It's not a republic anymore

I went to vote in Minnesota's Fifth District (Minneapolis and some suburbs) and I was surrounded by SJWs, mindless nogs and retarded white trash (plurality Swedish) who probably supported Tina Smith or Tim Pawlenty, the living embodiments of corpratism.
I nearly callously but not maliciously took my hatred out on the man who certainly weighed more than the namesake of the football jersey he wore and his children, nose deep in Fortnite.
The woman who had well outgrown her Bernie 2016 T-shirt and hideously flirted with her boyfriend, who resembled the virgin caricature always inferior to the eternal chad.
And the random assortment of hmong who spoke little english and much trash talk to each other, the spic and somali who treated this nice church like their own trash can.
I would've warned that Loughner look alike who blantantly stated he was voting for no one at all to the electoral official who obviously did not want to talk to this man at all, and then I would've reenacted Falling Down and gotten some Jow Forums memes in my name. Yet in that parking lot I looked above and saw an aeroplane soaring after takeoff and remembered the tale of Skyking himself, I had no right to kill but I could protest the inane circumstances that all western men live under each day in this warped society.
I protest by wearing a dress shirt and jeans, and I protest by keeping my car and hair clean, and every once in a while you'll come across a man like yourself who understands.

Attached: julius.jpg (352x360, 18K)

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America was never meant to be a democracy because giving mobs of retards a vote is the dumbest fucking thing you could do, especially when most of the time you have trouble getting >50% turnout, which really makes no sense. So either of 2 things have to happen, either you have to force >50% turnout, or you have to start taking away some peoples right to vote so it gets above 50% otherwise it really makes no sense

Move to texas. Texas is the key to survival of this nation and can always use conservative reinforcements

Thoth acknowledges
Texas is THE Republic

Yep. Texas is the one state that cant be lost


Texas was lost long ago.

LARPing Euro faggot

That can be reversed if white conservatives from shit states mass migrate to texas and whites have a replacement level birth rate.

Nice catch.

>Saved the day again from the subversive Euro faggot.

Attached: macgoyver.jpg (345x240, 20K)

yeah but I'm actually white and need cold weather to survive

white people colonized every climate on this earth you fucking pussy

MN is literally going to be the powerhouse of the white ethnostate when the US balkanizes during war.

that's what you get for living in the metro you fucking nerd.

8th district best district.

>Swedes in Minnesota totally unrelated to any subversion taking place in Sweden
>they let in nogs
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I don't think it's the Jews, I think it's the Sweeds themselves who are self destructive, they just weren't meant for civilization.

Hail though, how far along are we to Christ consciousness?


Not American

stop trolling, faggot

texas is mexican majority and a barren shithole

Johnson will win. MN will be red in 2020.

Complains about voters and longs for a republic.

Attached: Head_up_ass.jpg (350x394, 27K)

t. White Texan

Purple soon, faggot.

all governments eventually turn into plutocracies. This is common knowledge if you look at every government in the world, ever. The intelligent people realize this, so they work to garner more resources so as to be more persuasive with the courts, local sheriffs, schoolboard, politicians, etc. They know their vote doesnt mean shit. I mean get real, youre talkin about picking between 2, sometimes 3 people who all will just go with whoever gives them the most money and will help them secure more future votes.

The republic died when it allowed corruptible men. Since most men are, it was just a matter of time. So the minorities and other associated useful idiots go out in droves to "make their voice heard" before heading back to their shift at the jiffy lube. Politics is akin to a game of football. Bunch of retards cheering on a bunch of players who are running the ball around for people making money and gaining even more power off of all of them.

it was meant to be one in a homogeneous, for free white persons only, society. Which is what it started as before being subverted when the jew bankers came over.

like your mom?

politicians are the players, big time corporate money is the coach.

I see lots of random foreigners moving to my state, which I don't understand, and which is the issue. But please keep the Russians coming, their girls are fucking hot and almost always have such fucking glorious tits. Canucks are okay too as long as they stay way the fuck up north and don't move down south.