Fuck people like George Soros that can spend $50 million paying Antifa faggots day in and day out to fuck up major cities with the paid for blessing of the local police meanwhile I'm going to work a shit job for the rest of my life with no hope of ever being anything but a peasant. Flint Michigan is still drinking lead contaminated water and he's spending enough money to buy the fucking city to pay asshole spoiled cunts with rich parents to go play anarchist and get away with it. I'm fucking sick of it. the real war isn't left vs right, it's .001% vs the rest of the fucking world and most people are too fucking retarded to realize it.
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Yup. Look at how hard they shill online too. Israel needs to be wiped out of existence along with its creators.
Daily reminder that Soros and Rothschild own ~80% of the World's wealth and are Jews. How can goy'm even compete haha!
We all know how this ends...
>it's .001% vs the rest of the fucking world and most people are too fucking retarded to realize it.
deepest red pill their is, as well as the most useful one. it really is key. until enough people know this fact, we'll be slaves whose lives get more and more controlled until we're no longer free range slaves, but full on, never going to escape, literal slaves
He will die this week.
Soros is one problem.
Its the entirity of that top, the big multinationals. People like Charlie Munger & Buffett who sit on their ass all day never working just parasiting.
The big multinational infects nations, and entangles every nation in its web so if one would step out of line swift punishment would ensue.
actually this guy is a big donor to antifa. if not the main one