Why isnt Israel responding to the rise of Anti-semitism in the west?

White people all over the world are calling for another holocaust of the Jews and demand them to be kicked out of their nations.
Israel should be protecting the jews worldwide, why havent they respond to the rise of the Neo Nazis by threatening the west like reminding them that the Samson option was never aimed for the Arab or muslim nations?

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because anti-Semitism is a Zionist trick to promote Aliyah; anti-Semitism works in Israel's favor.

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Israel doesn't give a shit, they have nukes now and will fuck anyone who's seriously considering another shoah.

They are trying

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They only have like 8 mill in Israel. More antisemitism in Europe means more jews leaving for Israel. There are droves of French jews doing it. They need jews in Israel for strength in numbers and colonizers for annexed areas

My only guess is that the Jews are waiting for things to get bad enough for the third temple to be built and they think the end of the world will come once they're pushed to the brink again.

Maybe next time we can finally finish the job and get back to being a normal civilization again.

Because they benefit from "anti-Semitism". It makes them stronger.

>White people
It's mostly moslems and other immigrants

nukes are worthless if you get nuked first

If all jews could go to Israel then it could be nuked at once, problem solved. But that's not the plan for them unfortunately.

Israel has ICBMs and hundreds of Thermonuclear weapons ready to be deployed at any time.
Its kinda funny really, the whole western world want the jews to be exterminated and the Jews are letting that fact slip through them to the point they're even cucking to the palestinians and giving them more land. They welcome trump in their nation and bowed down to him despite they being fully aware that none of the american people are willing to fight for them if they got attacked by their neighbors.
Israel is putting itself in the stupidest position imaginable. If the Japs are in their shoes, they wouldve said fuck the UN and fuck NATO and immediately militarize and will start banging shoes on tables in international conferences to demand the respect of the western world.


You think the people on Jow Forums who say we need to "KILL ALL JEWS" or "There are no good jews" are normal people? They're zionist shills that need to tie Israel to all of judaism to use it as human shields.


According to (((them))) anti semitism is always on the rise. They blow this horn every other fucking day. And it is never true. Nobody gives a shit. Nobody believes it. Nobody cares

>Israel has ICBMs and hundreds of Thermonuclear weapons ready to be deployed at any time.

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"respond" implies that Israel ever takes a break from interfering with American domestic politics

I say "kill all jews" all the time but you're right.

(((The right stuff)))
Sure schlomo.
Anti semite was also invented by a kike. And they still got kicked out.

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Fuck off I don't want them here.

Here's a zionist shill now!

>and they still got kicked out
which gave them Israel, which gave the control of the world.


fuck off kike. we don't discriminate anymore.

In what way does that make me a zionist shill, Jow Forums has been saying gas the kikes and race war as long as I can remember.
They've been kicked out of multiple countries for a reason.

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The bongs gave them israel and I wouldn't mind glassing israel either.

Check this kike shit out

Because they already own Trump.

>implying anyone will dare to nuke Israel first

>Why isnt Israel responding to the rise of Anti-semitism in the west?
Because Israelis know their reason for existence. They only exist now to rebuild the Temple. Afterwards, they are to be annihilated. They've been cursed by God for their disobedience. They are no longer Chosen, but only exist as tools to enact His will, then promptly disposed of soon after. And they accept this, save the few who still rebel against Him. The children of those who defied God in the first place. They will suffer the most cruelest of punishments and inhumanity from both God and Man.

Saying gas the kikes race war now is different from thinking all jews are the same and alike.

Thats one of the reasons (((they))) are bringing sand-niggers to destroy the West. Mohameds are terrorising jews and the number of jews leaving for Israel are increasing dramatically.

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I wouldn't give a shit about Israel existing if the following conditions would be met:
1. All Jews go back there immediately
2. All our relations with Israel reset back to normal, ie. like every other country, not this fucking parasitic relationship "muh Holocaust #NeverAgain" they enjoy now.

Again I don't want them here nor do I trust any of them for a reason.

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If USA would stop protecting them, I'm pretty sure someone would dare.

because the goyim LARPing as jews (which you claim are actual jews , but are not) hate israel and are leftist cucks , israel is a right wing nationalist country, anyone not prepared to serve it and fight for it is not welcome here .

Because you're a Zionist shill.

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>y your a zionist shill for hating jews and israel
Nice try kike.

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I made this infographic faggot. I still have the psd file.

>their nations

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israel controls all the nations capable of nuking it..so who will?

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Hello jidf.

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There is tons of pro-jew internet shilling everywhere and here.

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They want jews to move to israel so that it becomes so populated the Palestinians will never get a state.

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because Islamism is the true enemy of white culture and it's happening in front of your eyes while you also get fucked up the ass

"Gas the kikes" is different than "give the kikes their own HQ with state of the art military and billions of dollars of aid per year" Moshe.

When we take back control, cutting aid or bombing israel.

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>Israel should be protecting the jews worldwide
And who do you think protects Israel and the Jews worldwide. Their bully the United States.
They don't have any fucking power we don't let them have. And they're losing it.
Of course you can find plenty of Jews whining about it.
But we are just about done with you. Protect your own damn selves.

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they want all jews to move to Israel

Jews answer the calling to go home

The palestinians turned down getting a state so many times it's retarded. They want to take over the west

Israel owns Christianity in the end, so they don't need to stir shit to pull the levers of power. Anti-semitism in the West is weak unfocused and will stay that way because Evangelicals.

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I wonder who was behind that.

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how do you think we'll take back control?

Just jews jewing jews.

OP is a jihadist in disguise

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Stfu kike. Stop trying to spread Zionist lies and propaganda.

Never said we should aid them kike.


fuck your fake holocaust
no one wants that they just want Jews to leave western nations

please go get out of our lands

>Israel owns Christianity in the end
Real Christians know Jews are the Synagogue of Satan spoken of in Revelations.

You start taking back control from recognizing jihadists on the internet. Israel is helping white culture

Palestine was created by the Romans in 132 AD. It wasn't until the 1900s that the english banker jews stole it

No they didn't

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Waking up the whites.

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Jihadists are trying to take over /pol

palestinians are the niggers of the arab world

>Israel is helping white culture

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What will you do when they're awake? Repeat he same mistake as Hitler and deport Jews to their own State?

No they aren't you fucktard shill.

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There are 2 jews

>the Israeli jew
(these jews want to hold on to israel and take more land from palestinians and eventually leb/syria
These ones can live in their nation an prosper)
>the internationalist communist jew
(these are the poison ones that float among the western nations sewing communism
these ones can go into the camps)

Ironically they're the most white along with Syrians.

>reminding them that the Samson option was never aimed for the Arab or muslim nations?
They should. I want every European and American to know about it. Best do it on primetime TV. Jew.

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No we learn from our mistakes
Hitler was going to send them to madagascar to be monitered
How ever what do you suggest?

Palestine existed already long before that. Herodotus writes of Palestine around 500 BC. The Romans simply restored the original name of the land.

I dislike the two of them, both deserving of the gas.

Why send the majority of Jews anywhere? Jail criminals and force "regular Jews" to live under a new set of laws preventing their subversion of State. Jews must not have their own "homeland."

You Khazars should just convert to non Jewish atheism Christianity or non Jewish agnosticism. You will never be able to control what it means to be Jewish since the Ashkenazis are way smarter than you.

What about an island far away from any western nation?

if you can prevent kikes from kiking by enacting powerful new laws what's the point of deporting?

why convert ? most people i know are agnostic

I don't want them to stay here because they always can pull.
>I am white card

Rightful Jewish clay. Fuck off M*slimes. We are going to knock down the piece of shit Al Asqa Mosque and build the Third Temple soon

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You're all agnostic until someone names you

>jew thinks they were the original hebrews who they backstabbed.

Not a single one of your ancestors have ever stepped a foot into that land Moshe. You are nothing but an imposter.

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Bye bye shit mosque

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what if they cant pull that card? what if jews lived in a fully redpilled society and their tricks cant work?

Not a mudslime but I hate your people more than I hate sandniggers.

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But you shouldn't keep the label of Jewish. If you're against multiculturalism ,international finance and usury then you should disavow the Jewish faith and tribe.