Roast the gay away

Hey, I'm a gay and I would prefer not to be, so please give me any life advice or a good roasting that would help with that. Thank ya.

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faggots like you need a good dicking to be taught a lesson

Step one: Go to plebbit
Step two: Never come back to Jow Forums

just smash your testicles.

Ultimately there isn't much you can do about it. Lying to yourself and pretending you're straight can work for a while, but you'll be pretty miserable. You can be gay without being a fucking faggot--as long as you aren't waving dildos around or humping little boys at a Pride parade, you're fucking fine. It's not as if you're a straight red blooded american or a limp-wristed faggot with nothing in between. Just be normal and stop worrying about inconsequential shit like this, god damn.

Warhorse#3748 on Discord if you want to talk to a pure Jow Forums cuteboy

How about you just don't be a total fucking degenerate and just live a quiet dignified life not centered on your sexuality?

I mean until you get HIV/AIDS that is, when that happens please throw yourself from a bridge.

it’s too late op, you are too conditioned to become ungay.

OP have you considered chemical castration? Or you can eat a low-calorie, low-fat, low-protein, high-onions & saltpeter diet.


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What's your reason not to be gay?

I agree with btw. If you're going to be hellbent on denial of who you are, you're going down the same road as the mentally ill trannies. Just food for thought.

I'm asexual and I have pretty much zero interest in women. I've never met a woman in my life that I wanted to spend more time than I had to with. But I want to have a family and plenty of kids.

What the fuck do I do?

You made yourself gay by the choices you made.
Doubting your heterosexual nature was among the first. You chose every action you ever made. You have literally rewired your brain and body chemistry to be a degenerate faggot. You can always change by making different choices but you won't. You deserve the AIDS you will eventually get and eternity in Hell after that.

Nothing wrong with being gay,
love yourself

You gotta go back

>I'm a gay
>prefer not to be
gay =/= homosexual
gay is a larp identity, "gayness" is an act, a performance. You cannot "be" gay you can only act gay. You can drop the act whenever you want to.

>embracing a mental illness is the same as fighting it
what makes a man think like this

Get a conservative gay bf

you can't get a boner with women? I never understood that, please explain to me. Does your penis not respond to women?

Back to what? I've never had interest in women.
I want to have it. I want to be heteresexual. I want to be attracted to women, but I don't know how to.

Same-sex attraction doesn't produce the same suicidal tendencies as socially subsidized gender dysphoria ...

So there's that.

I don't think about women in a sexual way. I'm mostly just bored or iritated by them.

From what I've heard/read normal people sometimes get spntaneous sexual fantasies about people they find attaractive in their lives. I've never had that experience with anyone.

avoid the faggot queens, they're worse than women

but it produces a number of depressive disorders and also problems with your family and society at large. Just stay in the closet and get a good wife and just don't have sex very often
imagine if a sperg wanted to become part of society but actually caved into his autism and acted like a non normal human being but expecting normal human being treatment

so if a woman touches you or makes a move you don't feel nothing in your penis? Could it be low T or have you never had sex?

Nope, no going back, better make sure your dildo crown is fitted right, you're going to be using it a lot

>so if a woman touches you or makes a move you don't feel nothing in your penis?
Not really.
>Could it be low T
I don't know. Not a doctor. I've always had plenty of hari on my body and got a thick beard really early on.
>or have you never had sex?
Never thought it was important so never tried to.
When I was younger I kinda just assumed that "one day I will find a girl I like, for now I'll just focus on studies/work", but that never happened.

Go to church user, it will 100% work.

ketamine, microdose, every other day. for 6 weeks. problem solved.

The thing is, women are not sexy. They don't change much from childhood to adulthood, other than wider hips and breasts. Whereas men's voices deepen, they become muscular, they have very defined facial features, they grow lots of body hair.
So basically what I'm saying is if you like women you're somewhat of a pedophile, user.

maybe test your T levels, if you are not attracted to men or women it is probably just a hormonal imbalance

My point is that you're going to be a lot less happy with your life in general if you're forcing yourself to live it in a way that doesn't come naturally to you.

E.g. imagine making yourself LARP as a turboleftie for years on end, while dealing with the reality of the redpill in your thoughts.

Chances are you're repressing shit to such a degree that you'll end up highly depressed.

In other news: OP never meant to answer and is a fake faggot.


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Worth a try I guess. I might when I go home at the end of the year(I'm eastern european).

If it's more a bicurious thing, then sure act on it (be safe) and see where it ends up. Worst that happens is you decide that it didn't feel nearly as good and it was not for you. Maybe even try to date a woman and see if that changes feelings.
Don't commit to the idea of ending up married no matter what just because that's "The right thing to want". That's no good for anyone involved. Don't lie to yourself and don't limit yourself.

also avoid niggers

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I don't think this is true, natural doesn't mean good
I am naturally inclined to do drugs and become an alcoholic, and fighting really hurts some times, but I got to do it to be happy
I am not happy when I cave in my caveman tendencies because human is a social creature and producing catastrophe in the world is worse for my mind than repressing any degenerate behavior i want to express

Every time you see a gay or something gay. Just try to say immediately to yourself or even out loud 1 simple word: "Gross!" You can start off with the most egregious acts and over time you will eventually be telling yourself "Gross!" when you so much as hear a gay man's voice. It's really this simple.

Men are just plain and simply sexy, dominant creatures. Women are very child like. Not attractive.

Addictive tendecies are a bitch, that much is certain.

For the other part: ever thought about going into martial arts?

Seems like you're naturally inclined to do so. Just my 2 cents.

Not wanting this.

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Addiction is another issue. Anything can become addictive if the person's mind is inclined to think that way and their body reacts that way to a substance.
Being gay and being an alcoholic are hardly comparable. If it's promiscuity or disease you're hinting to then that exists among heterosexuals as well.
The key to anything is being smart and moderating desire to not become a focus in life.

Sounds like you are a homosexual.

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stay away from druggies, people who smoke or use tobacco, wiggers, niggers, queens, fag hags, don't shave your butthole, don't use toys, limit the porn, stay off the internet, don't advertise your orientation (fucked up people will prey on you)

Or female.

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>not posting superior khazar milkers

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She could ungay you

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Are you a giver or a taker? This is important.

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>so please give me any life advice

have sex with a woman(actual woman)

And alcoholism/addiction is a disease in itself. The correct way to deal with that is to not use the substance. Channel that energy into something more productive that calms and creates discipline.

I don't think someone can become addicted to being gay, unless they *really* end up loving cock.

I have an addictive personality because of a diagnosed mental disorder, so my two cents of dealing with mind imbalance was this. Don't know if I reached anyone

>have sex with a woman(actual woman)
How does one do that if the act of sex seems animalistic, basic, and kinda disgusting?


>I want to have it. I want to be heteresexual. I want to be attracted to women, but I don't know how to.

Nice try

Come here gay boy let’s straighten you out.

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i wish i was that finger

wow what a coincidence everyone on Jow Forums is a faggot as well

>don't use toys
Why not? Take things entirely at your own pace and no risk of disease as long as you clean stuff properly. It's better for someone than some random hookup.

>stay off the internet

Everything else is alright advice.

I feel like being gay is a pitfall of life that people can fall into through a variety of avenues.

Everyone talks about abuse in childhood etc, but I mean certain social attitudes that work in conjunction with one another that lead a person to consider leading a "gay lifestyle" (as I've heard it put).

1.) Anti-parent attitudes are more prevalent now than ever. Biological kids are a huge incentive to not be gay, so if you remove that desire or inverse it, people are more often to opt for a child-free life. This is easily accomplished via media conditioning, we see it all over society in form of narrative condoning extramarital sex, abortion, birth control, and it leads to people mocking the responsibility of parenthood entirely. This attitude allows for gays to live in denial about obvious perks of a straight lifestyle.

2.) It is also a popular mantra among gays to encourage the cutting of family ties, and forcing their sexual preferences onto their parents via ultimatum. California is purported to be for gay people what Willy Wonka's chocolate factory was for the oompah loompahs; a safe haven for "persecuted" freaks to travel and live in harmony after essentially having been deracinated from their home culture and society completely.... except for one major distinction; the oompah loompahs didn't get aids in the 80s from gratuitous unprotected sex and die en masse. If anti-family values can be promoted, then one of the strongest protective backboards in a young person's life is removed. No one loves you more than your parents, and if you've been taught to think otherwise you've already slip 'n slided down the intentional pitfall of degeneracy the (((they))) have laid out for you.

3.) Superficiality and narcissism are inherently tied to sexual attraction as a trap by social engineers and elites. You are conditioned to think you can't get laid without buying acne cream, and so on. It goes so much deeper though, as a false sense of superiority typically entails...

aaaaaa there are already too many comments for me to respond efficiently. Ah well.

First, I wanna say that I'm not a degenerate, not yet at least, and that seems to be good enough for some of you.

Secondly, I do go to church. I'm given good morals but the gay remains.

And finally, I don't support the idea of using sex to experiment with one's sexuality, that's inherently irresponsible and incredibly shallow.

>The correct way to deal with that is to not use the substance
Yes it is hard but you got to do it for him

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>Nice try

make a friend, a real friend one that you see yourself in, you'll be fucking eventually, but let it work up to it naturally. like maybe you both get drunk or something and start saying how you like dick and then before you know it you're both having buttsecks

That face made me gay.

>I'm mostly bored or irritated by them

Do you think it's different with straight guys? kek

Stop being a faggot , you're supposed to be a man.

doodoo is not lube you sick faggot

>I'm given good morals but the gay remains.
good luck user, maybe don't give up just yet, the power through that stuff takes years of work

A new sexual identity has surfaced in the Bay Area, known as “asexual.” The individuals who identify with this orientation say do not have sexual attraction to other people.

I have plenty of very good male friends. I'm not attracted to them sexually.

I think the natural sexual urges sometimes override the negative aspects of womanhood in normal men. For me I guess it's not strong enough to let me overlook or forget about those.

Roasties in 2k18 have made it so easy to become gay though, was it a very elaborate plan by the way?

I see where you're coming from. Addictive personality can complicate many things if one picks up a bad habit. So you may be hesitant or cautious to do something, which is fine. I just don't consider having feelings for someone of the same sex as a bad habit, the problems come if one starts getting into numerous hookups and doing risky things.

I'm sexually attracted to women, I just can't stand most of them talking.

you don't need a lot of friends, one really good friend, like best friend tier friend, one that you'll do anything with, like being gay

the more friends you have the more fucked up life is anyway, that's how you become a bitter degenerate normie

>And finally, I don't support the idea of using sex to experiment with one's sexuality, that's inherently irresponsible and incredibly shallow.

Got a better idea? I suppose not.
Drop the faggy morals (in that specific matter) and get to work answering your questions that seem to take you in!

Yeah, had two best friends in my life. We'd do anything and everything together, finish each other sentences, kill for one another if need be. Never have I ever felt anything sexual or physical towards them.

maybe you should've, maybe they did but were scared to ruin the friendship they had with you

I won't turn guy, but I'm definitely not focusing as much on women as I was before. I want to have a family and children, but not with the prospects I have.

That's exactly what it's about: a constant evaluation between dealing with their bullshit and wanting to have sex.

First you get the mask, then comes the hose and duct tape, then comes the tank of helium and the gay all melts away

>. I just don't consider having feelings for someone of the same sex as a bad habit
I can't speak on your particular issue but from my experience and from some digging I have done on the subject of mental illness have led me to believe that caving in to those tendencies ( other than being a baggage to society ) is a baggage also to yourself. But I can't speak for everyone and for their outlook at life. Just mine which went from hedonist to idealist after I suffered some consequences

That's cool. Being close to someone doesn't mean you need to feel romance or want to fuck them.

imagine if mike pence was your father and how upset he would be

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A lot of gay guys are clearly misled metrosexuals who could be cured with some outdoorsy or otherwise manly hobbies, but my actual point is that if you can get people to become more self-absorbed, then they will value their own petty materialistic and shallow interests over everything in life. This feeds into child-free lifestyles, and lifestyles where people want a reason to cut their family out of their life and just do whatever they want.

The list goes on and on, but gays are literally hit from all angles and just give in to temptation all across the board. They are truly confused and lost individuals, who encounter a revolving door of mental traps on the daily, and their social circles just spread this kinda stuff just like how drug dealers prey off of the vice of others they most relate with, too feed their addiction, and get others addicted.

Being gay when there’s women walking around like this....

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Or maybe, just maybe, non of us were disgusting fags?

>That's exactly what it's about: a constant evaluation between dealing with their bullshit and wanting to have sex.
Right, but I never felt like I need to have sex. So women seem like just a waste of time, money and nerves. I'm starting to really think I will never have a family.

Yeah. I actually think the fact that male friendships are purely platonic is a great thing. There's no base animalistic urge that makes you interact and be with one another. It's just that you like each other as individuals. That's a great thing.

>yellow fever
user I....

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everyone is attracted to their friends m8, if you only have 1 real friend and your friend only has 1 real friend, the next step is one of you going i want your dick or whatever

Unironically join a church community and meet girls that purely want a family and not the hollywood love bullshit

What you should do is call the goy hunters they cut off your skin and send you 10 years in the irisel army and you will be sent to the battle feild of middel earth 10 years of that and you wont be a fag ather that or you will come out as more of a fagget.

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She needs some sausage if you know what I mean.

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Sexuality is not identity.

Just because you feel like doing something, doesn't mean that you are justified in doing it.

Being "gay" or "straight" are actually bogus terms, that could have only come from a degenerate dialectic. You are not your actions.

Don't engage in homosexual sex. Simple. Use self control.

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why are white women so hot guys

Nope. That's faggotry bro. That ain't normal

>Unironically join a church community
Yeaaaaaah. I have though about that. But I find larping as a christian/catholic to be quite repugnant. Especially if I'd use that kind of lie as a foundation for a relationship with a woman that will be the mother of my children. That sounds like a horrible, horrible way to start a long term relationship.

Not to mention having to live the lie for years and years and years, even teaching your childen this stuff as if it's absolute truth. I can't imagine it. I can appreciate religions and their foundational texts for what they are and how they influenced culture, art, and history, but I have no faith in god or gods whatsoever.

And I don't want to lie.

it's normal if you're gay, i assumed you're gay because it's a gay bread

Pew pew pew

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Wew boy.

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Greetings from Indiana, we have a solution to your problem...

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