Vermont bros care to explain this?

WTF is wrong with these maple syrup retards?

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What's wrong with transgendered people? 3 years ago it was "i didn't mind gays and trans people" now it's "murder them. Why? Because they're not like me xD"

That being said this bitch transitioned at age like 40 and thus looks manly as fuck

i fukken thought this was a joke...

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that was before they started turning our kids trans

No joke. Vermonter here. She’s a man, baby.

Vermont elects trap. Drinks maple syrup.
Canada super aids birthplace. Drinks maple syrup. Coincidence?

Why is this country a mentally deficient freakshow now?

They use this trasgender bullshit, and faggit bullshit to sexualize children and normalize pedophilia. Have you not been paying attention, user?

Ffffffuck I was rooting for the 14-year old to clench that nomination today.

Commie subversion. Shoved into literally every facet of life. They put in on television, movies, in music, education, and media. Not only this, but they are literally replacing speech, and people are brainwashed to do it to themselves. People now police their own thoughts. This is the downfall of the greatest nation on earth. We die out miserable and Godless, told what to think and say, and those that carry the weight of everyone elses laziness in society are told they are the worst people in society. You know who is behind this.

if didn't know anything about that person I still would not believe for a minute xe was born a female.

This isn’t funny anymore aliens, if you’re out there, nuke this planet RIGHT fucking now.

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VT here as well. Shit fucked up. Phil Scott is a dipshit as well but sheesh. I hope it doesn't win but VT has a pretty bad track record with this kind of shit.

why in the fuck did you let it get this far out of the closet...

Practically everybody up here is supporting this trash.

And when the debates come along and it turns out they know absolutely fuck all about running a state, they'll get their fucking ass kicked.

Went to the polls today specifically to vote against anyone that voted for the recent gun restrictions. The rest is out of my hands. VT is fucked up

The prognosticators are giving him little chance of victory, but they're also making note that Vermont has an interesting history elected characters.

Its time to stop. Jesus, Republicans, Trump, somebody fix this. Anybody. I refuse to play ball in this world.

It’s virtue signaling at its most obnoxious.

Vermont is an overgrown hippie commune.

Vermonters are fucking cancerous. They had a mural painted with the states founders and various important people and they got complaints about they're not being enough black people, despite the mural being historically accurate

What's up with VT being a libtard state? It's the only rural place I know of where people act worse than Commiefornians. Even upstate NY is fairly conservative, I just don't get how a state full of farmers ended up like that. Burlington is probably one of the most faggot cities I've ever had the misfortune of traveling through.

It is only going to get worse. The only thing that can fix this now is a civil war.

Yes they are all hippie dumbfucks from NYC that moved here In the 70s.

what kind of obnoxious fag would do that? sounds like something someone from the PNW would do.

I’m a Vermonter and I neither disagree with nor take offense to that. It IS that fucked up here.

That explains a lot, I always wondered how the fuck that state ended up being so faggy.

Because it is a glorified mental issue. Do they throw parades for sociopaths? Is it not only legal for people to cut off the face of another person they murdered but offensive to deny them these acts because "tehehe that's just who I am"? No. Fuck off faggot.