Where is this from?

Where did the photo on the right come from originally? Seems strange they would let it out unless it was hubris

Attached: fuuuuuuuck.jpg (2650x2426, 702K)

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now THAT is a great infograpic

>unless it was hubris
Of course it is. You are talking about pedocriminals. They are the most deranged of all criminals. Their crimes are ones of selfish greed. One can steal bread to eat. There is no excuse for being a pedocriminal.

I get what it's trying to show but when I look at the adult male, his knee is what, 5 inches longer than a little girl's? So a woman's might be a couple inches longer.. seems within tolerances of perspective and other errors that it is not DEFINITIVE that leg belongs to a child but a good chance.

So? Quentin isnt signed with Disney or Marvel and shit. He operates his own company. Youre wasting your time pizzagating him.

get the fuck off this board you piece of filthy pedo shit

He made Inglorious Bastards.

That movie was long ago. James gunn was worth it because hes an active director. Quentin hasnt made a movie since H8, if you call that a movie.

I'm an objective engineer providing his expert opinion. I am helping you refine your evidence and argument you fucking idiot.

I don't converse with NAMbLA.
go die, no joke