Is the "far right" really buying crypto or are the kikes up to something?
Is the "far right" really buying crypto or are the kikes up to something?
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>it’s another Jow Forums = Jow Forums episode
I’m sure some polfags actually trade and meme on biz but it doesn’t mean white nationalists are using bitcoin to fuck over the poor black and Hispanic children
>trust your money in our banks, goy
>USD is stable, calm down we can always print more
>decentralized currencies are for racists!
They're trying to stop people from waking up to the lies of the (((fed)))
Go to Jow Forums, which is basically just a cryptocurrency board at this point, and they are all Jow Forums crossposters.
Mostly curious as to why (((they))) eant to associate the far right with crypto. It's not the first time I've seen this. Just the othee day I saw a video where they said the "crying nazi" was raising funds with bitcoin
absolute shit-tier story, whoever wrote this should be ashamed of themselves
Biz is pretty biased in favor of crypto and its also mostly full of pajeets now. I wanted to hear what Jow Forums thinks
Neo-Nazis are leftists. There is an a single fucking thing about them that is right wing. Not one single thing is representative of the conservative platform.
well the main issue is they can't control it as well. so they can't ruin someones life for being racist or what ever the hell they want. this will allow people to go around there system.. to keep us "in line" ..
so learn how to "cryptocoin"
so they have another excuse to illegalize it
Why is the media so cringy about everything. Jesus.
We don't really 'invest' in it. We buy it whenever a new one starts for pennies and wait for dumbasses to raise the prices for any sort of fucking crypto no matter how retarded because its a bubble. What are you gonna do? Lose twenty bucks and potentially make thousands selling it to some chinese bubble chasers using it hopefully launder money out of their hellhole of a country?
We love it because its the easiest money from nothing you can possibly conceive. Its like our own tiny Fed. It prints money from nothing. The crypto is unusable for anything and exists only to fill our pockets.
We're the jews now.
Democrats are the REAL racists!
Shut the fuck up goy, it's time to be replaced
You can't really do anything with it and exchanging it is a pain in the ass. Even right wing shows like TRS won't accept it and say it's worthless now. I think people are starting to realize that dealing with crypto is pointless unless you're using it to speculate or to hedge against some kind of financial apocalypse.
Oy Vey, we must regulate crypto-currency so only good goys use it for good goy transactions. There will be only one, and it will be called NWOCoin. Think about how easy every day will transactions will be with it since you won't need all those bulky bills and coins you use now. And you won't need to exchange currency when you travel to different countries.
in a few decades it will be used to erase paper money and freedom but for now you can get rich off it and buy naughty things and such
The only reason they turned to it was because PayPal and a few credit cards cut ties some sites
Democrats are racist though. They love to project. So many of my dem friends have zero minority friends and live and mingle in the upper mid class white circles. They always make weird jokes about minorities too. Nothing politically incorrect, just bizarre and makes you wonder what’s going on in their heads.
Anyways, not saying they are THE real racists. Just that white democrats are easily just as racist as republicans. It is given that minority democrats are racist.
Q predicted this