As of 2015, blacks aborted nearly 1 in three unborn children. How can someone make the black community get its shit together and stop doing that?
How to tackle the black abortion problem?
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Are you lost?
you're coming to Jow Forums asking how blacks can reduce their abortion numbers?
You're right, it should be 3 out of 3 aborted.
Yeah, he's likely from a time when Jow Forums wasn't dominated by edgy teenagers, Muslims, and Spics who like to larp as Nazis.
how can we get this number higher?
Mein kampf. Read it
Be you oldfag or shil?
Abort them all and in about 45 years, it will never be a problem again.
If you have to ask that question...
There's no other place to discuss it. In black community forums, on Reddit, on what, Tumblr? I haven't found a single place to discuss this where it isn't considered taboo. It is, in my experience, a politically incorrect topic, even if I think it should get addressed more often. Abortion is a travesty and in such frequencies it indicates a culture that's gone terminal.
You want more blacks in this world despite every majority black country being a total steaming pile of shit? What the hell is wrong with you?
Go to Minds. It seems like the culture there is a lot closer to /new/ from back in the day.
and that's a good thing.
Maybe you haven't noticed but there's no fucking shortage of niggers.
You joke but.....
Should our next big thing be trying to convince blacks to get MORE abortions?
sounds like they've got nearly 1 in three of their shit together
Tragedy, sorry.
Population has been relatively stagnant for a while, and I'm not suggesting decreasing abortions solves all the problems. It's one of multiple that should be addressed.
How do we make it 100%. I wonder if a rich enough fuck could offer them a check in exchange for sterilization?
He is right it used to be ironically rascist occasionally for shock value but it wasnt always thematic of Jow Forums. Certainly less nazi larping
sprinkle some crack on 'em?
You newfags can’t spot bait for shit. KEK
So, he's from an alternate dimension? Larping as an oldfag is pretty fucking retarded when there's still a lot of us left, kike.
It was never ironic. Why do you keep pushing this bs?
Right... Yeah, this board never used to pretty much worship Ron Paul, or anything.
yeah i remember when Jow Forums was actively arguing for gay rights and for the rights of minorities.. We're simply the notion of what is on everyones mind at a certain point yet they won't let out into the world like we will. Jow Forums is the canary in the coal mine of what is to come politically. That is true for pretty much all of Jow Forums. Jow Forums has always been before its time. Look at memes as the biggest example. 9gag and reddit was essentially built on Jow Forums memes.
Sometimes you just gotta let it happen
1 in 3? Those are rookie numbers. We gotta get those numbers up.
>indicates a culture that's gone terminal
thank fucking god. let them abort their kids, their culture is a fucking net negative and cancer. No amount of compassion will make me feel for something that, throughout history, has always shot itself in the foot and literally cannibalizes itself. Niggers suck dude, I don't care if it isn't "nice". Dealing with them isn't fucking "nice" either.
problem? prevention is better than cure.
>gay rights and for the rights of minorities
Seems like that was a bit more thematic of the kekistanis who came a bit later, but when this was /new/, and during the early days of Jow Forums, it was much more Libertarian. Even the Nazis have changed a lot since then though. Unless my memory is way off, they wouldn't be doing things like supporting black nationalist just because they didn't like Jews, seems like I didn't really see that kind of thing happening all the time until early 2017.
>solve all the problems
put them all in Africa and let them figure it the fuck out. Right now they are simply leaning hard fucking core on white america to keep them standing and yet they still want to have more power and control. Are you fucking kidding me?
>be nigger
>see nice white town
>go to nice white town
>this is my town now
>demand town changes
>town doesnt change
>town does change
>influx of blacks to new, progressive, town
>towns crime rate skyrockets
>property values plummet
>whites leave
>blacks left with mess they created
And so it goes... At least until whites practice what they preach and actually learn from history instead of always trying to change it.. Round and round it goes.
lmfao. Fucking brilliant.
>Jow Forums is one person
>Muh Ron Paul
This is how I know you're a larping faggot.
nope, op is a faggot. op is literally more retarded than all 20 niggers in my town combined. too bad op can't be hung 20 times, sad times when 20 niggers are actually worth more than a white person, even in death.
abortion is only a concern when the baby is white. in all other circumstances it is perfectly acceptable and in reality doesn't happen enough.
fuck off niggerlover
4/3 take out the mom too
maybe you should learn what that word means
white baby abortions = bad
non white abortions = good
hardly a nigger lover you fucking retard
We need to incentivize sterilization for our colored cousins.
>black abortion
Pick one.
Oh shit, now I love abortion!
shut the fuck up. you have no redeeming qualities as an individual so you cling to the nigger race while fapping to BLACKEDRAW porn, you fucking incel 56% mongrel faggot. the kike owns you. you can't escape. lmfao. you're so fucking weak.
We can:
Stop all African immigration into the US
Pay blacks to leave the US completely
Pay blacks to accept implant birth control
Impose castration on black felons
Impose castration on unmarried blacks who have over 3 children
End all forms of social welfare which subsidize blacks' continued existence in the US
I'm all for ending abortion. Abortion is a disgusting and inhuman practice that never should have been normalized. Stop niggers from spreading like a literal plague across America and I'll become the biggest pro life advocate that has ever existed in US history.
I fucking double dog dare you.
but if they stop aborting they'll just have more fatherless kids to drain the system. We need to fix fatherless. That will solve abortion.
fuck you literally just genocide all niggers. people like you are what give the alt right a bad name
tapestries are hung. niggers are hanged.
thanks comrade, i appreciate any help and/or advice from a fellow white man
>dude just go full exto
When you and the 3 other guys who are serious about it come up with an actionable plan to remove 30 mil+ people from the US we can totally go do it tomorrow.
Using the tools of demographics in our favor to effect drastic change over the course of 1-2 decades? Nah. Thats stupid.
being called a mongrel by a fellow burger?? you have to be the most retarded I've ever seen on here.
don't switch to the memeflag after you've already posted. please use this as a teachable moment and quit being such a faggot when you're trying to troll. you just looked like a stupid nigger
hmmmm. well we could literally pay them to get abortions. but then women might be getting two or three abortions a year. might be for the best because the jew with the knife'll be saying "that's a lot 'o' damage" as he tells her why her bucket is leaking and can't be fixed. We could pour billiions into the operation and get a clinic on every corner and send canvasers like "first abortions free" door to door. we could add a percentage to the welfare check of every sheboon that provides proof of an abortion... oooh that's a good one. we'll move way past "free and on demand" and start a social pressure campaign where the word "abortion" will be heard every day and we'll make it cool as fuck. "abortions are cool". get kendrick lamar to say that then rap. Free pair of shoes with every abortion. Hair done for free in the clinic waiting room. Hair done while under sedation... naw that's unsanitary. not safe. remove all laws restricting the advertising of abortion. "abortion with borders". Take the operation international. travel like the circus. do 100 abortions in a town drive overnight to the next town. abortion clinics in busses so they can be done door to door. just show up at sheboon's dorr "do you need an abortion today?" take her in the van, cut it out and go on down the street. abortion truck plays music to attract sheboons. advertise abortion like blood donation. so every terror attack it's on TV "we be needin dem styem cells fo dem akident vikems". show fetus "donors" as heroes. ooooh. total rebranding so there is no "abortion" there is only a "stem cell donation" clinics are streamlined and specialized for early term extraction of stem sells. walk in, machine with a vacuum is inserted, it sucks until the uterus is empty, sheboon gets paid. in and out 45 minutes. we could get up to at least 60% using some of these plans. problem solved.
literally just go kill 3 niggers tomorrow. surely you're capable of killing three niggers? you wouldn't be much of a white man if not.
together, we can achieve our dreams.
literally just suck me off fucks sake i'm just getting drunk and shitpsoting becauise all of my employees are lazy lying fucking incompentent shitskin poojeets and i can't fire them because diversity laws. fucks sake man let me have some fun.
>dude killing 3 people will totally make a difference and not just be a drop in the bucket
People who are serious about effecting drastic demographic change over a very short period don't go out and commit street crimes, they start revolutionary parties and take over the entire government.
You're not committed to that because you're a shitposter.
>How can someone make the black community get its shit together and stop doing that?
Why would anyone want to, even niggers?
do it right you fucking retard or leave.
suck my white winky
how many Jow Forums users are there
is there really a difference between 3 and 30? lmfao you all own an ar-15 and several magazines, right? i mean, i'm a fucking communist and I own 2 ar-15s, 20+ other long guns, 10+ pistols, 20k+ rds of ammunition, and several pounds of explosives. I'm confident i could kill literally one hundred niggers within 24 hours notice. if you can't say the same, get your shit together or the communists will win. lmfao
how could you possibly convince all those black women to have more kids out of wedlock than they already do?
Ideally they would stop having so many premarital affairs, or at least better use contraceptives.
fuck you racist asshole. I'll rape you in the ass motherfucker
fuck off nigger, we whites run the world.
you piece of shit dick willy wonka motherfucker. better hope I don't know you or your aunt
1 in 3? That is terrible.
How can fix this Jow Forums? It should be 3/3.
I'm going molest your sheep you fucker
i dont care if they abort their kids. they arent people any ways
good post you racist motherfucker
no ur not, i have over 30 guns. i will blast any niggers who approach me. i sleep with one eye open, because it only takes one eye to outsmart a nig.
Eventually we will fix the issues and have it at 3 out of 3 aborted.
are you threatening me?
are you really actually threatening me you dickless spineless jellyfish bitch
I am the nigga god of niggas motherfucker I'll slit your throat and shove your dick down your eye sockets
commie ass racist bitch. I'll sue your mother for her pearls and sell them back to your daddy at a hiked up price.
>implying this board has ever loved niggers and that hating them is edgy while they rape, murder, loot and shoot White's at a 50x rate.
t. fag get back to /b/
Best post.
Here's how you look at abortion. Is the baby White? Then abortion is illegal. Is the baby not White? Then abortion is legal. Stop caring about niggers aborting themselves, care about getting them out of America ASAP.
you racist fucks this is exactly what the democrats are doing.
Improve sex education and increase access to birth control. Most of these people are from abstinence-only states and don't have access to all of the birth control options white women have for monetary reasons.
Also, fetuses aren't alive in any meaningful sense before the quickening. Literally no different from using a condom or spermicide.
Women lead to the destruction of their own races. White women, black women, and Asian women. Similarly to the story of Pochantus. Abortion was meant for the killing of black children. Look up the Negro Project. Black women easily fell for it. Next, they would think they are independent and become single mothers. Women lead to destruction.