Who is going to pay for all the medical costs for this woman? CNN article so fuck linking.
Should attempting suicide be a crime?
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No, they just should not recieve any medical care to begin with.
I'd smash it
god fucking dammit i hate women.
we have sought to control that which should be uncontrollable
gaze upon what has become and despair
I don't understand why she wants to live. Now she is blind and disfigured. Unless she wants to contribute to science and be a lab rat for reconstruction plastic surgeons.
Suicide already is a crime you fucking ape
Gee, th-thanks doc.
it isnt
Since when? If it is, why isn't this ugly cunt in jail?
what did she look like before her face transplant?
what is this world
Lmao that thot is going to suicide for real some day
this is what she looked like before she tried to give a gun a blowjob
looks like you already did
>gives suicide survivor a 'second chance'
>second chance to do the job right
She was pretty hot before too, desu. What a waste.
this is what not aiming for your brain looks like
Holy shit is that the kids who blew his face off and tried to blame a song?
Fucking her would be like having a ride of a Downie simulator
vagana pycs?
How did she try to commit suicide?
Why didn't she use the old bag n' helium method?
I think if I was a woman and looked like this I'd rather be dead desu senpai
>before she tried to give a gun a blowjob
It was the only thing in town she hadn't given a blowjob to, so she thought "Why the hell not?"
Remember, if you're going to kill yourself with a gun, shoot yourself in the heart.
Even if you miss, you'll hit something vital and bleed out within a minute or two.
Look on the bright side, now she gets to blow her face off for a second time.
I'm sure someone out there has a fetish for the "forever alone" meme guy and would still fuck her
Honestly, if I was mauled by a dog or something to the extent they had to put some fat dead guy's face on top of mine, I'd rather just wear a metal mask like the guy from Kingdom of Heaven.
oh, bullshit. i definitely replied to this thread. niggers.
That's the face i fell in love with!
she'll need to take immuno-suppresants for the rest of her life. She'll probably die of cancer within 10 years.
And this is why its important to actually kill yourself
I don't get why they can't simply create a 3d printed mesh roughly approximating what her face used to look like, embed it within the face area (since they're removing the previous one anyway), and then let the skin grow back over it or do grafts. They already do this for girls with closed up pussy syndrome where they have to 3d print a vaginal mesh and grow tissue on it. Same thing with missing limbs: Scan the surviving limb, 3d print a prosthetic.
Thanks for the advice
That's coming in probably 10-20 years. It's too complicated at the moment due to the cranial nerves.
Lol, she looked like that before, what a dumbass, she could have married a beta millionaire.
It's a bit more complex than just slapping a new layer of skin on. Depending on what the injuries were they will have transplanted muscle, nerves, and blood vessels as well and making sure they all connect with whatever she had left is very difficult. If you just put a growth promoting mesh over her face (kinda stuff they use for burns) you have a pretty high risk of not having facial function
They gave her the Sarah Sanders face.
>suicide survivor
god bless you, 'stralia
Q predicted this
Fuck no, swallow that shit, point it back and use .45 or higher
Here's another before picture.
Wouldn't they just be more suicidal after having their face blown off? I'd get drunk and go jump off the nearest bridge.
I'd take a non-functioning face locked into a perpetual blissful grin than looking like fucking mr potato head for the short years of life left.
Or better yet, just dont try and fail to kill yourself.
This is the guy she tried to kill herself over.
it should be illegal for women to commit suicide, they never ever fucking do it right anyways
Shotty under the chin, probably with bird shot. Just blows your jaw and face off resulting in the most gruesome aftermath possible.
They recently gave a pig a lung, striped to the framework and seeded with it's own cells. A 3d printed scaffold one is their next project.
i love progress
>killed herself over the spitting image of the virgin
what a cucklette
Only a shotgun could do that amount of damage to her face.
>whose face would you like?
>give me the quagmire
I guess having the eyes and lips functioning properly is important, but having most of the face static, I agree, is preferable to looking like she does. I imagine in the cyberpunk future, people will elect to look like beautiful unmoving statues purposefully.
this isn't how Jow Forums told me women behaved. Where's chad???
So it was dumb teenage crush with a Manlet pizza face, women are screwed, Asians can’t save you, Japanese women are gold digging as fuck you best wait for robo waifu
the irony
>how it feels to chew 5 bees
He is wearing sunglasses though...
surgeon must be one of us, he got that fucking cleft chin down spot on
Nogunz detected.
1 post by this ID
too bad hogg wasn't there as victim number 1
Remember ladies if your going to kill
Yourself do it in a way that the under taker and your male family can indulge a little with your body
>not using .22 so it bounces around in your skull turning your brain into swiss cheese
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Gee, thanks doc
he must have been a cool and funny guy
I would not be cool with this if they used my face for this shit.
Like if its a soldier who got his face blown off fighting some asinine war for Israel and Northrop Gruman, I guess I could deal. But some mopey twat who doesn't know how to use a shotgun? I don't think so.
>killing your self over a boy and not killing him first, marrying the corpse at gun point and than flinging you,him,his parents and the person that married you off a cliff with a busted brake
We are too powerful with the mematics broyims
>i want off dis ride
Does the article say what caliber it was?
I mean honestly I assumed shotgun myself; but a rifle could do it too. I'm not sure about a pistol unless the crazy bitch put more than one round into her face.
Why is it always the chaste Christian girls that end up degenerate cum rags? Is the Norse meme correct?
Literally throws her life away and gets another chance. Fucking clown world.
....All she sees is familiar faces
honestly when I was 15 I asked a teacher of law in the classroom if suicide if lawful since it was an actual genuine question I had and im obviously austistic. looking back i cringe so hard since other ppl including the teacher had probably thought i was idealizing suicide when in fact i was only curious. the cringe.
* if suicide is lawful
said hunting rifle. .308?
Thank god she’s blind now or it would be round 2
>getting a giant bump tattooed on your arm
Because a lot of the time the only reason they were good was out of fear then when that wears off they didn't actually develop real good habits.
should be punishable with death :^)
>When you shoot yourself with a potato gun
>attempted to an hero because she broke up with her bf and he easily moved on
>used a rifle instead of a shotgun
>missed and blew open her forehead
>blinded herself in the process
>doctors kept her from dying
>got a face donated by a whore who overdosed on heroin
>looks like this
Fuck, I almost feel bad for her.
Hopefully the next time works out better
>Should attempting suicide be a crime
Yes, but it should only be punishable by hanging.
I laughed way too hard at this, I'm going to hell
Couldn't you just aim at the side of your head rather than try and suck the barrel?
This is why I support mass depopulation, yes as you grow older you do get knowledge and wisdom but just like a game if your base stats are sub fetal pigs, I don’t want you running the future. I don’t want you running a McDonald’s, let alone the country if your first reply to rejection is killing yourself. Life isn’t that fucking dramatic and your temporary high school bullshit is just that. We need a war not just to toughen the kids but to Eliminate a fair amount
If she had received medical care BEFORE the suicide, we wouldn't have to debate this.
I had a real retarded thought once. I was renewing my driver's license and I thought "I'm okay with them using my organs but I'd rather they not transplant my brain. That wouldn't be cool"
Though now I'm not big on organ donating because I realized the hospitals profit off it while giving no financial support to my family for, say, funerary expenses or hospital treatment prior to my death.
>gives survivor a second chance
To do what? Try again? Because if I went from the okay face to the mashed potato, if fucking kill myself.
Isn't that the California guy who was caught doing arms trading involving automatic weapons and missiles with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front?
That makes sense any deer rifle would do a lot of damage to your face if you aimed it up under your chin.
I guess it must have missed the jaw bone and either gone out through her nose, her cheek, or her teeth since she still has eyes and her skull is mostly intact. That would take off most of her face but still leave the doctors enough skull to work with for them to stretch a new face over.
I'm a fedora tipping atheist but unironically kind of.
The problem with cuckstianity (Protestantism at least, I'm not so familiar with Catholicism) is that you're taught that Jesus is your salvation. There are a million ways to sin, but there's always one answer: to repent to Jesus. It's too easy. It's a tradition that doesn't breed a culture of discipline. It's funny because my aunt was talking about this the other day. She was upset because her friend said that Lutherans (or whatever denomination she is) are too liberal, and she scoffed at that idea because surely liberalism is a good thing! I just kind of shook my head and wondered what tradition she was preserving when her most deeply held beliefs shifted with the times. Just what exactly is a tradition that is also progressive? You end up with an oxymoron which is just as confusing as an empty phrase like "historical futurism" or "primitive progressivism".
The Catholic Church has a whole different problem. I don't know what the fuck they're doing. How in god's name does the "one true church" allow such a subversive and heretical person to become the divinely inspired leader? I dunno, to me that kind of puts the nail in the coffin for Catholicism.
why do brazilian anons always say stupid personal shit nobody wants to hear?
do they think we are their friends?
is this brazilian facebook? Your status update is not wanted, if you have nothing of value to contribute please stop posting. (you have nothing of value to contribute you are garbage.)