Just because some blacks are criminals don't mean all of their lives don't matter in some way...

Just because some blacks are criminals don't mean all of their lives don't matter in some way. I think its more evil to hate than to just accept the things the way they are. Shame on you Jow Forums for your "redpills" corrupting society.

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nigga will be a nigga always

In what manner do their lives matter? They are social detractors, the mere presence of blacks reduces the rate of innovation amongst any population and they are a net tax loss. By all accounts, if blacks were to completely disappear from this earth, everyone left would be better off.

Fuck off nigger lover

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It's harder to hate than to not hate.

We used to lynch them to keep em in line

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Just remember that you are the real racist here pal. You enable this type of behavior because of your own insecurities.

Fuck off nigger.

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Not a hate crime right?

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>It's only wrong if the people killing are white and members of the KKK, meanwhile niggers doing it 1000x more is totally cool because "muh raysis"

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fucking hell why the fuck are niggers our pet project in this country. Can we fucking stop enabling and kissing their ass already


fucking animals that are always cocked and locked emotionally and they are dependent upon the system- its the only big brother they know

The moment that nigger uttered those words he shoulda been dragged out into the parking lot and lynched on the nearest tree.

imagine if the redneck didnt have a gun ready to kill him


Niggers are subhuman. Many anons still don't seem to understand this fact or think its just an edgy meme. No I'm dead serious. Niggers are not people.

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If a white guy did this and said "make America great again" the media would go fucking insane.

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