the final mistake will be a total attack on either the first or second amendment
all we have had so far are skirmishes, the first real battle has yet to begin

states with larger black population have higher gun homicide rates, which is obvious since the black rate is 12 times higher than white rate as shown here

Reminder to bulk purchase ammo. Memeflagging faggots like OP are to eat a bullet.

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op is gayer than a 3 legged faggot climbing a wall of cocks

Obvious demoralization thread. Stop falling for the bait, lads.

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You got me beat. Garand or m1 carbine is my next choice

this might be more of a Jow Forums question but is a lighter grain or a heavier grain better?

You project too much. Just because you and your insane antifa but buddies can't be trusted with guns doesn't mean that normal people are anything like you. Legal gun owners use guns to protect themselves and their families somewhere between 300K-3million times a year depending on how you calculate it. You are not taking that away. Only tyrants fear that their people are armed.

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American here

Every time I buy a new gun it is sort of an impulse thing...

Do I need to learn how to "check" my American privilege?


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Fuck you, go suck a cock

BUT BUT BUT. I needz tuh mag dump tuh prooov muh manhood.

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Dis is hows you do it niggar...

You're right. Shooting stuff isn't fun at all and I'm totally comfortable using a baseball bat for self-defense. Going to have my guns melted down tomorrow.

That is the DUMBEST cop I've ever seen in my life. You NEVER shoot through your own windshield. Then empties the mag BEFORE getting out, then fumbles loading in another mag with the door open completely vulnerable, almost puts the mag in backwards, and in those 10 seconds he could have died.. what a fucking moron.

Better than (((you)))....

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Having gone through the academy, I can safely say I would have done better than that.

Oh sure they can piss on each other but rape one or two and dear God it's like the world is ending

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>meme flag
Show your real flag
opinion discarded till then

Go Rambo! Yah, where in the academy did they teach to mag dump. No wonder the left wants to limit guns. Even the idiots that are supposed to be ambassadors act like little boys playing cowboys and indians.

is this an weak attempt of and argument?, sounds a lot like whining,
Fake and Gay

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the fuck how did he not notice that....

>Deep down we all know that the gun culture in the US is fucking insane and needs to be seriously overhauled and MUCH stricter gun laws need to be put in place.
Then why can't you post more than once and defend your position?

>No wonder the left wants to limit guns. Even the idiots that are supposed to be ambassadors act like little boys playing cowboys and indians.
On the contrary, the left ONLY wants the police to have guns.