would you fuck her? be honest Jow Forums
Alexandria ocasio-cortez
Yeah probably
I'd fuck the socialism out of her.
same vro
Sure but she has to make me breakfast in the morning.
For the story? Of course.
Does face-fucking her until she pukes on my cock count?
Yeah but in total darkness. She has premature saggy gam-gam titties.
Depends how many cans of food she's charging.
What is a proper way to get rid of these threads?
Do we sage/report? They're endless..
wat do?
if she can get me hard I suppose I would, I doubt she can though.
Fuck the shit out of her with pic
Even when shitposting I refuse to mention sticking my dick into this thing. I hold it akin to child porn.
Are you attracted to the mentally disabled and/or children?
She is disgusting. How can anyone find her attractive?
she needs to redistribute her pussy and I will vote for her
She's kinda cute and her crazy eyes give me a heartboner, so probably yes.
No, I've had sex with better looking women who weren't communist shitskins. Why should I lower my standards?
If I wasn't married and she had a lobotomy first. Then yes, yes I would.
I'm an incel, of course I would.
>crazy eyes give me a heartboner, so probably
dude same
Yes, and I probably could given the opportunity.
eh sure, i'd seize her means of reproduction
Probably not. The thing is, you might think the longer you remain a virgin, the wider range of girls you would fuck just so you could finally have sex, but it's really the other way around. Having never been laid and pushing 30 I feel like you respond to women differently.
>horse-faced mutt with crazy eyes
I've never been that thirsty