And if it’s as bad as you guys say, how is the whole country not redpilled? I mean if niggers were shooting and robbing here 24/7, everyone would be redpilled.
How bad is the black crime problem in the US actually?
You underestimate the seductive power of the bluepill
It's really dependent on the location. Most areas the crime rate is very low. But the ones infested with niggers have crime rates so high they drag the nationwide average up so much it seems like crime is high in the entire country
Jews control the media and suppress much of what is said. Any time you call nogs out, you are labeled as racist and fired from your job. The news do not report on the race of attackers usually. American schools teach race "equality" propaganda. That is how they manipulate society to accept niggers. The American politicians responsible for integration are scum.
It's quite bad in a lot of areas, and that's part of the reason the "race" propaganda in this country is so aggressive. It starts early, in the school system, and never lets up.
You only see niggerdry in nigger infested areas
Avoid every place you see here.
Do people acknowledge this in private? Or do they actually believe that the good boys dondu nuffin and The Man is out to get them.
They mostly do it to each other. High crime areas are sort of like containment boards
So do you think the reason why so many whites/non-blacks are not redpilled on blacks is because they dont typically live in black-majority areas so they are not fully aware of the crime rate?
Scared me shitless there are actual small towns that are almost 100% nigger in America this is fucking horrifying.
People believe this when they're younger, as they get older they get more likely to be redpilled.
Q predicted this
They only do it in their neighbourhoods because they would be outnumbered and outgunned elsewhere.
Most people can make enough money to live in a good or white neighbourhood.
The people who can’t make enough money are screwed, get robbed, get redpilled, and that’s why low iq whites are associated with being racist
Check out this video to understand.
Crimes like this are not talked about by news networks because of the races involved.
It depends. Many people are truly brainwashed and believe whatever the media tells them.
Racism correlates with proximity to minorities, so yes. Ask a person who works retail if stereotypes are real, see what they say.
Non-whites hate niggers alot, its whites who are forced to like them. Whites are the only thing that stops spics from just genociding blacks from California.
In public and at parties, people will say things like
> omg, police are so mean, how can they discriminate??? racism is bad!!! black people are humans, just like us
but if you look at their actions, it's a different story
> they live in white neighborhoods, no one will rent an apartment or buy a house in nigger neighborhoods, even though the prices are only 30% of white neighborhoods
> kids go to "white" schools, are are in "academic" classes with no black students
> are not friends with any black people, only talk to black co-workers
> watch no black movies, go to no black opera/ballet/plays
>fishing without a license
Dear god, its like theres no limit to what these animals will do
There’s an image floating around somewhere that shows an almost perfect overlap mapping racist attitudes and concentration of blacks as percentage of population. People by and large aren’t racist because they’ve never met niggers or seen how they act. They’re mostly in the south, City centers, and parts of California.
It depends. If you do not live in a black-infested area, it is more in the back of your mind. Sort of like you will always feel strange around blacks, but you will never reach the real conclusion because you won't find someone to openly share your views or resources to back them up. The most racially aware people I have ever met live withing close proximity to minorities. I'd say at present very few people are actually redpilled on race, IQ scores, and the incompatibility of whites with non-whites.
5-10% of white Americans at least
There are a lot of reasons, and I think that's one of them. People are simply unaware and want to believe that all groups of people act the same way. I agree with part of what said, there is definitely a lot of "race equality propaganda" in our schools and media. No one is born racist, you only become racist after either going on Jow Forums or seeing the statistics or videos (which I guess you mostly find on Jow Forums). These are obviously very censored because it's politically incorrect to talk about "racist" topics. Many people also actively ignore it because it's out of their comfort zone.
A lot of hispanics nowadays try hard to act black, same with our ethnics here
To the spics its their culture they dont care if niggers invented the gangsta culture because its now their culture and they dont respect niggers either.
Most people don't live in Detroit or other dominantly nigger majority areas. The main reason why the South is considered so racist is because the Huwites from the South live in Nigger infested states.
Nigger operas lol, nigger ballets
I live in the deep south in a 150k city and it's about 50-60% blacks so I interact with them every day
Most work menial jobs like fast food and manufacturing and can be decent people on the surface, so it's not like everyone I run into is a stereotypical tatted sagging pants gang member
There are hoods and gangs that are pretty much contained but it does spill over into the "whiter" parts, like every once in a while a dominos or a gas station will get robbed, or someone will get jumped walking home from the bar, but overall it doesn't feel unsafe to walk around and there aren't daily shootouts with cops and other gangs and all that other violence you hear about
Naturally in big cities it's worse but I feel like this is probably what it's like in most "Small Town USA" type places down here where people are just trying to get by
Everyone knows that niggers commit crime at retardedly high rates. The problem is, most Americans view niggers as being the victims of circumstance. Most Americans believe that niggers act like niggers because the "system" has kept them down and kept them poor.
I heard the South is the racemixing capital though ?
And what about whites in cities like New York, why are they so liberal ?
they exist, they are called "urban ballet" and "urban opera"
I live in one of the largest most diverse cities in the US so I feel like I can speak with a modicum of expertise on this subject.
Blacks are far and away the worst race or ethnic group to deal with in any respect, hands down, no contest.
They completely shun any concept of social decorum that any otherwise civil individual would act on without so much as a second thought. I interact with people of all ethnic groups on a daily basis that are able to muster the façade of being generally pleasant and friendly individuals on the surface for the sake of common decency.
Except for blacks.
The idea of a common social contract that we all abide by in having to deal with one another in a cramped urban environment on a day-to-day basis is completely lost on them or willfully ignored. Of course, this applies to crime as well. And it happens in abundance.
They might as well be another species and I’m 1000% convinced there is a biological basis for this argument just based on the way that mental illness manifests itself in the black mind. It’s consistently demonstrated in extreme hyper-aggression, unlike other peoples who range from straight up insanity to drooling despondent space cadets.
The fact is that the majority of Americans don't interact with other races on a daily basis despite the picture our media and politicians try to illustrate. There is a reason why born and bred New Yorkers tend to be the most Americans you'll meet.
Most Americans I've met seem to realise the truth, they're just scared to say it out loud.
That's exactly how I felt. Everyone did "racist" things, but when I said I'm going to avoid going through a black neighbourhood their faces turned very pale. Apparently you're not supposed to say this. It was hilarious, they pretended they didn't hear it.
For me it seemed like they avoid blacks subconsciously. Of course there was a lot of explaining how everyone has black friends and they're not racist.
*most racist Americans you'll ever meet.
It's definitely a small percentage now. But it's as if whites are asleep. They don't realize that society is becoming increasingly rotten and degenerate. That is why mental health issues and depression are so prevalent. It's why whites have such a high mortality rate. They can be woken up by the millions, but countering the Jewish media machine is a gargantuan task.
The whites in cities stay in the downtown part of the cities, where there are business people and skyscrapers. They don't mingle in nigger neighborhoods. They know not to enter certain neighborhoods, but they view the violent niggers as victims of a neglectful and racist society.
Blacks have no concept of manners you should see how these apes talk to eachother always shouting and cussing eachother out then laughing it off like nothing happened, completely alien behavior compared to us.
Even a lot of whites who "kind of know" don't realize how bad things really are. I try to put things into context for people using St. Louis as an example - St. Louis had 205 murders in 2017 for 308,000 people. That means the murder rate (per 100,000) is 66.56.
In the developed-world, murder rates are usually between 0.5 and 1.5 or so. If London had the same murder rate as St. Louis, London would have 5,858 murders per year. In reality, people are freaking out because it MIGHT hit 200 this year, and that's considered very "high." Most people have no idea that things have gotten THIS bad in America.
Back in their muddaland niggers have death tolls above the number one thousand.
>Everyone knows that niggers commit crime at retardedly high rates.
A lot of people DON'T know that. Instead, the media will tell them about some "study" claiming that blacks get arrested more often than whites "for the same crimes" or other nonsense, and that this is all due to "racism." A lot of people fall for this. The whole "criminal justice reform" movement is largely based on white ignorance of actual crime data.
>How bad is the black crime problem in the US actually?
Pretty fucking bad. They're 12-14% of the population depending on who you ask, and commit around half of all violent crime. This year in Chicago alone (the gun control capital of America btw) 8 people have been shot every day on average and there's a murder about every 15 hours.
The two times we had something stollen at our shop this last month were black. One went to the bathroom and stole the tp too.
In my city there have been 21 murders this year. All 21 were committed by blacks or have black suspects. 19 of the dead are blacks. One Indian and one homeless white dude. Literally every murder in my city of 160,000 has been committed by nigs - but there's a 90% nig kill rate too. . .
This. Americans just have no fucking perspective. They have become desensitized to it because these high crime rates are all that a lot of them know. Ideological subversion is a dangerous fucking thing, and I will never forgive the jewish soviet commies for undermining my country beyond repair.
Ghetto blacks mostly stay in the ghetto. A majority of americans are insulated from black crime.
>And if it’s as bad as you guys say, how is the whole country not redpilled? I mean if niggers were shooting and robbing here 24/7, everyone would be redpilled.
They mostly do it to themselves. Coincidentally the blue-pilled hold the strange notion that black run areas are incredibly dangerous and not to go into them, but somehow don't think the people living there are somehow at fault. They must thinks its sentient piles of drugs and auto-kill guns roaming around just murdering black folks.
I wish everyone in Africa had phobes and wifi so we could see the gruesome crimes that happen there
I expect it would be 100xs worse than South America
would redpill everyone
Yeah true, I can't deny that. But even the Americans that DO know that niggers commit high crime rates just brush it off and claim the niggers are the real victims. So sad. It's hard watching our country die by its own hand. If people would only wake up, we could completely fix this damn country. If only.
if blacks didn't exist in America the murder rate would be cut in half, violent crime rates would be cut in half and robbery would be reduced by greater than half
that said, America's crime rate would still be much higher than similar developed countries.
There are some studies that suggest that the black crime rate has been falling starting in the 2010s but I haven't been able to confirm for certain yet
Its just not reported to the people via media.
If they did report on every crime and violence commited by blacks, they would all have been lynched by now. Plus then there wouldnt be any time for stories aboit water skiing squirells.
Poland has around 500 murders a year.
For about 38,000,000 people.
Niggers literally turn cities into a war zone.
This is a true statement. The places where folks are getting murdered and robbed, I don't go to. They generally prey on themselves. . . generally.
8.5 out of 10 of you so-called strong white peeps would run your ass off if this groups told you to come to them...why so scary irl
This guy needs the FBI statistics.
because we've all been brainwashed from a young age.
Chicago has had 335 murders this year. It's August.
exactly exactly, good point.
I got a fun game. Go to youtube, type in any random us city ghetto tour. See the apes in their natural habitat
"Most" Americans believe the system is keeping everyone down, not just blacks
Our whole country is redpilled, are you fucking retarded?
Hell I've seen Asians try to act black, it's fucking cringy tho, it's not just the spics it's nationwide.
Most Americans are idiots.
It's a Brazil-tier number.
What the fuck do they kill each other for?
I thought killing someone for his shoes happened only in rap lyrics.
If you tried to print that today you'd get fired
Most people are idiots, homey. Doesn't change the facts
I've never had issues in my city, but it's overwhelmingly white. All the black people I know are working class just like you and me, not the stereotypical thug type like the pic in OP
Well that's where the "shuck and jive" comes in. High crime rates? Well that's due to whitey racism, "redlining," "food deserts," "school to prison pipeline/"underfunded schools," etc. They have a long, long list of excuses for even the worst behavior. And amazingly enough, a lot of whites fall for it. The response to "blacks are violent" is "they need more gibs."
Yes, being explicitly racist is a way to become unemployable. I dog whistle often, as a literal 56% face it's funny to see white men listen and understand.
Funny though, it only takes a small nucleus to start a reaction. One viral meme would do it.
The Jewish media would blame it on colonialism and the rubes would eat that up. That's why we need a final solution.
That's because we have Mexicans too. Look at white crime rates. With just whites, we're Switzerland.
The US doesn't have a very high murder rate even with high murder rate minorities mixed in to the numbers. So you likely don't see too much violent crime personally unless you live in a high crime minority area. But the Caucasian murder rate is even much lower. Comparable to Europe. The fact on the ground is that unless you live in a very special area, you need to lock your doors and not walk around unarmed after 6pm. Lives are tailored around avoiding violence and crime. People live far from work or city centers and drive untold hours to and from work to pay for this.
>But even the Americans that DO know that niggers commit high crime rates just brush it off and claim the niggers are the real victims.
They are the real victims, in the sense that 90% of their criminality is directed at themselves because everyone regardless of race targets people near them, which is generally people of their own race. Cletus doesn't kill the most fags, fags kill the most fags, because the ones with the highest proximity to fags are fags. Same thing with races.
Provided you aren't interested in just writing them all off, which is a reasonable conclusion to come to, this is a powerful argumentative tool because ultimately blacks are the victims of their own niggerdry and liberal whites all have a dumb savior complex so you can sway them a little. Of course then they'll just blame whitey anyway even in areas where a white hasn't held power in decades.
No they regularly kill each other over shoes.
This is really true, if you look at the date on the paper it's only been 5 years. So much has changed in the last 5 year in regards to political correctness and diversity...
And you wouldn't just get fired, you'd be publicly called out by 10 different news groups and have your personal history doxxed by some raging libtards. You'd be a hero on Jow Forums though.
>I thought killing someone for his shoes happened only in rap lyrics.
Rap is taken from real life. While the specific story might not have happened to that exact rapper I can assure you almost everything they have ever said happened to somebody somewhere.
Here’s the thing: most black people are near black people and the only white people near them are liberals in cities.
>LaJeromeny Brown
"Ah, remember that really successful fellow citizen, man, what was his name?"
Democrats honestly believe everyone is identical.
They will also never step foot anywhere near a non white area let alone a black ghetto or mexican Bario.
They hold these two contradictory thoughts in their heads without any kind of remorse.
They mostly shoot and rob their own, it gets no publicity, so no really rares or knows
they of course know black people commit more crimes. the difference is the left pities them but won't say it. the left knows whites and america are the best but they can't state it.
that's why when trump started the trade war with canada they acted offended. it was out of pity for canada because they know they will be fucked. but the left wont actually say usa is better than canada.
its a weird dynamic i don't know how to quite put into words yet.
it's like women saying they dont know why their friend is single when they really do know: shes fat, ugly, and a bitch.
This. Go find some waitresses in "diverse" neighborhood's and watch the fire rise in there eyes. All your liberal bleeding hearts have almost no contact with the animals there always protesting in support of.
>Be a nigger
>Live in an area where you can get killed for 10$
>Buy shoes for 400$
>Show off to other niggers
>Tyrone from across the street needs dem J's
>Another victim of inner city violence, he died so young, evil whitey won't help
Respect for the land and it’s creatures is paramount in a proper society
You wouldn’t know, animals and shit are mostly haram in your religion.
Here's a tracker - they're down over 100 murders from last year at this time. It's fucking ridiculous and outside of Chicago, no one talks about it. 17 kids got shot in Parkland in February and that's all we heard about for months. 71 people were shot in Chicago last weekend. No bullshit.
Filipinos here always larp as black, they even perm their hair, fuckin cringy af
>how can you not be redpilled
We are all brainwashed by repetitive image programming. An image is a powerful thing.
The default mode for a mind unaffected by bullshit is redpilled. That's why it's always been more or less the social norm.
This is the greatest site ever made. Without it I would never know that 25 people got shot in the junk in Chicago this year.
>Yes, being explicitly racist is a way to become unemployable. I dog whistle often, as a literal 56% face it's funny to see white men listen and understand.
black crime is absolutely terrible. it is the #1 thing destroying this country. people ARE redpilled but the majority is too afraid to say anything for fear of retribution.
Kys jew
Also, yes niggers are the cause of easily half of all crime. I see it every day and am confronted with niggers acting like utter apes every day.
>that smile in the graph
fucking kek.
Why blacks have such great PR? Its like you can say anything about even other minoritied like asians,arabs,mexicans but the minute you say something about blacks (even if its true) everyone is like “woaah, relax there, thats racist”
They think the criminals can't help it because they're so poor and oppressed. They recognize that black criminality is rampant, but attribute it to factors beyond their control. They indirectly blame white people for it. Now, certain white people ARE largely to blame for it, like the CIA and the people who created the welfare state, but that's not what the typical person who blames white people for black people's condition is talking about.
flips do that because they have absolutely no culture of their own...disgusting cockroaches..
Anecdotally, I was driving behind a nigger after leaving work and was filmed for 2 miles through his rearview. It kept trying to slam on the breaks to get me to rearend it. The human race is forced to deal with this sort of niggerization of our very streets every day.
Never relax around blax
>And if it’s as bad as you guys say, how is the whole country not redpilled? I mean if niggers were shooting and robbing here 24/7, everyone would be redpilled.
Niggers DESTROY everything! They are a menace. Crime...loitering, littering, loud, annoying, STUPID, violent, dangerous.
The reason not everyone HATES NIGGERS is because many people live in the small towns or states with low NIGGER populations. Everyone else that is FORCED to live with NIGGERS hates them!
Pic related!!!!