Why ain't you MGTOW yet Jow Forums?

I know most of you are dateless incels who'd die and kill for some pussy.
But if you're already socially retarded and unable to get some, why not just abandon the notion and go MGTOW?

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I want to have children so I can raise them right and avoid all the horrible mistakes my parents and grandparents made. THIS TIME WE'RE GOING TO GET IT RIGHT!

because being mgtow is beta

Have fun

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Because I'm not a beta who buys into the jewish blackpill meme.

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80% of men are betas according to women.
Good for you if you're chad.
But if you're not the 1 in 5 Thundercock God known as Chad, why even bother?


Chasing pussy is one of the least productive things you can do in life, if the pussy ain't coming to you on its own.
Even if you manage to wear some bitch down and she settles for you, she'll still cheat on you, guaranteed.
Women are conditioned by evolution to trade up, it's an instinct.
You can't stop it.
You can't fight it.
It's pointless trying to start a family with a modern western woman.

Q predicted this

promoting promiscuity

> degenerates

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Even if she cheats, you can still impregnate her.

What's the point when the divorce eventually happens, she takes the kids, you have to pay alimony, while the kids have to listen to their mom fucking dozens of guys who aren't their dad?

How retarded do you have to be to willingly sign up for that? I'd honestly much rather die alone.

Mgtow to me means I should be aware of preditory wen who want me for my resources. To either marry me and divorce taking half or getting knocked up and then slapping me with child support. Granted I don't have shit so this won't be a prob unless it's some broke ass chick who sees I hold a full time job and thinks it's a way to cash out.

I don't know when it became about beimgad that Chad's are getting all the action. People should better themselves if they want to attract a woman.

I am just shy of being a Chad, all I need to do is work out to look the part and maybe act like a asshole more. God knows the only way I'll get a Stacy because I am kinda broke

If you wanna get some just hire a hooker.
It's easier, cheaper, less time consuming, more honest and takes much less of a toll on the nerves.

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Genetics is almost everything. It doesn't matter what the thot does, as long as she's smart enough. Eventually the system will collapse. In the mean time, you quit your job and live on gibs.

go ahead retard. Put that "1 man can impregnate many women therefore men are disposable" theory to test. Why are you here? Genetics is almost everything, Jow Forums is not genetics.

>according to women

>declining white birth rates
>Jewish conspiracy

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Tempting, but the West needs white babies.

Men grabbing their own weiner?

>willing to ruin his life for a Jow Forums meme

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But he isnt, he wants you to ruin your life for a Jow Forums meme. Kill tradcucks on sight when SHTF.

MGOW, specifically for men in Western, Feminised, gynocentric, matriarchies controlled by Jews, is the - THE - only answer for men these days. Until the Jews are expelled, women's rights taken away and patriarchy re-instituted, men are better off walking away.