Is this the most important moment of the 2010s?

Is this the most important moment of the 2010s?

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user, it was the turning of the tide.

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Not by a long shot you Simps

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Here's some OC for you

And no, but it's very telling of the times that something like this is as poignant as it is to so many in our generation.

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I hope we never forget this man.

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The future is ours.

I cannot explain why, but this resonates with me on a deep level. For the first time in a couple years I wept after hearing how polite, casual, and good humored he was moments before certain death. He truly is the epitome of western man daring to be great in spite of the world.

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why does this keep getting posted? will this subject ever end?

Hopefully not.

I loved him the moment I heard his voice.
He asked be whispered sweet nothings.
But he was the one whispering sweetly into all of our ears.

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no, its the cringiest shit in a long time. guy utterly destroys his family but its ok because he stole a plane and remember 2006's most ebin meme.

No, that would be the other airplane meme suicide.

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why? what more could possibly be said?

I hope it INSPIRES the important moments of the 2010s.

user, the only one on that plane, was us.

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The video of him after he completes that aerial maneuver and flys off into the sunset made me cry. It is aesthetic as fuck, it almost looks produced

Nothing. but we should keep his memory alive.

No, but it was inspiring.
Driving home from my wagecuck job tonight I couldn't help but to look up in the sky and start thinking about flying around up there, without a care in the world.

user, you said you cannot explain, but you gave a perfectly great explain.
It is because we are all awake, together.
We all felt that love for Sky King, together.
We all new it was special.
We just didn't know HOW special.

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we could always meme his reason for doing it into existence.. then LARP it to the internet and have the media erect statues of grandeur about it.

There's an old saying that life imitates art.
This philosphy is called anti-mimesis

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checked for truth

This. If this world were truly just, his headstone would be replaced by an led screen playing this on a loop.

The event had so much DEPTH.

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No, Trump defeating Hillary was.

I still feel

>almost looks produced
Do you mean, it looked, too real?
Or 'just' real enough?

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I still feel too, user. I still feel too.

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whatever it was, it was True.

coverup for the remote controlled plane the f15s vaporized

Thread theme:

No, it will be the most important moment of the 21st century.

I almost knew before there was no one on the plane
I just feelsed it

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holy fuck Jow Forums is such a sad sack of worthless shit. Don't worship this guy, damn him. He took the coward's way out and also destroyed and expensive plane. All the glory given to this guy by Jow Forums just reveals how sickly and decrepit this hellhole is.

confirmed /b/tard

talking about doing barrelrolls i fucking lost it.

great link user
a little OC for (you)

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For my fellow boomers:

Because he deserves to be remembered and I respect him for going out without hurting anyone and wish him the best wishes in heaven

OMG HE DESTROYED A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS PLANE. You fucking cuck, who cares. I bet you are the type to throw out milk the day before it is expired. He lived more than you ever will in that moment.

Already predicted in 1970. Watch a film, then read a book, you culturally-devoid embryos.

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Aesthetic and Based.

RIP Skyking

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fuck your book

He was the True Supreme Gentleman, not elliot roger.

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>a bunch of depressed, self-hating autistic fucks spam post about some criminal on a political board on an anime website
>"most important even in the 2010s"

You must be a non white zero empathy monster because he directly feels hopeless and instead of just sucking on a shotgun he decided to live free for a solid hour. One spic on twitter already called him an idiot I swear to kek I'm going to anally rape you

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fuck off you stupid criminal

t. retard

It could be. If we harness it.0

you guys are worshiping a pussy who ran from his problems instead of fighting
running away or killing yourself is WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO
stop falling for this shit

This may be another ingredient of something yet to come.

he killed himself. Suicide is a sin.

he's right, stop sucking that cowards balls
he's dead because he was WEAK

you will die with your feet on the ground, and remain obscure throughout history.

I hate to say it because I HATE him but it was the election of Donald J. Trump.

t. retard

I love you user
So does Skykek
The only one dead is you.

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skyking lives in us, forever now

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No, this is

*posts your favorite meme*

That was a murder-suicide that killed innocents. Skyking harmed nobody

Did they release the full audio call? I want to hear it fully till the moments he crashed.


would you be saying the same thing if it was a black man and a bus?

There is.
Will find.

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You guys are all posting these fucking slogans and shit and it's kind of fucking up the whole point.

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BTW anyone thinking about doing this. You can actually do an aerobatic orientation flight and do barrel rolls etc legally and let the pilot land safely. No need to KYS to achieve this. Unless you actually want to KYS then go ahead.

You know, I couldn't help but feel like I could've talked him down out of the air. The air-traffic controller didn't even try, he didn't even know where to begin. All he had to do was give skyking a genuine moment, something real, a real connection but no one could even manage it. It's too foreign of a concept to feel empathy or community, it would of been easy to get him out of the air, I just know it.

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You're gonna carry that weight

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Has there been any recent news on this, btw? Motives and shit?

>Experienced pilots are wondering how a 29-year-old Seattle man with no training could not only get a plane off the ground, but perform loops and other complicated maneuvers.

>Chris Zwingle flew commercial planes for 35 years. He says for a civilian flying a plane, "That's not easy, particularly in a transport aircraft. It's not easy at all."

>He calls it "amazing" that the Horizon Air baggage handler, whom authorities say did not have a pilot's license, seemed to confidently operate a stolen plane until his fatal crash. Zwingle says, "The man got some ability from somewhere."

>Russell didn't appear to have a pilot's license, Horizon Air CEO Gary Beck said in news conference over the weekend. The grounds crew worker told air traffic control agents that he played some video games.

>"There were some maneuvers that were done that were incredible maneuvers," Beck said. "I don't know how he achieved the experience that he did."

>Beck said "commercial aircraft are complex machines" and not as easy to fly as a small plane such as a Cessna 150. Alaska Air CEO Brad Tilden said the airline did not know if Russell had any training.


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so spooky that it happened at the same time as pic related.

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This. The world no longer allows us to be great. Everyone wants to make us extinct and erase us from history. Drown everyone in the pool of brown shit commie mediocrity forever.

The West is a tinderbox in search of a spark. Maybe the Sky King is the spark which can rekindle the greatness in each of us, if only for an hour. Maybe he's our Mohammed Bouazizi, the Tunisian fruit vendor who set himself on fire after corrupt officials robbed him one too many times.

The commies better hope Trump's diet doesn't catch up with him during his two terms. We will turn our civilization nose down and call it a night. The long-overdue Darwinian purge will whip through our cities like the Yellowstone forest fire. Then we will rebuild from the ashes, because we are white men, and that is what we do.

The White Man giveth, and he taketh away.

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someone who could really fly a plane. relegated to the ground. I think that's all of us in this machine culture. pushed down or swept aside to push a button flip a burger collect the cash sweep the floors and stock the shelves.
just machines men in a machine world. denied our souls and our humanity. skyking was all of us.

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When you listen to him on radio he seems awake to him self. I think he achieved Satori.

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all the way to the sun

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people of genuine talent and heart don't get hired anymore because the accountant in the back doesn't draw their resume from the stack. we have become numbers and are no longer men.

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I don't know but it inspired some of the best kino of the 2010s

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>where did he get this ability?
>"Nah, I'm a white guy..."


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so inspiring
so kino
so sky king

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People are continually failing to recognise we have a serious civilizational crisis on our hands here. We are in deep social crisis. This is all linked to mass shooters, terrorism, suicide, anxiety and crime. Unstable mental health is getting out of control and becoming increasingly volatile. Most people will claim that mental health institutions lack funding, but that isn't the case at all. Funding has consistently increased for decades. The fundamental problem is the underpinning of society has given way. Family values are undermined, single parenthood rising, community breakdown, face to face interaction at all time lows. Boys have fewer masculine role models and live in an increasingly polarized world where their very identity is threatened by megalomaniacal social policies within academia and the workplace. Boys have no rites of passage, no outlet for rage and tension. As they reach adults, they are less likely to get married, have kids and lead stable lives of responsibility which grounds them within society. We are creating a generation of confused, angry low T men without future, family or goals. Among these will be the ones who are at rock bottom with nothing to lose who've completely caved to nihilism. Luckily, Richard Russell retained some semblance of sanity and held a moralistic view which prevented him taking out that rage and loss on others. He refused to land for fear of hurting someone and crashed into an empty island to prevent the loss of life all the while knowing he wasn't mentally well at all. Even more wild is the fact that he felt guilt over how his family would feel. But what if Richard Russell had become radicalized by an aggressive ideology, or didn't hold such moral principles? The damage he could have done and the people he could have hurt is off the scale.

The number of young men like this is growing.



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I think you got that back asswards Donkeyboy.

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Usually, these 'broken boys' are from low-skilled backgrounds but this nilhilistic infection is creeping into the more higher skilled strata of men. High-skilled people with intellect and motivation that can do wider harm with prolonged planning. Horrifyingly, each of these 'attacks' helps expand this chaotic landscape which twists more people into this void-driven worldview. Look at the difference between the spergy school shooter in Florida versus the smart planner in Las Vegas. There is a reason the death count of these 'attacks' is growing and it is because this infection and anti-social behaviour is expanding into the middle class/upper class who can commit to intricate methodical planning and more funding to cover it. These are your future mass shooters, murderers, terrorists and deranged outsiders hellbent on expressing that bottomless rage on others as a last fuck you to the world they've come to despise. This is going to get worse and worse. It will become common and when the economy collapses from the pressure of debt and toxic assets within the bloated global market, these 'broken boys' will reign supreme.

The social crisis must be addressed, family and community must be fixed, the division of the sexes must end and boys must be allowed to express their masculine urges in a positive manner. Men need wives and children. Women need husbands and children. Communities need families. Society needs communities. No amount of mental health funding or virtue signalling can counter this infectious cancer eating away at the current fringes of society. If this is not addressed, the economic fragility of liberal economic market will inevitably break and release a maelstrom of barbaric instigators. Civilization will end and we will enter a neo-dark age that will take decades if not a century or more to recover from. This is a civilization emergency and I fear that no one is listening.


because Sky King Rich wasn't in the plane
he was in our hearts

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>would you be saying the same thing if it was a black man and a bus?
They are called terrorists.

That first one...

Fuck you user, major feels about my own meaningless, emotionless, living dead life.

Richard Russell is a warning. Address it or prepare for the second burning of Rome. The barbarians are coming.

3 end

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Leavin' home, out on the road
I've been down before
Ridin' along in this big ol' jet plane
I've been thinkin' about my home
But my love light seems so far away
And I feel like it's all been done
Somebody's tryin' to make me stay
You know I've got to be movin' on
Oh, oh big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away
Oh, oh big ol' jet airliner
'Cause it's here that I've got to stay
Goodbye to all my friends at home
Goodbye to people I've trusted
I've got to go out and make my way
I might get rich you know I might bet busted
But my heart keeps calling me backwards
As I get on the 707
Ridin' high I got tears in my eyes
You know you got to go through hell
Before you get to heaven
Big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away
Oh, oh big ol' jet airliner