WTF I'm a Corbynator now?!

WTF I'm a Corbynator now?!

Attached: AHPRc4H.png (616x585, 64K)

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Corbyn is based. Look at how the Jews attack him.

This is how we guard our borders

Attached: border.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

And this is what Corbyn wants for Britain
No wonder the new "europeans" and "americans" support him

Attached: literally_invading.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

uhhmmmm sorry sweetie that's obviously a #FakeNews fake video created by Russian trolls, after 8 million Jews died in the holocaust they've become very tolerant of all races

that's why you see them campaigning for open borders so much :)

Fuckkk why can't we have this with Mexico. The UN would bitch and moan, we'd ignore them, and the entire immigration crisis would be solved in a week.

ok jokes aside how the fuck is this even real

Attached: 44uSzbA2.jpg (1252x1252, 489K)

Comrade Corbyn is unironically the leader Jow Forums deserves.

>Jew Killer
>Nigger Destroyer
>Hates Islam
>Believes in the empire
>National Socialist

>that's why you see them campaigning for open borders so much :)
um sorry sweetie

>One hundred years ago, the cultural historian Oswald Spengler wrote of the "fall of the West". Now his prophecy comes true. The West may surpass the Islamic world technologically, economically and militarily. But he does not succeed in understanding the mentality and culture of the Middle East. This inability and unwillingness to fight allows fundamentalist Islam to establish a new world order.

>Instead, the EU wants to set refugee reception rates - a mistake. The willingness to integrate hundreds of thousands of refugees will be followed by millions more - a threat to the survival of the EU. The UK referendum on leaving the EU will be heavily influenced by the refugee issue. The greater the flow of refugees, the greater the likelihood of Britain leaving the country.

>I feel reminded of the chapter about the "Conquest of Byzantium" in Stefan Zweig's masterpiece: "Sternstunden der Mensch". The words of 1927 read like a reminder to the leaders of Europe 2015. One day after the Ottoman sultan first entered the Hagia Sophia cathedral, "the workmen were commissioned to remove all the signs of the earlier faith; ... the high-lifted cross of Hagia Sophia, which unfurls its arms for a thousand years ..., crashes to the ground. ... The whole Occident trembles from this fall. Shuddering, Europe realizes that thanks to its dull indifference ... a fatefully destructive power has broken in that will bind and paralyze its powers for centuries. But in history, as in human life, regret no longer brings back a lost moment, and a thousand years do not buy back what a single hour misses.
You know who wrote this? our Ministry of Defense

and this has nothing to do with the jew...

Woah woah woah woah cool it with the antisemitism guy

>>Hates Islam

Attached: 1404965115139.png (207x239, 22K)

UKIP >>>> Corbyn >>>>>>>>>>>>>> May

>National Socialist
>Nigger Destroyer
>Hates Islam

Attached: C-B8UyVW0AAtquv.jpg (714x543, 50K)

Remember the Israeli protest a while back where they were all chanting death to Palestine? I think we need to post that footage to social media in response to this. Watch the JIDF and SPLC freak out because they have ZERO method of spinning it.

Attached: tmp_17427-1533710328433-371810228.png (1000x768, 1.31M)

Time isn't on Europe's side, the longer we wait the more enemies we'll have to fight in the future conflict
You might as well vote for Corbyn to try to speed up the collapse

I don't trust this. And neither should you.

Why? Because of the camera.
Those palestinians behave differently than normal because of the camera is there on their side, trying to make a narrative.

Normally they would piss in their pants and scared of being shot.
And normally the Israeli will shoot any incoming threat.
That soldier too, is behaving differently. Due to the camera.

>I don't trust this. And neither should you.

I'll trust in whatever you don't trust in schlomo.

Jump in a lake of fire jewboy kike

It's best to stay Anonymous, there is only advantages in tricking the dataminers and getting you anal devastated.

Attached: shaun king jewish conspiracy.jpg (600x597, 78K)

>use a memeflag goy
>don't get on the database goy

I'm already in hundreds of databases just like you. Every single person on this board is in some database or another. You're already tracked and categorized, no point in fighting it. And memeflags don't hide shit.

It increases the uncertainty in the statistics they collect, doing its part in making their statistics about Jow Forums worthless. But a brainlet like you would never understand.