I'm a successful rapper. How do I redpill the populus?
I'm a successful rapper. How do I redpill the populus?
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Make a song about how niggers should go back to africa and why theyre all born criminals no matter what they do.
truth user truth
Name your Jewish handlers
name the Jew
Create a rap song about the black family being strong and united before Lyndon B Johnson created the welfare state and enslaved the black community to government handouts, making them dumb, needy, complacent and a burden.
Apathy? Is that you? I know you come here.
Create a rap song about Jewish businessmen controlling the money from hip hop since it's inception and their robbing of money from black artists
we will not write you lyrics
I'm not a label kek
name the jew
hello kayne
Takeshi? Be aggressively pro trump and call anyone that criticizes you racist.
>I'm not a label kek
on* sorry too high for this, but yeah fuck labels
Create a rap song about a black baby being in a womb having a higher mortality rate than being on the beaches of normandy in ww2
Do an album with Jared Taylor.
Scoopity Whoop.
Raw Deal
Masses fed on bread and lies
The dreams within our hearts
Never to be realized
Sleeping behind the wheel of life
Until the day we rise
Until the day we rise
Until the day we rise
Running round in circles
Lost without a purpose
Slaves to bread and circus
Breaking the chains of indentured service
Ignorance is bliss
Or so we're taught to believe
By those who scheme to bereave
With magic words they weave
Illusion, it's devolution
Devilish cheers at our destitution
Unconscious fears, no absolution
Their time has come for dissolution
Retribution, restitution
The end of human persecution
Prosecution of the inhuman institution
With a malicious sneer
The priest and the king and the profiteer
Always turning peer on peer
Selling pain and fear (weapons gear)
From stone to spear to atomic bomb
How could we let things go so wrong?
It goes on and on and on
Now we're breaking the cycle
With our song
Enslaved in debt to a central bank
Depraved in heart with (((you))) to thank
Only saved are those with higher rank
The rest of us?
Walk the plank
Your son and daughter?
Cannon fodder
Beware the marauder
Mind control is hard to break
The culture prescribed is harder to take
Media madness obscuring what's real
Influencing what we think and feel
It's a raw deal
Bow before me
Down you kneel
Kiss the ring
Your soul is sealed
Create a rap song about how black youth are brainwashed into thinking the only way out of the ghetto is sports or entertainment.
Is that you Hopsin? Do the complete opposite of what you’ve been doing.
do what bones does, be friends with sam hyde, have a based bro who has cute kids and is a chad, constantly call out the industry and industry rappers, etc.
how some dual-citizens own record production companies as well as private-prisons
explain how jewish rap is, and how jews have been pushing nigger "culture" to dumb everyone down.
You're a rapper so you're already part of the problem. Dregs.
I'm white but I can have my buddies make a song, they're just as redpilled
>Create a rap song about the black family being strong and united before Lyndon B Johnson
They had so much potential....But the system awarded single parents so much that already strained fathers simply vanished. This has been going on long enough that it is all they know, and as funny as the joke is, there is truth to it. A young man will emulate his father. If his father was a deadbeat, he may not make it too much further.
The cycle needs broken, and it takes strong men to do that.
I don't like rap at all and I was alive when it was best. Run DMC had plenty of positive messages. And Blondie doing "Rapture" is not rap music, though it was the first "rap" music video.
Are you bones? Lol
here i wrote some lyrics for you
so what if im a white man?
I like trump fuck you niggers
fucking niggers should hang on trees
all you do is killing my country
fucking niggers fucking coons KKK coming at you motherfucking niggers
chimp fucking niggers
all you white boys listening hang a fucking nigger
1488 motherfucker i fucking white as fuck
im the symbol of perfection and great gods creation
unlike you subhuman niggers
chimp fucking niggers
dont mess with me
ill put a 45 into your nigger chimp skull
heil hitler heil trump kill all niggers
It's impossible to redpill someone via a hypnotic medium (music). At best you can lay down subversive redpills that may help them to make faster connections once they wake up.
If you really wanna lay it on the line you have to speak up in interviews and on your social medias. If you go that route, make sure you know how to play the game - study POTUS.
Make a song dedicated to The Lion of Damascus and his victory
>They had so much potential
Kill yourself nigger lover, They are genetically inferior and have the lowest iq’s of all races. They are statistically more likely to commit crime than a poor white even if they are rich.
Stop larping
I personally can't think of how to Redhill the population. I also think getting to political too fast will be obvious.
I would try to appeal using things that are already popular like video game themes. Rap about Sci-fi themes that could inspire education. Talk about building great nation states like Wakanda.
Something to make young people stile for more than fentanyl highs and a life of crime.
rap about crime rate statistics
It was Putin though...Assad was just about done before Putin showed up
Assad is still victorious, but you're a reddit spacing kike shill so you know that.
It's true, this place is going to shit.
There's a reason you're a rapper
Lets not get too crazy with the insults. They would certainly be much better off with a real nuclear family. They were much more well behaved when they managed their own shit.
LBJ effectively put them on government assistance, and it has been downhill from there. It is only making a bad situation much much worse.
And he did it for the continued votes to the Democratic party.
Keep being delusional, you liberal tier nigger lover
>I'm a successful rapper.
are you gonna post some of your work?
Your not finding new ground. Check out the competition. youtube.com
like that
never been successful anywhere, in any capacity, under any circumstances.
Shut. the. fuck. up.
Go learn a serious musical genre and tell all your fans that rap is for retarded, tonedeaf ADHD shits.
W/ swag
just b urself =]
fucking nigger
Lupe Fiasco did this and got blacklisted
choose one
Expose (((Them)))
>Raw Deal
>Masses fed on bread and lies
>The dreams within our hearts
>Never to be realized
>Sleeping behind the wheel of life
>Until the day we rise
>Until the day we rise
>Until the day we rise
sick. manifest this. tone down some of the edges
ayyy whuddup stitches
write about how all poor people regardless of color are the same, but segregated by propaganda and fake culture (rims yo...chrome for my oversized pickup yo...country and rap are two sides of the same coin) created by an industry meant to keep them isolated from each other so they never realize how much they have in common and rise up to get an education and better their situation instead of perpetually living a cycle of shitty spending decisions, chemical dependence and having more kids than they can afford.
I didn't make this. I found it on Jow Forums a while ago and saved it.
just write something against white people being genocided in South Africa but go easy.
Ignore all the shills in the thread
make it yours then. sell it
Step one is not to propagate nigger garbage like rap.
I think I just might.
>I'm a successful rapper.
That’s a good one.
Who's GOAT? any real rapper will know dis
6ix GOAT
>Keep being delusional, you liberal tier nigger lover
Cool story bro. Go read a history book about LBJ. You should have gone over it in 7th or 8th grade, but I doubt you made it that far.
/inb4 you make $250k as a burger king fry cook with a 11" long cock.
check out some of Mr. Bond's work
Oh and OP you must definitely follow the Mishima model
Send me some bitcoin and I’ll tell you
Tell them never to come to Jow Forums. This place is now cancer.
Tell a black rapper to rap about Jewish influence and control of Hip Hop
here just copy these songs,
pretty sure he won't mind
by the pic id guess youre yung lean or atleast riding on the same aesthetic as him
so maybee bladeee or bones
if thats the case switch the style up 100 and stop talking about depression and 90s nostalgia and maybe have a verse in the next album about how reading mein kampf cured your depression
>lowest iq's of all races
Learn some fucking grammar, retard
Also, that would either be Aussie Abos, or Pygmies, not average Africans
Go back to bed Kanye, you are having a manic episode
neck urself, this thread has been made before. you should just off yourself, rapping is for faggot nigger wannabes anyway
I see it like this- You have two ways to go about doing this, user. You can either subtle drop little redpill "seeds" in your songs, just little things that make the normies think and reassess their reality. Alternatively, you can go out with guns blazing and start throwing the most controversial and taboo redpills out there. Both come with their own advantages and disadvantages, and it also depends on what your style is to begin with. I hope I helped, good luck on your journey my friend.
pssh that nigga bitchmade
Kys. But make a video about how you realized how stupid rap and modern culture in general is. And how you think its ruining the world. End it by saying you hate niggers.
whatsup post malone
This exact same thread was posted like 6 months ago. Even had the same OP pic. This whole place is a simulation.
its because its a shill bot thread, pham.
i cant believe people put this much effort into Jow Forums posts under 40 people will read
If that's the case, maybe (((they))) are using us to crowdsource ideas for them, or to form countermeasures against new possibilities (((they))) haven't thought of.
>fuck labels
>successful rapper
They exist, they're just more uncommon. Sucking jewish dick and getting fucked in the ass by jew producers is how most rappers are successful.
lol no you aren't
Successful as in they have 50k views on YouTube and have a 2k guarantee for live shows but no distribution or marketing?
Im hard right - borderline Mosleyian Fascist and I approve this message
Damn son
Nah, more in the 500k-1m range. How do I know this? My friend produced rap music for nogs near a major US city for a few years, but he quit this winter when they robbed him at gunpoint and stole $30k of equipment from him. There are a good amount of rappers in that range who are making six figures and have a small cult following.
media control in the hands of the ((few)) pushing degeneracy on the youth and masses