The jews

say one nice thing about them, Jow Forums. Either something you like or admire

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They value their own people

At least Zionist Jews kill Muslims.

the vatican jews have all of our past hidden in their vaults while they fuck and rape children to death just outside those vaults

Bibi has some great deep state droopy eye going on.

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It is against Rabbinic law for a Jew to report a Jew to non-Jewish authorities.

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They're literally all in on it, and reap the benefits of being in on it and not letting the game get revealed. Honestly I wish I was born a jew. I could've had a job in showbusiness or something and not have to work hard my whole life.

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They're the master race.

Nice tits

they are the worst visit for more info

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they are easy to fit in an oven

They're white.

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I admire and like when they keep themselves nice and ungassed so we can do it for them

They burn prettily

oy vey

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their milkers are nice

Very good at colonizing.

They bring rich, rich diversity.

Their ashes are great for making snow angels in!

They're bloody capable

Their women fuck like wildcats. I used to bang a hot little jewess. She needed it 5 times a day.

I admire the flames from the pits their corpses will fill.

They know how to treat illegal border crossers

Kosher delis are on point

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I admire how DISGUSTING and DEPRAVED and DESPICABLE you are toward the goyim.

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i like filling their women with my seed

My niggers.

Khazar milkers

Matt Drudge, Michael Savage, Stephen Miller, Murray Rothbard, Mark Levin, Barry Goldwater, Ludwig von Mises, David Horowitz, Dennis Prager, the good, pro-America, nationalist Jews have done a lot of good, and I am one of them.

That's why the old-right, paleoconservatives like Buchanan, Jared Taylor and so on aren't outright antisemitic, because they're aware that there are very good ones that have done a lot for the right.

As an alt-kike, I'm proud to say I agree with you all on just about everything short of killing every Jew, and I've voted Republican my entire life. I want a free, prosperous, constitutionalist, white America.

Do you realize that without Drudge, Levin, Savage, and talk radio, we would basically be Western Europe right now? Nationalist Jews have been at the heart of the American conservative movement from back before there was even a Jow Forums.

Also, a quick reminder that Israeli-Americans and Orthodox Jews vote Republican. The (((problem))) is secular leftist kikes.

gr9 b9 m9

They're excellent at preserving their self interest. Reverse the roles. Do you think with massive amounts of propaganda we could convince the Jews to intermix races? Doubt it.

Jow Forums loves Jews, they love them so much they roll their sleeves up and let them inject miscellaneous ingredients into their blood out of BLIND FAITH that they are being cured.

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Chinese food at Christmas is pretty great.

10 mins latter.............................................................

I’m inclined to agree. Too bad so much of your tribe is emotionally overreacting and naturally arrogant and lack empathy levels compared to Nordic whites. I have a hard time seeing how that works in the long run.

Mostly they are nice. I mean Russian Jews.

they are loyal, now fuck off you kike, jews well never be welcomed here