Why is california so hated?

Why is california so hated?
5th largest economy on earth, we lead America because what we do today the rest of the country will eventually do, GOAT weather, tech capital of the fucking world (yes, even beating Japan).
Why are we so hated? Is it jealousy?

Attached: CaliforniaStateCountyMap.jpg (570x660, 133K)

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No, because y'all california bitchboys are what's wrong with America.

1.Full of liberals
2.Full of spics

with both of those combined, they make their way into America, and spics can enter America without having to worry about getting deported, because of the liberals.


Then how can you explain our success?
Liberals and spics seem to be making california wildly successful.
Every state has stupid laws

Why do so many of you degenerates keep fleeing to Texas?
I'm tired of your kind infecting Austin and the sorrounding region.

Cali is hated because it represents everthing wrong with our culture. Californians are a virus...spreading their fucked up ideas wherever they go.

Everywhere Californians go, they destroy it like a locust plague.

it has no white people anymore, and the few whites are turbo lefties

>such economy
>so successful
>highest poverty rate
>even Mississippi ranks better

People openly shit in the streets of its most expensive city. The very definition of a shit hole.