Have whites invented enough technology to support all races of the world to prevent any conflict or starvation or do we...

Have whites invented enough technology to support all races of the world to prevent any conflict or starvation or do we still have more work to do?
Eventually we will develop such good farming and GMO practices that eventually no-one in the world will need to starve.

Once we reach this point I propose that only females should be allowed in positions of power as they tend to have more leftist policies and these policies would allow for everyone in the world to benefit from these technologies.

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>have whites invented enough?
Apparently not. Why else would they keep us around?

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When whites have invented all the good stuff, the rest will feel inferior and will seek to erase whites to feel supreme.

think logically. that's not likely if you think about it at depth

That is exactly what will happen, and is already happening.

Btw. Your idea of handing all that tech to women, who would use it better to distribute the wealth for everyone is just ridiculous.

I can tell from your post you're underage and think you're smarter than everyone else.

All women are mentally underageg their whole lives. Only women who have endured warlike situations and been beaten the shit out of them, can show some signs of actual wisdom.

> think logically. that's not likely if you think about it at depth
It's happening RIGHT NOW you stupid goofus.

I agree 100%, try to convince him/her that though.
Also for the record feeding Africa would be apocalyptic.

>Once we reach this point I propose that only females should be allowed in positions of power
We've been sharing technology with the earth. For the last 100 years. They HATE us for it.
And women? Ha. Why do women always get to claim they're in charge while not doing jack shit?

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I say we hoard white technology for whites, we don't share jack shit with an ungrateful world, allow them to live in the mud, and we can reach the stars.
And as for women they can get the fuck back in the kitchen. How about that?
How about we stop being leeched off of. How about we stop being exploited? Lets try that for once.

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They woukd somehow justify that even though they have the machines, they shouldn't -have- to use them, and instead would tell the people they are being bettered for not having or being able tobuse the machines.

Or something.
It is the most ridiculous thing I can think of ergo the closest I am capable of paralleling the female thought process.

That's impossible. The rest of the world can generate new mouths to feed faster than we could possibly generate food. Nevermind that it's not our responsibility to try.

>wisdom is getting the shit beat out of you in a war
Imagine being this retarded.
Wisdom is figuring out what gives people the best odds to stay alive and out of danger.

>Also for the record feeding Africa would be apocalyptic.

Yes. Africa needs to be transformed from aid driven continent to a basic market economy continent. No free stuff, at all. They need to work and pay. When their living standards rises, the sizes of their families decreases. May sound paradoxical, but that's how it always goes. Responsibility comes when dealing with your own money and wealth. Irresponsibility comes when dealing with someone else's moneys and wealth, with no checks and balances.

>we will develop such good farming and GMO practices that eventually no-one in the world will need to starve.

Who pays for this?

Q predicted this

I said, to WOMEN that is the only route to wisdom.
Men can gain wisdom via other means.

>Wisdom is figuring out what gives people the best odds to stay alive and out of danger.

Yes, and that is free market economy. End of discussion.

>Responsibility comes when dealing with your own money and wealth

Yes goyim, keep worshiping the paper god we create with electronic accounting entries.

>Have whites invented enough technology to support all races of the world to prevent any conflict or starvation or do we still have more work to do?
Even if we did, we wouldn't supply them their needs for free. We are generous towards those who deserve generosity and keep everyone else at bay, because they would not be grateful of our generosity even if their needs were met. And it is better that way, for both them and us — if you received something you didn't deserve to have, it will likely ruin your life.

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You're not even trying user.

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Smell of a communist is heavy in your post.

>if you received something you didn't deserve to have, it will likely ruin your life.
...Meanwhile on planet earth.

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>Smell of a communist is heavy in your post
That's just the smell of the kosher dick stuck in your mouth.

And your point is what exactly?

Now you're projecting.
You are clearly a commie faggot.

>Have whites invented enough technology to prevent all other races?

this is what you should have said

>Eventually we will develop such good farming and GMO practices that eventually no-one in the world will need to starve.

That's actually the problem, there was too much food production so the population boomed until there wasn't enough food.

It'd be so much easier to just infect them with a sterility plague and wait for them to die off
When the nigger is gone we can actually utilize the land and resources that they've squandered for a millennia

>You are clearly a commie faggot.
He says as he wipes Rothbard's and Friedman's cum from his mouth. Maybe you should stick to your Objectivist book club circle jerk.

>women tend to have more leftists policies

No they don't, lmao. Women are so rightwing that they will support anyone who is in power. They worship hierachy and are extremely competitive. Put them in a room together and they will fucking destroy each other. Everything is about status for them.

The only reasons women seem leftist are:

1. The leftists are currently in power. Thus women support them, as women worship those in power.

2. Women have a natural desire to seek power and to try to constantly shittest it. Leftism is a shittest on white men and you are failing it.

The only technology we needed to invent to help other races was the atomic bomb but clearly we haven't used it to the best of its abilities

>meme flag
You're right, that's why they vote en mass for diversity, mass migration, and gibs. Because they are so right wing.

Why would we support all those races when those resources can go to ourselves?
Why are you suggesting women have pow-

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>eventually no-one in the world will need to starve.
No one has needed to starve for the last 100 years.
Commies and nigs do it on purpose.

>No one has needed to starve for the last 100 years.
Clearly, your mother NEEDED to starve you.

It wouldn't be a problem

>if market economy could keep things balanced.
>if blacks would all concentrate to Africa and most educated ones from the west would be in charge there.
>heavy border control around the whole continent.

Arabs and muslims should also be concentrated on their own territories, cut off from all aid programs. Only market economy to keep them alive.

Have whites designed a killer satellite yet with a death ray capable of wiping out entire populations of countries with just the press of a button?

Because if they have, I have a list of countries.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Per Capita GDP
Switzerland - 80,189.7
United Arab Emirates - 40,698.8
United Kingdom - 39,720.4

Only one of those you listed is a market economy.

the problem is not everyone thinks logically which is why they might try to do illogical things

>implying that any conflict or starvation is bad.

women are rising in ranks in the office just as men are building the robots and technology to replace them all, typical women.

Why the fuck is that our goal? Let the fucking nonwhites die of their own inferiority. Fuck this charity shit.

You are thinking more generally about women's submission to the dominant narative. But, in current practice, women are leftards. No need to obscure the main issue.

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If she wasn't wearing underpants you would be able to see her vagina.

This place is worse than fucking omegle. Why dont you retards just as “m or f”.

You’re an asshole, dude

Trouble is that niggers as a whole don't want to work.
And people may get sick and tired in working to pay for their neighbour to have a huge family, a house, a car, holidays. Everything that they work hard for, but they get it for nothing. Not having to work and have plenty of time to enjoy their welfare payments.
The workers may start saying no, we're not taking this shit, I'm sick of working to have to pay for my family and my lazy neighbours lifestyle. I'm going to vote for a party that rejects stealing from my efforts to reward laziness.

Constance Frei anytime you call

there are male kids dancing erotically at parades thanks to women.
there are sandniggers invading europe thanks to women.
there is a shortage of work because women must be hired to fill quotas, also because of women.
nope, not having it anymore.
They had their chance and soon people will be fucking dead bodes.... NO, no more women leaders.
The project was a resounding failure, as expected and done before (egypt)

>white men need to work more so shitskins can get free gibs and women can be put into portions of power where they don't belong
No thank you

The IMF tried to help them . They built roads straight to their resources. globalist miners started mining . They did not want to pay tax to the Africans . So they shut them down .