Born in Boston in 1898, William James Sidis made the headlines in the early 20th century as a child prodigy with an amazing intellect.
His IQ was estimated to be 50 to 100 points higher than Albert Einstein's. He could read the New York Times before he was 2. At age 6, his language repertoire included English, Latin, French, German, Russian, Hebrew, Turkish and Armenian. At age 11, he entered Harvard University as one of the youngest students in the school's history.
But as an adult, he purposefully faded into the shadows, avoiding the public scrutiny that followed him through his early years.
>IQ 250 plus >Accepted admission to Harvard age 9 >Marxist Antics member jailed and sent to an asylum for being a Communist and punching a police officer >Atheist, didn't believe in race as a concept, widely considered to have the highest IQ ever recorded by far. So high in fact they could measure its peak on a scale coefficient.
>doesnt achieve anything yup, thats a commie alright
Carter Peterson
One of the world's largest banks says the planet is running out of resources and warns that neither governments nor companies are prepared for climate change. The world spent its entire natural resource budget for the year by August 1, a group of analysts at HSBC said in a note that cited research from the Global Footprint Network (GFN). That means that the world's citizens used up all the planet's resources for the year in just seven months
Kevin Bailey
>Hebrew TFW smartest man in the world but still destined to be a commie parasite thanks to jew genetics.
and uhh his notable contribution to society was what? oh right he “faded into the shadows” on purpose because of reasons
Kevin Davis
WTF, I'm a Jeb Head now.
Also, how do communists possibly think they can convince niggers, Mestizos, etc. to not be ethnocentric and shit all over whites?
There's going to be a population surge of billions in Africa by the end of this century, so how do you prevent them from turning Europe into Detroit; without resorting to authoritarian nationalism?
IQ is relative to the population, IQ has increased for the past 120 years, the current highest IQ individual is right wing.
David Martin
Carson Ross
I feel a connection. I dropped out of school, no education. Went to prison, became a junkie. At age 36 I did a Stanford Binet IQ test as a psyeval at the institution I was bring referred from and was told I have an IQ of 175.
I have a higher IQ than fields medal winners and I don't know what an adjective is.
How is this even possible? My wife is dumb as a bag of rocks and has a masters degree.
I however am far right so to be fair the title was just bantz.
Dominic Nelson
To be fair they put him in an asylum and electrocuted him for being a Communist. Don't think he ever recovered.
Michael Hill
>William James Sidis was born to Jewish emigrants from Ukraine,[6]
Ashkenazi IQ is so superior. Small differences in averages on the bell curve show up far more in the extreme.
It's why so many of the smartest people in the world are Jews despite them being 0.1% of the world's population.
Hunter Jones
>William James Sidis . It was later acknowledged, however, that some of the claims made were exaggerations, with a researcher stating, "I have been researching the veracity of primary sources of various subjects for about twenty-eight years, and never before have I found a topic so satiated with lies, myths, half-truths, exaggerations, and other forms of misinformation as is in the history behind William Sidis"
literally fakest and gayest post ever. neck yourself OP.
Justin Cooper
IQ isn't the most important characteristic of a man. Willpower is.
Cameron Perez
A lot of old school communists were anti-racist but very against open borders.
Alexander Butler
Never believe a cummunist. These fucking people created their own sciences that evolved around communism. Nothing could make communism look bad. shove your bullshit up your ass commie.
Julian Carter
Take an online course in something and see how fast you can pick it up.
Jaxon Walker
I thought his parents only threatened him with being put in a psychiatric hospital.
Luke Diaz
>after his death >his sister made the unverifiable claim that his iq was "the very highest that had ever been obtained" >any records of any iq testing that sidis actually took have been lost to history
>in 1933 sidis passed a civil service exam i >but scored a low ranking >in a private letter sidis wrote that this was "not so encouraging"
Sounds legit. I'm sure his mom would vouch for him being the coolest kid in school as well.
he is raised on glass globe he did no see any equal nigger in his life
Blake Hernandez
Did this guy ever even take an IQ test?
Jeremiah Russell
>didn't believe in race as a concept Dude was a fucking retard.
Thomas Howard
Why do people who think they’re smart always brag about how many languages they know ?
Learning languages isn’t hard, it’s just time consuming. But back when tvs computers phones, radios, and cars didn’t exist... I’d learn languages all day everyday
What else was there to do
Charles Cruz
This was before Stalin even took power. Sidis was born in 1898 and entered college aged 11.
Kayden Ramirez
The original communists were globalist Jews that wanted to mix everybody together (except Jews) so they could rule over the retarded brown goyim like landlords in Brazilian slums.
Stalin saw what they were doing and executed/exiled most of them. Stalin however, was still a cuck who shilled for 3rd-world niggers and gave them supplies/weapons to kill white colonists. South Africa and Zimbabwe turned into shitholes because the Soviets/Chinese armed nigger commie rebellions there.
Asher Rodriguez
Erm no. There are several books on him, sources showing his legitimate IQ scores, his proofs of equations at age 13 that it took 200 years to solve.
He spoke several languages at 6 and completed ramanujans equation relation to 3 /÷ infinity on his own for fun.
Bentley Ward
>it’s just time consuming Unless you're really smart. The smartest can learn a language in under a month. Some in a mere week.
Jacob Smith
He's living the dream. Isn't he a hardcore Christian too?
Elijah Walker
>didn't believe in race as a concept >As a concept What did he believe in it as an ice cream flavor? It’s fuckkng real, it would literally take a genius to talk yourself out of believing something objective truth. This guy probably saw the patterns but rationalized how he didn’t see what he saw. Total faggot and also in hell because of the atheism.
>and completed ramanujans equation relation to 3 /÷ infinity on his own for fun. wtf are you trying to say?
Jonathan Rogers
I think he's just agnostic.
Blake Williams
If he was so brilliant, and if Communism was so important to him, why hasn't he written a logically irrefutable argument in favor of his ideology? I'm interested in the argument, not the man. This is like the inverse of an ad hominem fallacy.
Isaiah Edwards
ITT: retards who think IQ scores over 160 mean anything at all
Ryan Baker
>William James Sidis was born to Jewish emigrants from Ukraine,[6]
Sounds about right
Jackson Sullivan
>punching a police officer >being intelligent Pick one.
Wyatt Wood
6 languages fluently at 6.... that is insanity. He was accepted to Harvard at 9 and proof wrote ramanujans work for fun.
He was the smartest man to ever live.
He was given electro shock therapy for being a Communist and homo and never recovered.
Christian Harris
>considered to have >estimated to be no proof=doesn't work
Ethan Jackson
He cute
Elijah Reed
Good for him, did he ever present a reasoned treatise on why communism is better? If not, why listen to him. I don't need to take his dick and presume he's right just because you or he says so, I'd want an actual reasoned argument.
William White
What did IQ mean by this?
Oliver Johnson
ding ding ding
>Shakespeare was great, but check out this Christopher Langan!
Proof's in the pudding, lads. IQ is very useful for groups but for individuals you gotta look at performance
Andrew Clark
good, commies deserve to be tortured
Ryan Nguyen
>proof wrote ramanujans work for fun. Just how Pajeet are you? You can't just put random words in a row and expect it to make a meaningful sentence.
Matthew Ortiz
>The original communists were globalist Jews that wanted to mix everybody together (except Jews) so they could rule over the retarded brown goyim like landlords in Brazilian slums. Most of the Jewish communists in the early 20th century were atheists and internationalists, not Jewish supremacists.
Levi Cooper
Q predicted this
Alexander Thompson
No. There are no sources for any actual IQ tests he took, if he took any at all.
Oliver Morgan
>This is like the inverse of an ad hominem fallacy. If only there were a name for appealing to authority.
Isaiah Nelson
you cant have an iq of 250. the highest possible is like 180 or something
Hunter Perez
The bourgeoisie of brains. His IQ needs to be ridistributed to the proles. He didn’t earn it after all. The IQtelligentsia will oppress the workers no more.
Luke Kelly
Ramanujan discovered 3 is the prime number in an equation for infinity using his formula proof on refractions.
Thus solving what was thought impossible. So did sidis, for fun, in a notebook as a child. Fucking lol at the insanity of that.
Aaron Mitchell
>Estimated to be So no proof?
Nicholas Johnson
>be a Jew >become a Marxist who tells everyone race don't real (to hide the salience of your own race) >do nothing >die
what a great inspiring story
Camden Anderson
No such thing as highest possible. Just decreasing accuracy once you have to start extrapolating at frequency of zero.
Oliver Foster
Source on this? Electroconvulsive therapy (now used with anesthesia for depression and bipolar disorder) didn't take off until the 1940s.
Logan Parker
>Man was so smart he could not see that the average human is too fucking stupid to give a fuck about any of this K, I believe it
And yet he contributed absolutely zero to the world. What a fucking faggot.
Nathan Lewis
Because he was put in an asylum and had electro shock therapy forced on him for being a Communist and a homo. He went into a catatonic state and never fully recovered, he worked menial jobs and lived as a recluse till his death
Blake Brooks
>as if the endgoal of internationalism isn't Jewish supremacy
Just like any other hyperintellectual, he was unable to relate to the commoner and therefore could not possibly have known what was in their best interest. Much like Marx himself, he was unable to incorporate a human element into his ideology.
Wyatt Taylor
A convenient cover. Like they would ever broadcast to goyim their intentions.
Read "Bolshevism vs Zionism" by Winston Churchill. Smart leaders in the early-1900s realized it was Jews pushing Bolshevism.
It was a Jewish plot to replace white goyish monarchies/governments with totalitarian Leninist Jewish bureaucracies.
Owen Miller
His current IQ is zero. So...
Matthew Cox
IQ predicted this! teeheehee
James Butler
this thread: muh dik
Samuel Collins
Hence why they had to measure it using a coefficient. He wrote the math proof for 1+3r infinity as a boy lol. He proved the root of infinity as a boy. Do you understand the mind boggling magnitude here?
Anthony Green
>Ramanujan discovered 3 is the prime number That's indeed very impressive. But I know a guy who proved that 2 is both an even number and a prime. How crazy is that? That's LITERALLY the only case in history anyone has ever found a number like that. Experts have literally counted to thousands, but they have not found another number with both of these characteristics.
Jonathan Price
200 by definition but yeah, 180 is probably the highest achievable.
Bentley Jones
>reads the Jew York Times as a naive and gullbile 2 year old >becomes a gommunist >wastes his potential Jow Forums btfo
Chase Miller
Serial killers also often have very high IQ, so did the Nazis.
Xavier Powell
It's not. IQ follows the bell curve, i.e. it is a continuous distribution from negative infinity to positive infinity. Zero would imply some intelligence.
Connor James
Research the concept of "The Wandering Jew".
Jews realize they are a global minority, so they try to infiltrate the governments on many nations in order to steer their policies towards Jewish interests, and to reduce or outlaw criticism of Jews.
One of the first acts on the Bolsheviks was to make anti-Semitism illegal. They also accepted huge donations from American Wall Street Jews.
Lincoln Brown
>smart guy exploits stupid people by telling them what they want to hear
More at 11
Connor Price
Unless you use a coefficient to scale it. Using that you could of placed sidis at almost 300 lol.
He proved infinity as a boy, in an unpublished notebook. He like ramanujan did this, but sidis was 12 fucking lol.
Eli Diaz
You’re an idiot
Getting accepted into Harvard back then wasn’t difficult .... most people who went to Harvard goy accepted for living local and being white
Carter Carter
>Unless you use a coefficient to scale it. For a while I thought you were just retarded.
>He proved infinity as a boy he didnt prove jack ahit aince infinity was already proveb by others, nice half triths and twisting of facts, literally sensantionalist bullshit to excuse him being a faliure in life like all commies eventually end up being
Wyatt Smith
Are you this low IQ?
He proved the equation that 3 if the root of infinity at 12. Are you this desperate to adhere to your cognitive dissonance?
Ethan Harris
Did he fucking procreate? if not he is by definition genetically inferior to those who did like my great grandfather suck it anglo fags
He proved the proof, written math, for its existence.
How are you too low IQ to understand this?
No one had done it before ever you retard
Evan Morgan
>My IQ is high enough to know you won't believe me. It's high enough to know that I doubt you have a one in two million IQ? That's impressive.
Alexander Collins
>punching a police officer
So this genius 250+ IQ faggot is so smart that he punches police and damn the repercussions. Yup, real smart move.
Luis Brown
I agree I would not believe me.
William Howard
>No one had done it before ever you retard Many people have proven that any integer is equal to infinity by reordering an infinite series. The problem is that you can't just reorder an infinite series, which makes the proof wrong.
David Clark
>takes an online or god forbid school iq test >gets a high score >smugface.jpg >brags about it interesting that every second "smart" guy i know is like this, btw i have iq over 300, i know u wont believe me but...
Landon Johnson
Why do you think most intellectuals and academics are socialists? It's just the natural stance for educated intelligent people. The capitalist right is anti-intellectual. What kind of retard would fight against their interests and the interests of society. Hyper advanced AI are also socialists.
Ethan Russell
The current smartest man in the world is a Trump supporter that just got banned for citing the protocols of the learned elders of zion on his facebook page. As opposed to this guy. We have no records of any of his tests. He might be high IQ, maybe the highest or at least one of the highest. I'm sure he was given a good brain; too bad he didn't use it.
Ethan Turner
Sidis was a commie for about a year or so, then he became a libertarian for the rest of his life, do your homework shill
>Why do you think most intellectuals and academics are socialists? Because we classify everyone with a liberal arts master's as an intellectual or as an academic.
>After his death, his sister Helena made the unverifiable claim that his IQ was "the very highest that had ever been obtained", but any records of any IQ testing that Sidis actually took have been lost to history.[1]
> It was later acknowledged, however, that some of the claims made were exaggerations, with a researcher stating, "I have been researching the veracity of primary sources of various subjects for about twenty-eight years, and never before have I found a topic so satiated with lies, myths, half-truths, exaggerations, and other forms of misinformation as is in the history behind William Sidis".[2]
Took me one minute, OP. One minute.
Dominic Jenkins
your IQ doesn't mean shit if you don't reproduce faggot funny how you responded to every other rebuttle but the one that actually had darwinian theory behind it hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm