He makes a good point honestly.
He makes a good point honestly
to be fair, if you're begging for money, what else would you be looking for?
Even if I wasn't sick I'd pretend to be if my life was so shit I had to beg for money.
That is fucking fantastic.
The free market wins again.
I use it to pretend I am sick and beg for money
Charity care has always been a good thing.
That the free market is working as intended?
he's not making any point.
does he want free shit™
well he should move to Venezuela, they got all kinds of free shit.
socialism doesn't work.
What else Wookiee you use it for
They are just mad that are up against kick starter so are taking the moral high ground
This every day. What's the problem?
This is America
>gojewme takes a percentage of money intended for sick patients
rly makes u think
>money is bad
>give me everything for free
Fucking retards
This is a russian bot thread
>He makes a good point honestly.
Yes. That when the government is not so large, the people will pull together to help eachother. Pretty well proves that when you take government assistance out of the equation, shit still gets done.
Hopefully our federal government is shrunk to 1/10th the size it is now.
It’s not a very good one. You all are too smart. You saw the positive when the Kremlin tried to make you see the negative.
>Implying anyone is funding those
>Implying half aren't sluts asking for a free boob job
No he does not. Your 5 year cancer survival rates are through the roof. Everyone should just be happy there is medical aid they are able to purchase. Dumbfuck.
And they said anarcho capitalism couldn't work
You're ignoring all the people who didn't get funded and died.
Isnt this always the defense of capitalism? That charity is inherent and shouldn't be mandated by the govt? So the capitalist system is working?
capitalism fixes a socialist problem?
Can someone explain this to me since it is legally impossible not to have health insurance for 6 years now?
Given employment benefits, the ACA and now apparently getting friends to help, let alone non-profiit health systems writing off nonpayers all the time, at some point it's not lack of affordability.
Its.. almost like.. community opt in healthcare that existed in the early 20th century works.
If you're begging for money what other reason would you use as a lie to get sympathetic fools to give you their hard earned cash?
Given the choice, I'd rather give money to a friend or family member to pay for their medical bills than pay a giant (((health insurance company))) that will take my premium and use it to pay for Jamal's gunshot wounds and Bubba's third lapband surgery.
Huh Interesting so capitalism is working then. Good to know how charitable Americans are.
Serious question, what happens when someone gets a potentially lethal cancer but cant afford treatments?
introduce socialized healthcare but you can choose not to pay for it.
but you cant use it if you dont pay
with luck they take out as many niggers as possible before they get taken out.
Q predicted this
I love the free market
How well does that work? Asking for a friend
jews swoop in
Hospitals overcharge the shit out of everything. It's common for people to be out of welfare eligibility and still not be able to pay their bills. And not everyone has a circle of friends that will pool for a bill that exceeds the cost of a new car.
Says the free market works. Hurr.
Bingo, I believe there are people on there who do need money for medical care but there are people scamming retards. A lot of it is people scamming retards.
They don't deserve to live if no-one wants to fund their healthcare. That's why being kind and caring for your volk is good: because they will pay you back that kindness
Boomers pls go
Once again proving that the free market does it better.
>no one funds people that they don't like
Sometimes problems solve themselves.
GFM confirms that the most popular way to scam money from people online is to evoke sympathy over a medical emergency which may or may not exist in any real sense. This is an old-school scam, common to women claiming fake cancer for attention in the 1990’s. Nigerian prince scam BTFO.
i thought these faggots wanted communist healthcare? this is a just a voluntary form of it
we should demand GFM do medical fundraisers for no fees.
Q predicted this
Sick people in the United States subsidize socialist healthcare. Pay your share commie fucks r
let the market take care of it...
it says that charity works.
It says that private charity is better than our partially-socialized healthcare system, like libertarians have been saying for decades now.
Lack of funding for medical bills are AFTER treatment
No one dies from unpaid medical bills
Wrong. Having X campaigns for healthcare bill's doesn't mean those same X campaigns meet their funding objectives. It isn't one of the largest insurers. It is not remotely close to level of "fuck you" money that this would generate. Stupid bitch in tweet is trying to be cute.
Hate crimes... I wonder what the sum of the two percentages is to the overall total (Hatecrime funds + Medical funds). See people, no need for socialism, capitalism takes care of it just fine and is exploited just the same
>and another third goes to niggers that vandalized their own shit and need money to “stop racism”
>search: racism
Learning from the Jews.
>I need private capital for an anti capitalist art project
Beggars are the lowest forms of life on earth.
I knew an American coalburning hapa that drained her mother’s savings, after using up her father’s gi bill benefits transferred to her (stop getting benefit because she failed all her classes and couldn’t pay back the VA), and she suddenly become a Mormon and mooched off the church. Once the church found out she was a coal burner supporting her boyfriend they gave her the boot. Now she goes to gofundme every month to get her bills paid.
i know all of you hate your boomer parents but you gotta take care of them and your children will take care of you