Are you for or against strong Iran?
Are you for or against strong Iran?
Nah that girls a jew
Against. Shia Muslims fuck boys
Iran from Iraq to Europe
>everyone is a jew
welcome to modern day Jow Forums
cup is full of semen
We need the Saudi’s resources and Iran keeps fucking with their nukes.
I see shia/sunni kind of like orthodox/catholic, shia are ok but sunni are aids
Iran is pretty based, i dont want any in my country but id look the other way while they use up all their nukes on israel
This tbqh, except the letting them in my country thing.
But Trump says that Israel is your biggest ally..
And every other country in the world says you aren't a real country
And trump is a zionist, he isnt that great but his twitter banter is on point and at least hes talking about capping out immigration
Hes not perfect but its all we have
ill be for or against whatever i need to fug that qt
Immigration from Gulf Arab shitholes has increased since Trump's rise to power. You Americans are clueless. Get another hobby besides politics. It's all rotten down to the core.
I am for all nations to be strong and independent.
why is this picture being posted again. It was popular on /b/ in 2013 typically with the caption "Why don't you have a girlfriend user?" Now her it is popping up again in summer of 2018....
Iran >>>>> Saudi Arabia/Sunniland
Seriously every terror attack in recent memory is probably Saudi’s doing to some extent, Iran doesn’t do shit to us besides shittalk. I couldn’t care less what they do in their dumbass shithole country if they don’t bother me, which they don’t
They certainly wouldn't know anything about that in KSA now would they?
4 as in Jow Forums
No, but every shill thread is, kike.